I wrote the first draft and received feedback from the professor. With the feedback and the rubric for the assignment, edit my draft to create the final draft. NO USE OF AI. Feedback: make sure you reflect on your experiences. for example, in paragraph 2 you write that throughout high school you endured challenges, elaborate on this experiences.. mention the extra curricular activities etc. Your AJ Paper is developing nicely. I also carefully read and evaluated your paper from start to finish using our AJ Draft Paper Rubric (see the assignment description). While my comments may seem general, they will apply to your paper. My comments will remind you of the key areas to focus on and the available resources we are making available to help you complete the assignment. For more personal, specific feedback, please see us during weekly office hours. You have a unique and valuable, lesson-filled educational story to share. Your personal experiences, related analysis, and overall paper structure are starting to come across. We look forward to reviewing your final AJ Paper, which is due at the end of the course. Continue using the detailed class assignment description and template to help guide your thinking and writing under this assignment. The template is provided as a guide; you may use your own template, structure, creativity, etc., so long as you address the key areas (highlighted in bold). Try to focus as you are on one major period of your educational experience (elementary, middle school, high school, or college), as this will help focus your story/analysis. Of course, you may briefly touch on other periods (before the one you select) to provide additional context. In your pager, strike a balance between a personal story and analytical academic analysis. Remember to specify the concepts/theories you are using, apply them to your experiences, and cite the scholars/researchers/authors recognized as advancing these concepts/theories. In your paper, address the people, programs, environments, psychosocial, etc. that influenced you. Remember, such influences may be positive, negative, or both (that promoted and/or hindered your development). It’s highly recommended to use the paper structure we are suggesting, especially the headings we are providing (these headings will let us know you are addressing key areas). Cite your references preferably using the APA or ASA format. Cite accordingly within your paper formally and at the end – in a reference section (again, cite formally/correctly). Think of your audience as twofold – beyond your professor and course co-readers/graders: First, a group of students, parents, practitioners, policymakers/program developers who want to learn from your experiences and, second, a group of researchers and theorists who are interested in acquiring insights from your experiences for their research and theoretical investigations. Continued best wishes as you think through, work on, and finalize your academic journey.
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Cohan 1
Kaden Cohan
Professor Andalon
Chicano 165
20 January 2024
Academic Journey Paper #1
I would like to reflect and analyze my high school life. For many reasons, high school is
a critical stage in the development of an adolescent as this also marks important years for
preparation towards further studies or entry to jobs. It is the early period in which young people
begin to identify their interests, develop talents, and cope with the woes of becoming an adult. I
chose this period to discuss because it influenced the development of my academic path and
personal growth significantly.
The theory by Erik Erikson that catches my attention in relation to what I went through in
high school is psychosocial development. Erikson suggested that people pass through various
psychosocial development phases and the effective resolution of all stages contributes to an
individual’s as a whole. In high school, the stage of identity versus role confusion is quite
important. Erikson argues that adolescents at this stage are struggling to develop identities and
figures in society (Munley, 2005). The biggest issue is figuring out who you are and
understanding your values, beliefs, and direction. All through high school, I endured numerous
challenges while defining my identity and trying to find a place in the social and academic
world. This theory enabled me to comprehend the developmental tasks that I needed to address
during this period.
The second theory that I consider applicable to my high school life is Albert Bandura’s
social cognitive theory. The theory of Bandura draws attention to the importance of observational
Cohan 2
learning, self-efficacy, and personal agency in shaping human behavior (Bandura,1999). During
my time in high school, I was inspired and motivated by teachers, peers, and other motivational
speakers who were role models as they guided me through the challenges of life. I observed their
behaviors and learned from their experiences, and this helped me in developing my own beliefs
and attitudes toward education. Bandura’s theory helps me understand the influence that these
figures had on my life and how their lives contributed to forming my academic career.
My high school life prepared me for the next educational stage, which was undertaking a
university. The demanding academic curriculum, co-curricular activities, and personal
development I was subjected to in high school prepared me with the required skills that would be
useful for surviving a university experience. Throughout my high school days, the amount of
academic hardships made me into a great student with good study habits, time management
skills, and an excellent drive to excel. Secondly, the broad range of extracurricular activities that
I took part in gave me further opportunities to investigate a number of interests and develop my
leadership skills as well as increased accountability. All these experiences leave me
well-prepared for the independence and self-discipline associated with university life.
The theoretical implications of my high school experiences revolve around the significance
of psychosocial development and social-cognitive factors in modeling educational journeys.
According to Munley (2005) study, in Erikson’s theory, identity development and a sense of
purpose are emphasized in the process of transitioning through adolescence to adulthood.
According to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, it addresses the role of factors like social
influences and self-beliefs in academic development (Bandura,1999). The main concept that can
be derived from these theories is the need for a holistic approach to understanding not only
personal but also social factors associated with an educational journey. As for the practical
Cohan 3
takeaways, my high school life has shown me how crucial self-discovery is to open up
meaningful opportunities with others and solidify a growth mindset over challenges. It has
strengthened the importance of goal setting, staying focused, and personal accountability in my
education. Besides, it has also taught me the importance of mentorship and support groups in
achieving the best academic performance. These practical takeaways can also be utilized by
students and practitioners to improve the learning process as well as individuals’ growth.
Using the psychosocial development and social cognitive theory to analyses my high
school experience has enabled me to understand more about factors that affected my path of
education. In so doing, insights from these theories have provided invaluable lessons and advice
for not only my personal growth but also the direction I intend to pursue with regard to future
academic pursuits. Being aware of the development concerns related to identity formation, social
factors as well as self-conceptions I am able to meet challenges and define goals for my further
studies. Moreover, high school life has modeled me as a student with the spirit of responsibility,
resilience, and determination. I am thankful for the challenges and lessons that have come my
way, which have improved not only me as a person but also me on an academic level.
Cohan 4
Bandura, A. (1999). Social cognitive theory of personality. Handbook of personality, 2,
Munley, P. H. (2005). Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and vocational
behavior. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 22(4), 314.
Guide & Template for Organizing an Academic Journey (AJ) Paper:
A Critical Personal Reflection & Educational Analysis of an Important Developmental and Socialization Experience
Student Assignment/Project
Professor R. Andalon
ASSIGNMENT TEMPLATE & FORMAT (consider writing your thoughts under the various sections)
Paragraph I:
Identify one of the following periods in your educational academic journey that you would like to
reflect on, analyze, and share: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Community College, or
University Level.
State why you selected this period.
*Describe the context of the school, college, or university.
Paragraph II, III, and possibly IV, etc.
Select two theories or concepts (or one theory and concept) to analyze your educational journey. Discuss the
main points of the theories or concepts and note why you feel they are relevant to your experience. Clearly
state the theories or concepts you decide to use up front in your paper. Note the name of the recognized
researcher/scholar who advanced the theories or concepts.
*You can use theories you’ve learned in other courses or from your own research. You can also use the
theories presented in this course—in readings, reports, the professor’s lecture, etc.
* In telling your educational story, use the theories or concepts to highlight the factors that promoted or
hindered your development:
* Address all three areas. You can talk about the promotion aspects and hindrances (or either one).
Specifically, discuss:
Influential people (parents, siblings, peers, teachers, role models, etc.)
Impactful programs (course curriculums, other academic enrichment, sports, community service, faith-based
endeavors, ethnic cultural activities, etc.)
Memorable places (classrooms, labs, libraries, recreation fields, home environments, community spaces, etc.)
Significant psychosocial dynamics (mindsets, feelings, and behaviors resulting from the interrelation of
mental states, emotional well-being, social factors, etc.).
Guide & Template for Organizing an Academic Journey (AJ) Paper:
A Critical Personal Reflection & Educational Analysis of an Important Developmental and Socialization Experience
Student Assignment/Project
Professor R. Andalon
Paragraph (possibly) IV, V., etc.
Explain how this period and related educational experiences prepared you for the subsequent
educational phase in your life (the phase immediately following the one you selected to analyze).
*Point out ways in which this period and related educational experiences shaped you as a student, placed you on
an academic path, and account for what you have achieved thus far in your scholastic life.
Paragraph (possibly) VI, VII, etc.
Conclude your academic journey by delineating both:
The theoretical implications
The practical takeaways
* In discussing the former, keep in mind a scholarly and research-oriented community. For the latter, speak
to students and practitioners who are seeking practical advice. Identify at least two takeaways under each
* In your paper, reference at least two sources and cite accordingly. One of the sources should be from an empirical,
research-based journal, book chapter, or report of some sort. You can use course materials as part of your
references, including the professor’s lecture slides.
* Structure your paper in the following manner: Title your paper “An Analysis of My Educational Journey.” Or,
come up with your own descriptive and catchy title. Include commonly used essay sections, such as an introduction,
body, conclusion, and references. Use headings and sub-headings to clearly identify the key areas of your paper
(most of the underlined/bolded areas noted above).
* Everything noted in the assignment template & format are suggestions. Feel free to use your own organization
and creativity in organizing your paper. Make sure to meet the stipulated requirements.
* Enjoy the process of organizing your AJ Paper. There is no doubt that you’ll learn much as you reflect on and
critically analyze an important part of your academic development and socialization experiences. We look
forward to learning about your experiences.
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