Sociology Question


assignment #1. What seem to be some of the common features of white nationalist and right-wing populist organizations and movements? What do you notice thus far about the significance of gender in white right politics? Your essay should incorporate and cite the film “White Noise” (screened in class), and all 3 of the required reserve readings from 1/22 (Bjork-James, American Nazi Party, and Minna Stern).

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Sociology Question
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1) file:///Users/abbyjavaherian/Downloads/White%20Sexual%20Politics.pdf

2) file:///Users/abbyjavaherian/Downloads/What%20We%20Stand%20For%20%E2%80%93%20American%20Nazi%20Party.pdf


You may include additional materials if you like, but must include all of the sources noted above to receive full credit.

assignment #2. Question/Prompt(s): How do white nationalist and right-wing populists recruit, retain and mobilize their members? Your essay should incorporate the film: “Skin”, (screened in class), and all four of the required readings from 1/29 (Minkowitz, Blee, Kelly & Wilson).

assignment #3. How do varying white right movements and organizations conceive of gender? What are some of the ways in which femininity and masculinity are practiced? Your discussion should utilize at least 4 of the 5 required readings from 2/5 (Spierings et al, Love, Sunderland, Perry & Whitehead, and Mikkelson & Kornfield).

assigment#4. How are white nationalist and related right-wing beliefs, tropes, and politics framed, rationalized, and interpreted in public and political discourse? With what impact? In your essay, incorporate the film “The Man Card” (screened in class), and the four readings from 2/12- 2/26 (Ross, Lindgren, Bjork-James, and Berry, Glaser & Schildkraut).

assignment#5. How is the white right shaping and affecting contemporary U.S. politics? Your discussion should incorporate at least 4 of the 6 readings from 3/4-3/11 (Sparks, Rosen, Bracewell, Kitchener, Isom et al, and Ebin), as well as the film “American Insurrection” (screened in class.

Short Essay Instructions

Each short essay is worth 12 points, and you may complete all five if you like, or can opt to complete fewer. If specific course materials are required for a particular essay, the essay question/prompt will specify. Otherwise, you may choose which course materials most support your discussion. You may, but do not need to include any outside materials. Your essay(s) should be a minimum of 800 words (no maximum), and should conform to the formatting instructions in the course assignment guidelines. Although some of the essays correspond to a time period in the course schedule, as indicated in the assignment guidelines, you may receive full credit for completing an essay at any point during the term.

Formatting, Citations and Submission:

For written assignments, please use double-spacing, 12-point font, and insert page numbers. When citing materials, you may use any academic citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, ASA), as long as you use it consistently, and cite all materials you use. You may either use in-text citation with a bibliography, or you may use footnotes or endnotes instead. Uploads may be in PDF or Word only. Bruin Learn will not open documents uploaded in Pages, or other alternate word processing software.

Grammar and writing skill are not part of the grading criterion, although proofreading is strongly recommended.

There is no grade penalty for exceeding the minimum word count, but there is a grade penalty for writing less than the minimum specified in the assignment.

All assignments should be in either Word or PDF format and must be submitted through Bruin Learn. Please do not submit assignments in any other formats, as they are likely to be incompatible with Bruin Learn viewing. If an assignment has been submitted and graded, please note that you may not submit it again for re-grading. No assignments are accepted by email.

For all assignments, there are no hidden or unstated requirements. There are no expectations regarding style or formatting beyond those explicitly indicated in the syllabus and/or Bruin Learn. If the assignment instructions do not indicate that you have to follow a particular essay format or writing style, then you do not need to. Please review the instructions carefully.