Sociology Question


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This assignment allows you to walk through the process of designing a community needs assessment. This is not a full system’s evaluation; however it provides insight into the process and how the skills you have been learning throughout the course can be applied to complete a community needs assessment.

Access and complete the Designing a Community Needs Assessment document to draft your assignment.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

Bachelor of Science in Sociology with an Emphasis in Social Work

4.3: Perform a system’s evaluation for both a client and an agency.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Designing a Community Needs Assessment/Evaluation Study
First, read Chapter 5 in your textbook. Then, read Riverton: A Community Conundrum
Case Study. In a maximum of 150 words per question, answer each of the following
prompts. You can use bullet points for your responses.
Scenario: You are part of an interdisciplinary community change coalition, tasked with
finding a solution to the problem of homelessness in the Riverton community. You and
your team of social workers have decided to conduct a community needs assessment.
1. Explain the purpose of formal evaluation studies in the fields of sociology and social
work. Explain the purpose of a community needs/assets assessment, as one type of
“program evaluation” study.
2. Explain why conducting a “community needs/assets assessment study” would be a
good starting place to bring about positive change in the Riverton Community.
3. Complete a community sociogram (ecomap) for the Riverton Community. For each
entity depicted in the sociogram, briefly note at least one potential need and one
potential asset (resource).
4. Describe at least three community groups that you would like to include in your
community needs (and/or assets) assessment.
5. Describe an approach you could take to collect a sample of respondents for each
group you have identified.
6. Explain a data collection plan you could use to collect information about community
needs/assets. Consider using data collection methods such as surveys, focus groups,
key informant interviews, etc. Explain the merits of your data collection plan.
7. Explain how “change agents” might use the results of a community need/assets
assessment to reduce homelessness and work towards social justice in the Riverton
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