Sociology Question


Using research, create a parenting class to parents of adolescents.

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Complete the attached “Parenting Class Lesson Plan” worksheet to turn in.

Using the lesson plan you completed, you will create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides not including the title and reference slides and present the lesson to your instructor using Zoom. To schedule your Zoom recording, refer to the Zoom resources in the Study Materials folder to assist you. Once the recording has stopped, the recording must be processed before viewing it. Zoom will send an email to the host’s email address when the process is completed. Provide the link to your recorded Zoom presentation to your instructor.


Imagine you are presenting to coworkers at your agency the content of your parenting class and why you recommend social workers facilitate such a class for parents of adolescents.

In an 8-10-minute presentation, use your lesson plan and include the following in your presentation:

The class description and class objectives.
How the lesson should be facilitated by social workers: Describe the type of activities you will have parents complete in this class.
Refer to Social Work Disposition #4: Value: Importance of Human Relationships; Ethical Principle: Social workers recognize the central importance of human relationships in your presentation.

Next, detail what the class will cover.

Explain the desired learning outcomes for attendees. What do you want parents to learn from your class?
Social work theories: Citing two scholarly sources, explain which social work theories or you will use to ensure your class content contributes to the learning outcomes of class attendees. Connect the theories to parents’ needs.
Explain the parenting tips your class will provide parents of adolescents.
Explain resources for parents of adolescents your class will provide.

The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 12-15 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. Images may be included in the presentation but be sure to keep all image file sizes low for this presentation. Save images as small files.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

SWK-541: Parenting Class Lesson Plan Worksheet
Imagine you have been tasked by your agency to create a class for social workers to present to
parents of adolescents.
Using research, create the curriculum for this parenting class to parents of adolescents that your
social work coworkers can facilitate. Your lesson must include the following:

Major milestones of adolescence (physical, cognitive, psychological, moral, emotional,
and social development) of adolescence.
Explain the impact of culture, race, religion, and gender on adolescent development.
Describe the risk and protective factors.
Explain to parents the social and physical changes in adolescents.
Explain how to increase the protective factors.
Provide parenting tips for parents of adolescents that covers emotional, physical, and
mental health developmental changes adolescents may experience.
Recommend resources for parents.
Curriculum of Presentation:
Outline of course:
Day(s) offered:
Time(s) offered:
Location of class:
Maximum occupancy of
Materials needed for
(May include, but not
limited to handouts,
journal articles, books,
PowerPoints, worksheets,
websites, videos, etc.)
Technology needed:
(May include, but not
limited to projector, screen,
laptop, presentation
clicker, etc.)
© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Lesson Plan:
Class Title and Description:
Class Objectives: (not limited to three…)
Required materials for attendees of this class: (May include, but not limited to, pens or
pencils, paper, notebooks, laptops, etc.)
Anticipatory Set: Explain how you will remind attendees of prior knowledge and experience
in order to “hook them” or engage them at the start of your class. (75-100 words)
Learning Outcomes: Describe the preferred learning outcomes of class attendees. What do
you want attendees to learn from your class? (50-75 words)
Social Work Theories: Citing two scholarly sources, explain which social work theories or
you will use to ensure your class content contributes to learning outcomes of class attendees.
Connect the theories to parents’ needs. (100-150 words)
Learning Activities/Tasks: Describe the type of activities you will have attendees complete
in this class. Align them to your class objectives. (50-75 words)
Facilitation Method: Explain your facilitation method (lecture, small group breakout
sessions, large group sessions, etc.) (50-60 words):
Explain how your facilitation of the class will engage attendees and measure understanding of
the topic(s) you present. (75-100 words):
© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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