Social Work Question


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Recommend services or interventions that your colleague could implement after the entry point has been identified.

Shanara Nakim Williams
TuesdayDec 12 at 1:54am
Main Discussion Post 1 Week 3Using your community as a point of reference, describe an issue you have observed that could use macro interventions.Within my community, I have observed homelessness, as an ongoing issue. I currently reside in Lancaster, CA, I have been living in my community since July 2015. During the time I have been living here, I have noticed the homeless population has grown, and limited housing resources have been provided. Since the COVID-19 epidemic housing increased for a little while as an attempt to decrease the spread. Once the COVID-19 numbers decreased so did the resources for housing. I believe it should not take a world pandemic for more housing to be provided within the communities I do not believe that is fair. I believe this issue could use Marco interventions. “Social workers must understand whether a phenomenon is a condition that has not been formally recognized or a problem that has been acknowledged by the organization or community.” (Netting et al., 2017), (Pg. 89).Identify the involved stakeholders in the community and describe their roles in the community.For stakeholders, we have limited outreach programs, non-profit agencies, and government-assisted programs. Also, we have local churches, red-crosses, affordable housing programs, employment opportunities, mental health services, and supportive networks that play vital roles in helping decrease the homeless and help them get off the streets. To be defined as a problem, a condition must in some way be formally recognized and incorporated into the action agenda of a group, organization, or community.”(Netting et al., 2017), (Pg. 89).Describe where the entry point might be to apply social work interventions.The entry point for applying interventions in homelessness within a community involves comprehensive needs assessment, collaboration with local agencies, and developing tailored strategies to address the root causes of homelessness, such as mental health issues, substance abuse, or lack of affordable housing. Establishing strong community partnerships and engaging with individuals experiencing homelessness are key components in creating effective and sustainable interventions.”The distinction between a condition and a problem is significant to a social worker planning a macro-level intervention. If a condition has not been formally recognized in some way, the first task must be to obtain that formal recognition.” (Netting et al., 2017), (Pg. 89).ReferenceNetting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017). Social work macro practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Chapter 4, “Assessing Community and Organizational Problems” (pp. 87–115), (Pg. 89).

Brittany Candelas
TuesdayDec 12 at 2:07pm

Using your community as a point of references, describe an issue you have observed that could use macro interventions.An issue I have observed in my community is the need for more affordable housing. This issue can be identified as a problem rather than a condition because it has been formally recognized and acknowledged by many. I live in Austin, Texas where the economy is insane and the housing crisis is becoming evident as the number of homeless rise every single year. Since this issue can be identified as a problem, macro level intervention is necessary as there are many parts to affordable housing that must be dealt with prior to any kind of accomplishment (Netting et al., 2017).Identify the involved stakeholders in the community and describe their roles in the community.A stakeholder in the community that is involved with this issue is the company that I currently work for which is Austin Habitat for Humanity. We are a nonprofit organization that not only builds affordable homes but we help assist in the search for affordable housing and we help repair homes in our community. We also help people who are struggling to pay their current mortgage with different options to keep them from losing their home. We have a store side of the corporation that is called Restore and it is a store that consists of donated goods as well as purchased goods that are affordable and range from things such as home goods, building material, clothing, décor and so much more. This organization is a great example of the premise of framing theory which is when a problem is viewed from a variety of perspectives which brings about different values (Netting et al., 2017). Framing theory helps in organizing what Habitat for Humanity does in different ways from different frames of mind (Netting et al., 2017). Considering the fact that this organization does different things that all pertain to affordable housing in some way, it is safe to say that there are many different perspectives that went on during planning and implementation of this organization and the processes.Describe where the entry point might be to apply social work interventions.An entry point for social intervention would be interviewing people in the organization and in this community to find the barrier between what the organization is offering and who is able to obtain and gain from this offer (Netting et al., 2017). This process would consist of narrowing down to the most useful information in the organizations success (Netting et al., 2017). Finding this barrier would be the perfect entry point so that a social worker can intervene in ways that will assure the community is getting the most out of what this amazing organization is doing.References:Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017). Social work macro practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Respond to two colleagues who selected a different type of data:
Explain how the data you chose may complement your colleague’s choice.
Or, explain how the data you chose may present a contrasting intervention recommendation.
Elena Ramirez TuesdayDec 12 at 11:41pm
Post the following:
Describe types of data and bargaining information that may be beneficial when planning intervention.
When planning intervention, the types of data that may be beneficial are primary data, secondary data, quantitative and qualitative data. Primary data, such as surveys and interviews, can provide direct information about the needs of the community.
Explain how these items may be beneficial.
Quantitative research can capture vast amounts of data far quicker than other research activities. The ability to work in real-time allows analysts to immediately begin incorporating new insights and changes into their work – dramatically reducing the turn-around time of their projects. Qualitative data can provide a deeper, more detailed, and more holistic understanding of the phenomena under study. Qualitative data can explore the perspectives, stories, feelings, or behaviors of the participants or subjects.Reference Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017). Social work macro practice (6th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Marshelle Owens YesterdayDec 14 at 1:55pm
Week 3 Discussion 2Describe the types of data and bargaining information that may be beneficial when planning intervention. There are different ways to collect data and bargaining information when planning a macro intervention. The first way I would collect data would be to interview the people in the population that needs advocacy for change. This one-on-one approach would be a good way to get the people involved and to build trust in me being an advocate for change. It is definitely a team effort, and their individual opinions and concerns need to heard and addressed. Also, doing assessments on the community will help me determine the best approach to take in resolving the issues and who I need to partner with to resolve the issues at hand. It will also provide me the knowledge of what tools, research, and resources I would need to ensure the success of resolving the issues that the population is facing. Another way to obtain data for change is by exploring a professional knowledge base. This would be an attempt to locate data and information about the problems that the population members are facing (Netting, 2017, p. 91).Explain how these items may be beneficial.All of these items would be very beneficial as tools for a successful macro intervention. Interviewing the people in the population and being an advocate of change for them not only makes them feel heard, but it also allows them to take part of being a part of the solution that would give them pride and acknowledging that someone cares and will fight for them. As a social worker and advocate for change, assessing the needs of the people in a certain population gives me the way I should address the situation and also guide me to the resources that are needed. Gathering data from a professional standpoint would also benefit me in finding the best possible solutions in resolving the issues, as well as ensuring a more successful outcome for the problems that they are facing in their community. Reference:Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMutry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017). Social work macro practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.Chapter 4, “Assessing Community and Organizational Problems” (pp. 87-115)

Respond to two colleagues in the following way:
Recommend a source that your colleague could search for a grant.

Bernetta Gully
TuesdayDec 12 at 7:29pm
Identify different grant sources for social workers.There are 3 main grant sources for social workers. They are the government – often federal, sometimes state, and occasionally local. Private businesses, corporations, and foundations. Foundations give millions a year to social work organizations and community groups ( ).Explain how to identify a fundable topic.The research proposal/ grant application/ topic should be clear and concise. The plan for achieving your goals must be clear. The proposal/plan/topic should align with the organization/ funding programs. The topic/proposal should be cost-effective. The proposal should have potential for greater systemic impact. The fundable topic needs to add value. The writer of the proposal/application has to understand the requirements and be eligible by the funder’s standards. The fundable topics should appeal to the organization’s inherent assets, interests, and past project themes (Monette, D. R.,, 2014).Explain why grants are important to social work.Grants provide the necessary funds to implement and maintain social programs and services. These can range from mental health services, and child welfare programs, to community development initiatives. Grants can support the education and training of social workers, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge to effectively serve their communities. They can provide long-term financial stability for social work organizations, allowing them to focus on their mission rather than constant fundraising. Grants can encourage innovation in social work by funding new approaches and strategies to address social issues. Grants play a vital role in supporting the field of social work, enabling it to serve communities, conduct research, train professionals, and innovate (Monette, D. R.,, 2014)…Monette, D. R., Sullivan, T. J., DeJong, C. R., & Hilton, T. P. (2014). Applied social research: A tool for the human services (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Nicole Macrae
WednesdayDec 13 at 10:34am
Funding sources for grants for social workers generally come from three main sources: government agencies, private foundations, and corporations (Monette et al., 2014). Government agencies are the largest source of grant funding, and the primary source for grants of more than $1000 (Monette et al., 2014). Obtaining grant funding is important for social work because many agencies receive these funds and use them to implement specific programs that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to, or to fund research to determine the best evidence-based practices for the situations affecting their clients. Whether a topic is fundable or not will largely depend on the type of grant being requested and the agency it’s being requested from. If one requests from the wrong type of agency, no matter how worthy the topic there won’t be any funding. For example, many private foundations refuse requests automatically unless there is proof showing that federal funding has been attempted and is unavailable (Monette et al., 2014). If a social worker is attempting to receive grant funding for research, corporations and foundations are far less likely to buy in than are federal agencies (Monette et al., 2014). To better identify the topic, it is recommended to consult with several people and brainstorm various ideas on how to tackle the issue at hand, and then to evaluate those ideas to see which of them may be the most politically palatable and therefore more likely to potentially obtain funding (Monette et al., 2014).ReferencesMonette, D. R., Sullivan, T. J., DeJong, C. R., & Hilton, T. P. (2014). Applied social research: A tool for the human services (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.