Social Work Question


The topic I chose is heart disease.

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Social Work Question
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Each student is responsible for picking a disease/co-morbid condition (breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, Hepatitis C, AIDS/HIV, ESRD, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Heart Disease, Obesity, etc….) that is of particular interest to them and answering the following questions:

Describe the disease/co-morbid condition.
What is the impact of this disease/co-morbid condition?
What are the demographics of the population that it effects?
How has this disease/co-morbid condition been treated historically?
When was if first identified?
Was it identified the same as it is today?
How is the historical and current definition different?
What services/policies are in place to alleviate this disease/co-morbid condition? How has this changed over time?
Who receives the services? How does this compare to whom is most affected by the problem?
How do social stigma, discrimination and/or societal prejudices affect access to adequate services and policy solutions, as it relates to this disease/co-morbid condition?
How does treatment of this condition relate to social work values and ethics?
Are there prevention programs or services available to address this condition?
How can social workers contribute to prevention of this condition?
Discuss your personal belief of the problem and what you think the causes of the problem are.
What have you learned about this condition and those impacted by this condition that you did not know prior to completing this assignment?

Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible (in paragraph format) and please use scholarly resources and research to support your answers. The final product for this assignment will consist of an 8-10 page paper.

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Health Disparities Research Paper
The purpose of this assignment is to promote critical thinking and for students to
demonstrate medical social work practice skills, knowledge of the current healthcare
system and associated policies, and the role of health care policy in perpetuating health
disparities among marginalized and disenfranchised individuals, families, and communities
affected by illness.
Course Outcomes
This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course
CO 2: Integrate medical social work roles, practice skills, and interventions utilized
throughout medical social work.
• CO 4: Evaluate health care policy and resources available to individuals, families,
and communities affected by illness.

1. The Health Disparities Research Paper assignment will be graded based on your
response to the questions associated with the case study. You will also be graded
on your use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and
overall organization/effectiveness based on the required components as
summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
2. Create your paper using Microsoft Word (a part of Microsoft Office), which is the
required format. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document
because it will end in “.docx”
3. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your
assignment may be posted under the Q & A Forum.
4. The length of the exercise is to be no less than 8 pages and no greater than 10
pages excluding title page and reference pages.
5. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page but no abstract.
Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower
case, centered, boldface):
Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a
heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the
American Psychological Association.
Each student is responsible for picking a disease/co-morbid condition (breast cancer,
pancreatic cancer, Hepatitis C, AIDS/HIV, ESRD, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Heart Disease,
Obesity, etc….) that is of particular interest to them and answering the following
1. Describe the disease/co-morbid condition.
2. What is the impact of this disease/co-morbid condition?
3. What are the demographics of the population that it effects?
4. How has this disease/co-morbid condition been treated historically?
5. When was if first identified?
6. Was it identified the same as it is today?
7. How is the historical and current definition different?
8. What services/policies are in place to alleviate this disease/co-morbid condition?
How has this changed over time?
9. Who receives the services? How does this compare to whom is most affected by
the problem?
10. How do social stigma, discrimination and/or societal prejudices affect access to
adequate services and policy solutions, as it relates to this disease/co-morbid
11. How does treatment of this condition relate to social work values and ethics?
12. Are there prevention programs or services available to address this condition?
13. How can social workers contribute to prevention of this condition?
14. Discuss your personal belief of the problem and what you think the causes of the
problem are.
15. What have you learned about this condition and those impacted by this condition
that you did not know prior to completing this assignment?
Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible (in paragraph format) and please
use scholarly resources and research to support your answers. The final product for this
assignment will consist of an 8-10 page paper.
Grading Criteria
Your paper will be graded based on following criteria:
Describe the disease/comorbid condition
Student clearly and thoroughly identifies a disease/comorbid condition that is impacts an individual’s health and
well-being. The disease/condition is clearly defined by
addressing the following:

Type of disease/condition
• What causes the disease/condition
• Is this disease/condition tied to environmental
What is the impact of this
Student clearly and thoroughly describes the impact of the
identified disease/condition on an individual’s overall
health and well-being. Student also includes any impact
that this disease may have on the individual’s family,
community, and greater society.
What are the demographics
of the population that it
Student clearly and thoroughly identifies the demographics
of the population that is the most impacted by this
disease/condition. Student utilizes scholarly research to
support findings.
How has this disease/comorbid condition been
treated historically?
Student clearly and thoroughly identifies how this disease
has been managed or treated historically. Student provides
thorough information regarding historical stigma, whether
or not insurance has covered treatment for this disease or
condition, historically has this disease or condition been
considered a disability, etc… If current treatment and
historical treatment are the same, student should notate this
as well.
When was if first
Student clearly and thoroughly indicates if the disease or
condition is a new/old disease/condition and provides
scholarly data to support when the first case of this
disease/condition was identified. In addition, the student
identifies whether or not the disease or condition was
thought to be something else or referred to by another
Was it identified the same
as it is today?
Student thoroughly and briefly identifies how the disease or
condition is identified/diagnosis and explains if the
identification is the same today as it was in the past.
What services/policies are
in place to alleviate this
condition? How has this
changed over time?
Student clearly and thoroughly identifies the services and
policies that are in place to alleviate this disease or
condition for those that are already suffering from the
identified condition. Student also provides information
regarding if the services and/policies have changed over
time. As you write this section consider state and federal
policies, as well as insurance policies and what they will or
will not cover for individuals impacted the identified
Who receives the services?
How does this compare to
whom is most affected by
the problem?
Student clearly and thoroughly identifies who receives the
identified services for treatment and alleviation of the
identified disease or condition. Student specifically
addresses service delivery and how it compares in regard to
those being most impacted by the disease or condition and
their ability to access services.
How do social stigma,
discrimination and/or
societal prejudices affect
access to adequate services
and policy solutions, as it
relates to this disease/comorbid condition?
Student clearly and thoroughly identifies the impact of
stigma, discrimination, and societal prejudices on access to
services and policy development regarding the identified
disease or condition. The student provides scholarly data to
support their findings.
Are there prevention
programs or services
available to address this
condition, and how can
social workers contribute to
prevention of this
Student clearly and thoroughly identifies available
prevention programs and services on the local, state, and
federal level. Student also thoroughly explains the role of
social workers as it relates to prevention of this disease or
How does treatment of this
condition relate to social
work values and ethics?
Student demonstrates critical reflection on the disease or
condition, those that are impacted by the disease or
condition, treatment of the disease or condition, and the
polices and services available and clearly identifies if
treatment of the disease or condition aligns with social
work values and ethics.
Discuss your personal belief
of the problem and what
you think the causes of the
problem are.
Student clearly articulates his/her personal beliefs regarding
the identified disease/condition and the associated treatment
and problems.
What have you learned
about this condition and
those impacted by this
condition that you did not
know prior to completing
this assignment?
Student clearly articulates what he/she has learned about
the chosen condition and those impacted by the condition.
Clarity of Writing
Presents information using clear and concise language in an
organized manner (NO errors in English grammar, spelling,
syntax, and punctuation).
APA/page length
All sources are credited using APA formatting Paper is
between 8 to 10 pages excluding title and reference pages.
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above
Detailed grading rubric can be found below.
Module 8: Health Disparities Research Paper Rubric
Module 8: Health Disparities Research Paper Rubric
This criterion is
linked to a
the disease/comorbid condition
20 pts
Highest Level of
Provides clear and
thorough identification
of a disease/co-morbid
condition that impacts
an individual’s health
and well-being. The
disease/condition is
identified/defined by
addressing the
following: – Type of
disease/condition; What causes the
disease/condition; – Is
this disease/condition
tied to environmental
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Provides minimal
identification of a
condition that impacts
an individual’s health
and well-being. The
disease/condition is
identified/defined by
addressing the
following: – Type of
disease/condition What causes the
disease/condition – Is
this disease/condition
tied to environmental
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Provides limited
identification of a
condition that impacts
an individual’s health
and well-being. The
disease/condition is
identified/defined by
addressing the
following: – Type of
disease/condition What causes the
disease/condition – Is
this disease/condition
tied to environmental
0 pts
Failing Level of
Provides inadequate or
no identification of a
condition that impacts
an individual’s health
and well-being. The
disease/condition is not
identified/defined by
addressing the
following: – Type of
disease/condition What causes the
disease/condition – Is
this disease/condition
tied to environmental
20 pts
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeWhat is
the impact of this
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeWhat are
the demographics
of the population
that it effects?
20 pts
Highest Level of
Provides clear and
thorough description of
the impact of the
disease/condition on an
individual’s overall
health and well-being.
Description also
includes any impact
that this disease may
have on the individual’s
family, community, and
greater society.
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Provides minimal
description of the
impact of the identified
disease/condition on an
individual’s overall
health and well-being.
Description minimally
includes any impact
that this disease may
have on the
individual’s family,
community, and greater
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Provides partial
description of the
impact of the identified
disease/condition on an
individual’s overall
health and well-being.
Description partially
includes any impact
that this disease may
have on the
individual’s family,
community, and greater
0 pts
Failing Level of
Provides inadequate or
no description of the
impact of the identified
disease/condition on an
individual’s overall
health and well-being.
Description does not
include any impact that
this disease may have
on the individual’s
family, community, and
greater society.
30 pts
Highest Level of
Provides clear and
thorough identification
of the demographics of
the population that is
the most impacted by
this disease/condition,
and findings are
supported by scholarly
25 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Provides partial
identification of the
demographics of the
population that is the
most impacted by this
Findings are partially
supported by scholarly
24 pts
Acceptable Level of
Provides minimal
identification of the
demographics of the
population that is the
most impacted by this
Findings are minimally
supported by scholarly
0 pts
Failing Level of
Provides inadequate or
no identification of the
demographics of the
population that is the
most impacted by this
Findings are not
supported by scholarly
20 pts
30 pts
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeHow has
this disease/comorbid condition
been treated
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeWhen was
if first identified?
20 pts
Highest Level of
Thoroughly identifies
how this disease has
been managed and/or
treated historically; to
include historical
stigma, insurance
coverage, and disability
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially identifies how
this disease has been
managed and/or treated
historically; to include
historical stigma,
insurance coverage,
and disability status.
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally identifies
how this disease has
been managed and/or
treated historically; to
include historical
stigma, insurance
coverage, and disability
0 pts
Failing Level of
Inadequately or does not
identify how this
disease has been
managed and/or treated
historically; to include
historical stigma,
insurance coverage, and
disability status.
20 pts
20 pts
Highest Level of
Clearly identifies if the
disease or condition is
a new/old
disease/condition and
provides scholarly data
to support when the
first case of this
disease/condition was
identified, and if it was
thought to be
something else or
referred to by another
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially identifies if
the disease or condition
is a new/old
disease/condition and
provides scholarly data
to support when the
first case of this
disease/condition was
identified, and if it was
thought to be
something else or
referred to by another
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally identifies if
the disease or condition
is a new/old
disease/condition and
provides minimal
scholarly data to
support when the first
case of this
disease/condition was
identified, and if it was
thought to be
something else or
referred to by another
0 pts
Failing Level of
Does not or
inadequately identifies
if the disease or
condition is a new/old
disease/condition and
does not provide
scholarly data to
support when the first
case of this
disease/condition was
identified, and if it was
thought to be something
else or referred to by
another name.
20 pts
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeWas it
identified the same
as it is today?
This criterion is
linked to a
are in place to
alleviate this
condition? How
has this changed
over time?
20 pts
Highest Level of
Thoroughly explains
how the
disease/condition is
identified/diagnosis and
explains if the
identification is the
same today as it was in
the past.
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially explains how
the disease/condition is
and explains if the
identification is the
same today as it was in
the past.
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally explains
how the
disease/condition is
identified/diagnosis and
explains if the
identification is the
same today as it was in
the past.
0 pts
Failing Level of
Inadequate or no
explanation how the
disease/condition is
identified/diagnosis and
explains if the
identification is the
same today as it was in
the past.
20 pts
Highest Level of
Thoroughly identifies
the services and
policies that are in
place to alleviate this
disease or condition for
those that are already
suffering from the
identified condition,
and provides
information regarding
if the services
and/policies have
changed over time.
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially identifies the
services and policies
that are in place to
alleviate this disease or
condition for those that
are already suffering
from the identified
condition, and provides
information regarding
if the services
and/policies have
changed over time.
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally identifies
the services and
policies that are in
place to alleviate this
disease or condition for
those that are already
suffering from the
identified condition,
and provides
information regarding
if the services
and/policies have
changed over time.
0 pts
Failing Level of
Inadequately or does
not identify the services
and policies that are in
place to alleviate this
disease or condition for
those that are already
suffering from the
identified condition, and
provides information
regarding if the services
and/policies have
changed over time.
20 pts
20 pts
This criterion is
linked to a
receives the
services? How
does this compare
to whom is most
affected by the
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeHow do
social stigma,
and/or societal
prejudices affect
access to adequate
services and policy
solutions, as it
relates to this
30 pts
Highest Level of
Thoroughly identifies
who receives the
identified services for
treatment and
alleviation of the
identified disease/
condition, and
specifically addresses
service delivery and
how it compares in
regards to those being
most impacted by the
disease or condition
and their ability to
access services.
26 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially identifies who
receives the identified
services for treatment
and alleviation of the
identified disease/
condition, and
specifically addresses
service delivery and
how it compares in
regards to those being
most impacted by the
disease or condition
and their ability to
access services.
23 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally identifies
who receives the
identified services for
treatment and
alleviation of the
identified disease/
condition, and
specifically addresses
service delivery and
how it compares in
regards to those being
most impacted by the
disease or condition
and their ability to
access services.
0 pts
Failing Level of
Inadequately or does
not identify who
receives the identified
services for treatment
and alleviation of the
identified disease/
condition, and
specifically addresses
service delivery and
how it compares in
regards to those being
most impacted by the
disease or condition and
their ability to access
30 pts
30 pts
Highest Level of
Thoroughly identifies
the impact of stigma,
discrimination, and
societal prejudices on
access to services and
policy development
regarding the identified
disease or condition.
Findings are supported
by scholarly data.
26 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially identifies the
impact of stigma,
discrimination, and
societal prejudices on
access to services and
policy development
regarding the identified
disease or condition.
Findings are partially
supported by scholarly
23 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally identifies
the impact of stigma,
discrimination, and
societal prejudices on
access to services and
policy development
regarding the identified
disease or condition.
Findings are minimally
supported by scholarly
0 pts
Failing Level of
Does not or
inadequately identifies
the impact of stigma,
discrimination, and
societal prejudices on
access to services and
policy development
regarding the identified
disease or condition.
Findings are not
supported by scholarly
30 pts
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeAre there
programs or
services available
to address this
condition, and how
can social workers
contribute to
prevention of this
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeHow does
treatment of this
condition relate to
social work values
and ethics?
30 pts
Highest Level of
Thoroughly identifies
available prevention
programs and services
on the local, state, and
federal level and
thoroughly explains
the role of social
workers as it relates to
prevention of this
disease or condition.
26 pts
Very Good or High
Level of
Partially identifies
available prevention
programs and services
on the local, state, and
federal level and
partially explains the
role of social workers
as it relates to
prevention of this
disease or condition.
23 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally identifies
available prevention
programs and services
on the local, state, and
federal level and
minimally explains the
role of social workers
as it relates to
prevention of this
disease or condition.
20 pts
Highest Level of
Demonstrates critical
reflection on the
disease or condition,
those that are impacted
by the disease or
condition, treatment of
the disease or
condition, and the
polices and services
available and clearly
identifies if treatment
of the disease or
condition aligns with
social work values and
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Demonstrates partial
critical reflection on the
disease or condition,
those that are impacted
by the disease or
condition, treatment of
the disease or
condition, and the
polices and services
available and partially
identifies if treatment
of the disease or
condition aligns with
social work values and
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Demonstrates minimal
critical reflection on the
disease or condition,
those that are impacted
by the disease or
condition, treatment of
the disease or
condition, and the
polices and services
available and minimally
identifies if treatment
of the disease or
condition aligns with
social work values and
0 pts
Failing Level of
Does not or inadequately
identifies available
prevention programs and
services on the local, state,
and federal level and does
not/inadequately explains
the role of social workers
as it relates to prevention
of this disease or
0 pts
Failing Level of
inadequate/no critical
reflection on the disease
or condition, those that
are impacted by the
disease or condition,
treatment of the disease
or condition, and the
polices and services
available and does not
identify if treatment of
the disease or condition
aligns with social work
values and ethics.
30 pts
20 pts
This criterion is
linked to a
your personal
belief of the
problem and what
you think the
causes of the
problem are.
This criterion is
linked to a
have you learned
about this
condition and those
impacted by this
condition that you
did not know prior
to completing this
This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeClarity of
20 pts
Highest Level of
Clearly and thoroughly
articulates personal
beliefs regarding the
disease/condition and
the associated treatment
and problems.
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially articulates
personal beliefs
regarding the identified
disease/condition and
the associated
treatment and
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally articulates
personal beliefs
regarding the identified
disease/condition and
the associated
treatment and
0 pts
Failing Level of
Does not articulate
personal beliefs
regarding the identified
disease/condition and
the associated
treatment and
20 pts
20 pts
Highest Level of
Clearly and thoroughly
articulates what he/she
has learned about the
chosen condition and
those impacted by the
17 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Partially articulates
what he/she has
learned about the
chosen condition and
those impacted by the
15 pts
Acceptable Level of
Minimally articulates
what he/she has learned
about the chosen
condition and those
impacted by the
0 pts
Failing Level of
Does not articulate
what he/she has
learned about the
chosen condition and
those impacted by the
20 pts
10 pts
Highest Level of
Written content is
clear, free from syntax
and grammar issues
and communicates
intended thoughts
9 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
Written content is
mostly clear, free from
syntax and grammar
issues and
communicates intended
thoughts effectively.
8 pts
Acceptable Level of
Written content is
somewhat clear, free
from syntax and
grammar issues and
communicates intended
thoughts effectively.
0 pts
Failing Level of
Written content is not
clear, has multiple
syntax and grammar
issues and does not
communicate intended
thoughts effectively.
10 pts
This criterion is
linked to a
Total Points: 320
10 pts
Highest Level of
Free from APA errors. At
least 8 pages excluding
title page and reference
9 pts
Very Good or High
Level of Performance
1-2 APA errors. 7
pages excluding title
page and reference
8 pts
Acceptable Level of
2-3 APA errors. 6
pages excluding title
page and reference
0 pts
Failing Level of
4 or more errors. 4 or 5
pages excluding title
page and reference
10 pts

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