Socw 6311 and SOCW 6204 week 8


DQ’s paper and peer responses

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Social Work Practice Research II Week 8
You may have heard the expression that you can’t truly understand someone until you’ve
“walked a mile in their shoes.” To a certain extent, because it is based on felt and lived
experience, qualitative research can approximate that level of understanding. Clients’
thoughts and feelings explored through an interview, for example, can be highly personal
and authentic records.
Evidence-based practice calls for the use of research data to guide the development of
social work interventions on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. In terms of qualitative
data, this means social workers develop interventions and programs that take into
account the very real experiences conveyed. Given the increasing diversity that
characterizes the landscape in the United States, social workers also need to consider
culture when formulating interventions—and may even need to adapt a particular
intervention to be more culturally sensitive and relevant.
In this Discussion, you interpret qualitative data and determine relevant practice
recommendations that can be adapted to a diverse group.
Required Readings

Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.).
Oxford University Press.

Chapter 10, “Analyzing Evaluation Data” (pp. 255–275)
Fennig, M. (2021). Cultural adaptations of evidence-based mental health
interventions for refugees: Implications for clinical social workLinks to an
external site.. The British Journal of Social Work, 51(3), 964–981.
Marsiglia, F. F., Medina-Mora, M. E., Gonzalvez, A., Alderson, G., Harthun, M.,
Ayers, S., Gutiérrez, B. N., Corona, M. D., Melendez, M. A. M., & Kulis, S.
(2019). Binational cultural adaptation of the keepin’ it REAL substance use
prevention program for adolescents in MexicoLinks to an external
site.. Prevention Science, 20(7), 1125–1135.
Matheson, F. I., Hamilton-Wright, S., Hahmann, T., McLuhan, A., Tacchini, G.,
Wendaferew, A., & Dastoori, P. (2022). Filling the GAP: Integrating a gambling

addiction program into a shelter setting for people experiencing poverty and
homelessnessLinks to an external site.. PLoS ONE, 17(3), 1–19.
Document: Content Analysis of Focus Groups Download Content Analysis of
Focus Groups(PDF)

Review the Matheson et al. article in the Learning Resources. Pay close
attention to the Findings section, in which themes are conveyed and
participants’ quotes are presented.
Also review the Fennig and the Marsiglia et al. articles on cultural adaptations
of interventions and programs. In the Fennig article, focus on the surface
structure and deep structure adaptations presented.
Post the following:

Using one of the participant quotes in the Findings section of the Matheson et
al. study, analyze it by first identifying the main themes in the quote.
Provide an interpretation of the quote (what is the speaker saying?).
Discuss how this would specifically inform one intervention recommendation
for social work practice with clients. Your recommendation can be on the micro,
mezzo, or macro level (choose one).
Next, explain how you would adapt the practice recommendation that you
identified so that it is culturally sensitive and relevant for a diverse cultural
group (e.g., African American, Latinx, Asian American, or indigenous
communities). Select only one group.
Choose a surface structure or deep structure adaptation that Fennig reviewed
and provide two strategies for application with your selected group. Be as
specific as you can, using citations to support your ideas.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues who made a different recommendation than
you did. Elaborate on their cultural adaptation with the group they identified. For
example, you might discuss a merit or limitation of the cultural adaptation that your
colleague proposed, or you might suggest an alternative application.
Imagine that two focus groups have been conducted in an Asian American and immigrant
community in a large urban city. The rationale for conducting the qualitative study was a
previous research finding that Asian Americans and immigrants are reluctant to seek
mental health services. To further understand this issue, service providers including social
workers, counselors, doctors, and nurses were recruited to discuss the barriers in
implementing mental health services targeted to Asian Americans and immigrants. After
the focus groups were transcribed, two research assistants completed a content analysis
of the transcripts.
In this Assignment, you assume the role of the social worker reviewing the content
analysis. You have been tasked with working with an advisory board in the community to
formulate social work practice recommendations. You must also consider how culture
may influence interpretation of qualitative data.

Review the Content Analysis of Focus Groups document in the Learning
Submit a 3- to 4-page paper in which you:

List the main themes found in the Content Analysis of Focus Groups. Based on
the data, provide a thorough analysis of the current barriers to services (found
in each theme).
Select one barrier to service and create two social work recommendations to
address that specific barrier. Use literature to support your recommendations.
Discuss how you would collaborate with other service providers and key
community members to ensure that they understand the need for a culturally
appropriate intervention.
Critically reflect on your own culture and explain how your cultural values and
beliefs may have influenced how you interpreted the focus group data. What
specific strategies would you undertake to become more culturally competent
to practice or conduct research with this group?
Use the Learning Resources and peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles to support your
paper. Make sure to include appropriate APA citations and a reference list.
Medical Social Work 6204 Week 8- State of Arizona
One responsibility of medical social workers is to ensure that patients have access to
health care services and essential resources. Given the excessive cost of health care in the
United States, health insurance is essential in providing access to care for patients of all
socioeconomic classes.
In the United States, private insurance and government-funded insurance are available.
Private insurance may be offered by employers or paid for by individuals out of pocket.
Government-funded possibilities are Medicaid, a state-run health insurance program for
individuals of low socioeconomic status, and Medicare, a federal health insurance
program that is offered to older adults and people with disabilities.
In this Discussion, you compare private and government-funded insurance options and
examine additional healthcare assistance programs offered by your state.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
• Gehlert, S., & Browne, T. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of health social work (3rd ed.).
Chapter 6, “Health Policy and Social Work” (pp. 119–141)
• Entress, R. M., & Anderson, K. M. (2020). The politics of health care: Health
disparities, the Affordable Care Act, and solutions for success.Links to an external
site. Social Work in Public Health, 35(4), 152–162.
• Kaiser Family Foundation. (2022, October 3). Medicaid state fact sheets.Links to an
external site.
To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources on health policy, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Reflect on the differences between public and private insurance, and the
differences between Medicare and Medicaid.
Explore the health and human services website for your state to learn about
special programs affiliated with your state’s Medicaid service.
Post an explanation of the differences between public and private health insurances as
well as the difference in access to care based on one’s insurance. Explain the differences
between Medicare and Medicaid in terms of eligibility, cost, benefits, services provided,
and limitations in services. Finally, describe special programs that your state’s Medicaid
program offers to increase access to care for vulnerable populations, such as pregnant
women, children, single mothers, or immigrants.
Respond to at least two colleagues who are from different U.S. states:

Suggest additional differences between Medicare and Medicaid that your
colleague did not mention.
Provide additional insight about how one’s insurance may define access to
health care.
Use the Learning Resources to support your posts. Make sure to provide APA citations
and a reference list.
When a patient is experiencing disease or acute illness, they may only be able to focus on
the illness they are experiencing and not on the quality of their health insurance or the
resources they may need. They may be overwhelmed or anxious. And, they may not be
aware of the programs, resources, and services available to them. The medical social
worker, who has a view of community-based resources and programs to draw upon, can
step in and facilitate access. It is not only patients who may need these resources,
however. The family or caregivers may need support, and the interdisciplinary team may
benefit from education specific to the patient’s unique circumstances.
In this Assignment, you continue to analyze your chosen patient scenario from last week,
assessing any needs in terms of healthcare access, coverage, and additional resources.
To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources on health policy and the politics of health care.
Access the Case Studies interactive media in the Learning Resources and
navigate to Weeks 7 & 8. Return to the case of Claire or Bobby. While
reviewing the chosen case, consider the patient’s needs and potential barriers
to healthcare access and coverage.
Scan your own community for resources, services, and/or programs that would
benefit the patient, family and caregivers, and the interdisciplinary team in your
chosen case. These might include educational materials or training,
transportation, housing, mental health services, health insurance, social
security, etc.
Submit a 2-page paper in which you:

Describe the selected patient and their needs. Discuss any issues related to
healthcare access and coverage.
Identify specific resources for each of the following groups and explain how the
resources would be beneficial:
o patient
interdisciplinary team members
Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA
citations and a reference list.

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