Social Science Question


The purpose of this third “Death Discovery” assignment is to further explore the Death Care Industry. There are two parts to this assignment. First, you will have the opportunity to research how much the typical funeral/cremation/burial service costs in the United States. Second, you have the opportunity to explore the global Death Care Industry through choosing an article from www.deathcareindustry.comLinks to an external site. and writing about it.

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It is important that you follow the writing guidelines for this assignment. Please type your responses to these questions in complete sentences with 12 point font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, edited for grammar and spelling, and have your name in the upper left corner of the first page. Feel free to number the steps but do not write your answers in bullet form.

Make sure to upload your Death Discovery as either a WORD or PDF document. “PAGES” or “RTF” documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. Make sure to turn in your assignment on the Canvas Discussion Section site.

STEP ONE: How Much Does A Funeral/Cremation/Disposal Cost?

Do some online searching for area funeral homes, cremation services, disposal/burial assistance, etc. to see what kinds of options you have in disposing of your own body. Pay particular attention to the wide range of old and newer ways of body disposal and how much these services cost. Perhaps you are considering planning your own end of life particulars. Or think of a family member or close friend that you are helping to plan their final rites and body care.

In a few paragraphs, discuss your findings in terms of possibilities and price ranges for a typical funeral, cremation, or a disposal of your choosing. Discuss what commodities are involved in your particular disposal process and how much they cost. Are you surprised by the prices? Why or why not? What other financial insights did you get from researching the disposal you chose to investigate? Are there sales or deals? Is there advertising for any of these services on the Internet? Do companies appeal to different types of consumers? Now that you’ve investigated price points, are you still interested in using such services?

In your own opinion, do you think that the U.S. should provide a universal stipend of $2,000 for one’s death to cover the costs of body disposal? Why or why not?

STEP TWO: Explore the Global Death Care Industry

Visit the following website: www.deathcareindustry.comLinks to an external site.

Take some time looking over the website. Read a few articles, click on a few links, and peruse the website.

Choose ONE article to focus on/summarize for the following questions:

1. What article did you choose to focus on for this step? Write the title and author.

2. In a few sentences, discuss the overall focus of the article. What does it discuss, present, or highlight?

3. How does 1), and 2) the particular article you read relate to our course’s discussion of societal death systems?

4. How does this article relate to your investigation of disposal services (Step One of this assignment)?

5. Would you recommend other students read the article you chose? Why or why not?


As a reminder, it is important that you follow the writing guidelines for this assignment. Please type your responses to these questions in complete sentences with 12 point font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, edited for grammar and spelling, and have your name in the upper left corner of the first page. Feel free to number the steps but do not write your answers in bullet form.

Make sure to upload your Death Discovery as either a WORD or PDF document. “PAGES” or “RTF” documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. Make sure to turn in your assignment on the Canvas Discussion Section site.