Social Work Question


Submit a 1- to 2-page paper covering the following section of your Treatment Group Proposal: Evaluation MethodsDescribe a group assessment tool you would use to evaluate your group’s progress. Explain and justify why it would be useful.Describe an observational measure you would use to determine group member progress and readiness for termination. Explain why it would be useful. Use the Learning Resources and any relevant additional literature to support your paper. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

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Intervention Framework
Student ;Adeline Patipe
Instructor Name: Dr. Diaon Clarke
Course Name: Advanced Social Work Practice II
Week 8 Assignment
DATE; JAN 2024
Intervention Framework
The framework will consider the intricacies of overall patient well-being and pain
management. It will rely on evidence-based practices to address the complexities that stem from
dynamic social work practices (Banks et al., 2020). In this view, relevant intervention drawing
from available evidence on pain management using opioid medication includes cognitive
behavioral therapy, peer support, and motivational interviewing (Baglioni et al., 2020). This
intervention framework will allow focus on negative behavior modification to mitigate adverse
coping mechanisms and peer support during group therapy to reinforce positive coping skills.
The framework will also foster participant-oriented engagement for ambivalence mitigation and
emphasizing positive coping behaviors. These aspects account for the relevance of the
intervention strategies in effectively addressing the concerns of the treatment group. Moreover, it
encourages personalized interventions of individual participants enhancing patient outcomes.
It is essential for social workers to gain more insights into relevant concepts when
developing interventions. Data-driven decision-making enables social workers to optimize
patient outcomes (Banks et al., 2020). In light of this, developing the group treatment plan
should focus on therapeutic strategies to foster behavioral change in patients. This topic will
provide insights into the best practices related to cognitive behavior therapy. Another relevant
topic entails positive coping strategies to guide behavior modification. Lastly, psychoeducation is
a relevant topic. It will provide more insight into patient education covering key aspects
including other options that professionals can engage in to enhance pain management. In this
view, the group treatment proposal development will benefit from psychoeducation, coping, and
therapeutic strategies.
Baglioni, C., Altena, E., Bjorvatn, B., Blom, K., Bothelius, K., Devoto, A., … & Riemann, D.
(2020). The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: An
initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote implementation and
dissemination of treatment. Journal of sleep research, 29(2), e12967.
Banks, S., Cai, T., De Jonge, E., Shears, J., Shum, M., Sobočan, A. M., … & Weinberg, M.
(2020). Practising ethically during COVID-19: Social work challenges and responses.
International Social Work, 63(5), 569-583.

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