Social Science Question


(655) Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II – YouTube

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Social Science Question
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(655) War and peace on the Standard of Ur – YouTube

(655) Frescoes from Akrotiri, Thera – YouTube

(655) Male Harp Player of the Early Spedos Type, Getty Conversations – YouTube

(655) The Seated Scribe – YouTube

(655) Ancient Egyptian wood sculpture – YouTube

(655) To feed the dead, design elegance in Neolithic China – YouTube

(655) The Dordogne, France: Lascaux’s Prehistoric Cave Paintings – Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide – YouTube

Documentary films of varying lengths are being used in place of a textbook. Before beginning your submission, it is expected that all of the films that pertain to this assignment be viewed, and these have all been labeled as Compare/Contrast Film.

Comparing & Contrasting:

1. Use 2 separate documentary films. Choose 1 artwork from each film.

2. Make sure the 2 artworks are completely different mediums. Some examples: paint, graphite/pencil, charcoal, clay/ceramic, marble, bronze, glass, wood, etc.

3. Make sure the 2 artworks are not of the same type, meaning you cannot discuss 2 paintings despite one being acrylic and another oil, or 2 sculptures despite one being bronze and the other marble, etc. The idea is to discuss 2 artworks that obviously seem different at first glance.

4. Discuss how the 2 artworks are different both visually, thematically, and in their mediums/use of materials.

5. Discuss what makes the 2 artworks similar.

Do not go to Google for answers to the questions or supporting information. The comparing & contrasting experience is about you telling me your very own thoughts and observations while considering/discussing your chosen artworks from the documentary films.

If any portion of your entry is not yours, meaning you used/referred to other sources, your journal entry will receive a zero.

Writing your Submission:

Write a short essay that answers the above criteria in no more than 250 words.

Be sure to document which films you chose. In addition, you must not forget to provide the titles of each artwork and time stamp them accordingly from the film they appeared in (Riace Bronze at 12:16 in “Beneath the Calabrian Sea”). Sometimes the films can be sketchy with art piece titles, so this is security for backing you up. The purpose of this exercise is to promote critical thinking. Be sure to provide detailed and supportive answers.

The best method for entering your essays into canvas is to cut and paste them after they have been through spell checking and translating.

Points will be distributed in this manner:

Original and relevant content (10 points max) – Displaying you have studied and are knowledgeable of the material by writing your own thoughts and feelings regarding the material’s content.

A critical analysis (10 points max) – Exhibiting you have engaged with the material by providing original, insightful observations and thought-provoking commentary.

Quality of writing (10 points max) – Cleary and concisely articulates ideas and feelings about the material utilizing good sentence fluency (syntax), spelling, and grammar. College-level writing is required.

DO NOT use outside sources to help write your journal entry.

DO NOT attach word docs or pdf files. Attached files that require downloading for viewing will NOT be looked at and will earn a zero.


Art Journals

Art Journals

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginal and relevant content (10 points max)Displaying you have studied and are knowledgeable of the material by writing your own thoughts and feelings regarding the material’s content.

10 to >9.0 pts


The journal’s content is relevant to the required material. The student has displayed they studied ALL the material by conveying in-depth knowledge of the material’s content. Specific examples from the material were used to support one’s thoughts and ideas. The student uses their own words to explain their views of the concepts in the material, without using direct quotes or keeping direct quotes minimal. The students writing is close to 100% their own thoughts and feelings regarding the material’s content and concepts.

9 to >8.0 pts


The journal’s content is relevant to the required material. The student has displayed they have studied the material by conveying knowledge of the material’s content. Specific examples from the material were used to support one’s thoughts and ideas. The student employs their own words to explain concepts in the material using MINIMAL direct quotes when discussing their thoughts and ideas regarding the material’s content and concepts.

8 to >7.0 pts

Minor improvements needed

The journal’s content is relevant to the required material. The student has displayed they are familiar with the material by conveying fundamental knowledge of its content—few examples in the students’ own words were used to support one’s thoughts and ideas. The student mostly uses their own words to explain concepts in the material. Still, the writing is slightly heavy on using direct quotes when discussing their thoughts and ideas regarding the material content and concepts.

7 to >6.0 pts

Substantial improvements needed

The journal’s content is relevant to the required material. The student has displayed they are familiar with the material by conveying some basic knowledge of its content and concepts. Little to no examples in the students’ own words were used to support one’s thoughts and ideas. The student relies on heavy use of direct quotes in discussing their thoughts and ideas regarding the material content and concepts.

6 to >0 pts

Incomplete requirements

The journal’s content is vaguely or not at all relevant to the required material. The student has displayed some basic or no knowledge of the material’s content and concepts. Little to no examples in the students’ own words were used to support one’s thoughts and ideas. Instead of the student using their own words when discussing the content and concepts of the material, most of the writing uses direct quotes. The journal entry lacks the use of one’s own original words, thoughts, and feelings in relation to the required material.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA critical analysis (10 points max)Exhibiting you have engaged with the material by providing original, insightful observations and thought-provoking commentary.

10 to >9.0 pts


The student has exhibited above and beyond engagement with the content and concepts of the material. The engagement is apparent through in-depth thought-provoking commentary. The student has displayed incredible internalization of the context and concepts of the material by providing original, insightful observations throughout their writing.

9 to >8.0 pts


The student has displayed engagement with the content and concepts of the material. The student’s writing provides in-depth commentary. Also, the student has displayed internalization of the context and concepts of the material by providing some original, insightful observations.

8 to >7.0 pts

Minor improvements needed

The student has shown adequate engagement with the content and concepts of the material. The student’s writing reflects an adequate analysis of the material and some thoughtful observations—some unnecessary reiteration of general information reduces the impact of the overall critical analysis of the journal.

7 to >6.0 pts

Substantial improvements needed

The student has shown minimal engagement with the content and concepts of the material. The student’s writing provides a minor analysis of the material and one or two thoughtful observations. The quality of thoughtful observations and commentary depreciates due to the heavy reiteration of general information rather than employing critical analysis to the content and concepts of the material.

6 to >0 pts

Incomplete requirements

The student has shown little to no engagement with the material’s content and concepts, providing nothing to very little regarding analysis or thoughtful observations. The writing consists of a significant reiteration of general information lacking any of the student own critical thoughts on the material.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of writing (10 points max)Clearly and concisely articulates ideas and feelings about the material utilizing good sentence fluency (syntax), spelling, and grammar. College-level writing is required.

10 to >9.0 pts


The student’s writing clearly articulates ideas and feelings throughout the journal with excellent sentence fluency—few minor to no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

9 to >8.0 pts


The student’s writing contains several grammatical errors of little consequence to the messaging of ideas and thoughts about the material’s content. The student maintains effective sentence fluency is consistent throughout the writing.

8 to >7.0 pts

Minor improvements needed

The student’s writing contains enough grammatical errors to create a minor adverse effect in the messaging ideas and thoughts about the material’s content. The student’s sentence fluency is slightly inconsistent throughout the writing.

7 to >6.0 pts

Substantial improvements needed

The student’s writing contains numerous grammatical errors, adversely affecting the clarity of ideas and thoughts about the material’s content. The student’s sentence fluency is inconsistent throughout the writing.

6 to >0 pts

Incomplete requirements

The student’s writing contains a substantial amount of grammatical errors, severely affecting the intelligibility of ideas and thoughts regarding the material’s content. The student’s sentence fluency is inconsistent to such an extent the messaging of ideas and thoughts is approaching unintelligible.