Sociology Question


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Sociology of health, wellness and addictions: Part Two: Addictions
ASSIGNMENT One – 4-3-2-1 Analysis
Part 1
The 4-3-2-1 Assessment
Based on any paper that you identify as being about an aspect of addictions that
interests you submit 4 key points, 3 key terms with definitions, in your own words, 2
quotes from the paper that you are working from with analysis on why they’re
significant, and 1 thing that you learned from the content. Don’t forget to use in-text
citations and a reference list/bibliography.
4-3-2-1 Marking Rubric
4 Key points from the chapter
Clearly identified and rationale provided as to why you chose the key points that
you did
3 key terms with definitions
Correct spelling and clear definitions
2 quotes with analysis on why they are significant.
Clearly identified and rationale provided as to why you chose the quotes that
you did / Appropriate citation and bibliography/reference list included
1 thing that you learned from the content.
Demonstrates a good understanding of the content provided
Presentation style PowerPoint format with photos and information on topic
7-9 slides
Part 2 ( Separately)
(A) Chattaway, C. (2004) Aboriginal Development: The Process is Critical to
Thinking of Cynthia Chattaway’s discussion of social cohesion in Indigenous
communities, does your own community exhibit low levels of social cohesion? If
so, what do you think are some contributing factors? And in what ways does your
community “buck the trend,” and exhibit strong examples of social capital? Or how
could the development of social capital be fostered? (1paragraph)
(B) D. Wood, S. Loney, and K. Taylor, “Social Enterprise and the Solutions
Economy: A Toolkit for Manitoba First Nations.”
Thinking of the “leaky bucket economy,” describe the ways money and other
resources flow out of your community. What would need to change for those funds
or resources to stay in the community? (1 paragraph)
Part 3 W (Separately)
What is political economy and what does it have to do with social work? (Note: This
is a general and rather hard question. You will need to read and interpret the
textbook to answer it.) Text book – Mullaly and Dupre’s “The new structural social
work” (1 paragraph)
All information needs to be based in Canada.
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