Social Work Practice Research II 6311 Week 6


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Social work Research and practice week 6
According to Dudley (2020), measurable outcomes (or objectives) can have three
properties: performance, conditions, and criteria. Performance refers to the observable
action taken in order to achieve the outcome, whereas conditions include the context
surrounding the action (e.g., after, if, during). Finally, criteria refer to the quality of the
performance (e.g., duration, frequency, degree of progress). These properties give the
outcome sufficient detail in order to define the exact specifications for achievement.
Each individual outcome must also connect up logically and work toward the overarching
Last week, you sketched out the goal and outcomes of your proposed program. Now, in
this Discussion, you use the lens of measurement to refine, elaborate, or clarify your
drafted outcomes.
Reference: Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.).
Oxford University Press.
Required Readings

Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.).
Oxford University Press.
Chapter 7, “Crafting Goals and Objectives” (pp. 149–168)
Chapter 9, “Is the Intervention Effective?” (pp. 215–250)
Noordink, T., Verharen, L., Shalk, R., van Eck, M., & van Regenmortel, T.
(2021). Measuring instruments for empowerment in social work: A scoping
reviewLinks to an external site.. The British Journal of Social Work, 51(4), 1482–
Walden University Library. (n.d.). Tests & measuresLinks to an external

Review Chapter 7 of the course text for information about creating goals and
objectives/outcomes. See the examples regarding the three properties of
measurable objectives: performance, conditions, and criteria.

Refer to your program-level logic model from last week. Consider the overall
aim/goal and outcomes for your proposed program.

Briefly describe the overarching aim/goal of your proposed program.
Select two outcomes from your program-level logic model and write them in a
sentence format that includes performance, conditions, and criteria.
Explain how these outcomes would support the overarching aim/goal of the
Respond to at least two colleagues by providing respectful feedback on their goal and
measurable outcomes. Evaluate whether your colleagues have included all three
properties of measurability (performance, conditions, and criteria). If they have not,
suggest how they may include an additional property.
Peer Christina
Briefly describe the overarching aim/goal of your proposed program.
The goal of my proposed program is to figure out why there are not enough services for
mental and behavioral health and why there is a long waitlist. Another goal is to figure
out why behavioral health technicians are not seeking employment for agencies and
working in mental and behavioral health.
Select two outcomes from your program-level logic model and write them in a sentence
format that includes performance, conditions, and criteria.
The outcomes I hope to gain from my program are more available services for children
who have ASD, ADHD, ODD, and OCD. My measurable objective for the first goal
would be to talk to 10 different people in the community about how long they have
been waitlisted. Another measurable objective would be to talk to 3 different agencies in
the area about why there are not enough services. The other outcome I hope is there
will be more BHTs, and more services will be available in my community decreasing
waitlists. A measurable objective would be to talk to 10 BHTs about why they think
BHTs do not seek employment in mental and behavioral health.
Explain how these outcomes would support the overarching aim/goal of the program.
The outcomes support the goal of the program because it helps solve the problems that
are happening in my community and with families. It would help the community and
families by them to have help with their children and not be waitlisted for more than 2
years. It would also help with having more BHTs and agencies to figure out ways to
employ more BHTs solving the problem of having limited services.
Peer Shakira
Briefly describe the overarching aim/goal of your proposed program.
My overarching aim/goal for my proposed program Tennessee Charities Health Center is to
provide transportation, physical health, and housing for clients who are in seriously need of the
resources. Providing these resources to clients is very important, because keeping their physical
health at good standing is a need every homeless or mental health client will need. Most clients
do not have insurance so providing the necessary meds and exam will be very good to improve
their mental and physical health. Transportation and housing is a need Tennessee Charities
Health Center will provide to clients to help them get more stable and to reach their nurses and
doctors within the community.
Select two outcomes from your program-level logic model and write them in a sentence
format that includes performance, conditions, and criteria.
Two outcomes I will want to gain from my program is to get more available services for clients
who have mental health issues more stable housing instead of experiencing homelessness due to
their mental health issue and to provide a sense of safety and security within the community for
the clients The outcomes are the advantages for the clients who are homeless and struggling
with mental health issues. It is very important to be able to provide transportation, housing, and
physical health exams for clients who are not ablet to receive insurance or cars to get to where
they will need to go to receive their meds that will help better their mental and physical
health. My measure for the first goal is to talk to about 20 clients throughout the program to see
how Tennessee Charities Health Center can provide them more with their physical health needs
and to see how buses passes and reimbursements are benefiting them by doing surveys. My
second goal I will use assessments with 10 people to within the program to help with finding out
more effective ways Tennessee Charities Health Center can better assist them to meet their
needs and wants from providing a safe and secure housing while being on the housing waitlist
and providing them with their meds for their mental and physical health.
Explain how these outcomes would support the overarching aim/goal of the program.
By advocating for clients in the communities, social workers can help to promote their wellbeing, and create a more just and equitable society. Advocacy is particularly important in social
work, as it is often the most effective way to address the root causes of social problems. The
outcomes would support my overarching aim/goal of my program by providing a coordinated
and comprehensive approach to care to mental health clients. Stable and affordable housing
also supports mental health by limiting stressors related to financial burden or frequent moves,
or by offering an escape from an abusive home environment. Affordable homeownership can
have mental health benefits by offering homeowners control over their environment. We help
guide people to critical resources and counsel them on life-changing decisions. We also advocate
for change to improve social conditions and strengthen the social net.
While it may be easy to measure program outputs (such as how many people attended
program events), it may be more difficult to measure outcomes. And while you may be
able to look at someone and observe change over time, how do you really know change
has occurred? The goal of validated measurement instruments is to make this somewhat
vague or mysterious process more scientific. Tools such as client satisfaction surveys,
scales, assessments, and inventories like the Beck Depression Inventory provide specific
information with which to measure outcomes.
In this Assignment, you research and select the instruments that you would use for
measurement of your program outcomes.

Review Chapter 9 of the course text to learn about methods for measuring
Consider the outcomes that you have crafted for your proposed program and
how you might measure the extent to which the program is achieving those
Use the Walden Library link in the Learning Resources to explore databases
for tests and measures (i.e., instruments) pertaining to your refined outcomes.
Submit a 1- to 2-page paper in which you:

Describe how you would measure the outcomes that you identified in
o Specifically, identify the two best measurement instruments that
you would use and explain why.
o Include strengths and limitations, and consider criteria such as
usefulness, validity, reliability, precision, feasibility, and cost.
Describe how you would collect the data and what you would expect to learn
from it.
Use the Learning Resources and peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles to support your
paper. Make sure to include appropriate APA citations and a reference list.

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