Sociology Discussions


Discussion 1:

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Bourdieu’s notion of habitus explains how social phenomena become second nature, or taken for granted as natural. Now that we have arrived at the end of the course, write a journal assignment reflecting on how this or other theoretical perspectives we have studied this term have impacted your perception of social phenomena in your own life. Which of your perceptions have been challenged, expanded, or deepened as you have engaged with the readings and writing assignments this term? What have you found most surprising? What concepts and theories have seemed most counterintuitive or difficult to you, and why?

Discussion 2:

Reflect on the many different social problems that we have studied and discussed throughout the term. For our final discussion, think about what you have learned in terms of myths and facts. Address the following in your initial post:

How were your personal biases challenged throughout this course?
What information was new to you, and how will that new information help you?
Lastly, select one concept that you learned in this course, and explain how you can apply it to your future career or educational path.