Social Science Question


The Course Capstone Project involves planning and implementing a public health initiative to address a public health problem in your community. The project is sustained throughout the course. You are expected to complete work on your Course Capstone Project each week.

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This week you will complete and submit your final Course Capstone Project Proposal. Your tasks are to:

Complete your final written proposal for a community program/initiative that addresses a public health problem. Your proposal must be a single, APA formatted document that contains at least 2450 words, not including the title page and references page. Each of the following components is required:
Title Page
Follow APA guidelines for formatting your title page.
Include your name, project title, course information, and date.
Problem Statement (½ page)
Purpose of study: Explain the public health problem you are addressing.
Measurable program goal: Describe the goal or outcome of the program.
Measurable objectives: Explain the benefits of your proposed public health program.
Literature Review (5+ articles, 2 to 3 pages)
Explain your research findings. Ensure that you address the following:
Compare the approaches or solutions to the problem in each article. Are the findings and program plan implementations offered by each article similar or dissimilar? If dissimilar, do the findings and program plan implementations contradict one another?
Critique the articles. Which program plan implementations seem most effective? Why? How were the programs evaluated for sustainability?
Describe existing community programs that address the health issue. How successful are they in treating the health problem? Does the community embrace their missions? Do the target populations see them as relevant or helpful?
If no local programs exist, determine the reasons. For example, are there socioeconomic, physical, political, or environmental reasons no local programs have been established? If so, can you provide any recommendations that might mitigate those factors?
Program Implementation (3 to 4 pages)
Explain how the program will be implemented. Ensure that you address the following:
With whom should you partner to implement the program?
What potential barriers to program implementation (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural, physical, environmental) exist and how can you overcome them?
Where is the best location in the community to ensure the necessary access for all program participants?
When is the best time to implement the program in your community?
Provide a proper rationale for the above questions.
Budget and Budget Justification (1 page)
Justify the budget. Ensure that you address the following:
Identify resources needed to implement the plan, including:
Equipment & software
Office space
Supplies & Materials
Travel & transportation
Identify whether funding will need to include incentives for participation by the target population.
Discuss whether gaps in capacity or resources can be filled by stakeholder subcontracts.
Project Timeline (½ page)
Outline the timeline for implementation.
Feel free to use the Action Plan and Timeline template you will utilize in Field Experience.
Cite a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar sources according to APA guidelines.
Prepare a 7- to 10-slide narrated Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to provide information about the public health program to community leaders, stakeholders, and other public health professionals. Be sure to:
Cover the salient points from your proposal.
Utilize the presentation Notes feature.
Demonstrate professional, persuasive presentation skills.
Cite all sources used according to APA guidelines.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines (APA style 7th edition).

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Field Experience Project Action Plan and Timeline
This document reflects your plan for completing the required Field Experience hours for this course. You will complete this fo
100 hours* for each course with your Site Supervisor. By signing this form, you confirm that you have discussed your plan for
Supervisor must sign this form before it can be submitted for approval. See the course-specific criteria Tab for more informat
*The hours may vary for students with an approved SAC appeal. In such a case, the Field Experience requirement is reduced
Directions: Please complete this spreadsheet to the best of your ability. A completed form will need to be submitted during
can be used multipurposefully. 1) To plan the activities that will take place in order for you to fulfill the requirements and suc
that you project activities will take place; 4) To demonstrate the amount of time (in hours) that you spend on each project ac
1) List the activities needed for your Field Experience hours/project in Column A.
2) Capstone project activities must align with all nine Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s). Using the Learning Objective Tab as
3) “Shade” or “Fill” the cells in weeks where activities are planned, using a color of your choice.
4) Estimate the number of hours you will spend on each planned activity by adding the numerical value in the appropriate cel
Weekly Reminder: Complete hours each week in the Tk-20 Online Time and Activity Log.
Dates Fill in the dates
Learning Objective
Week 1
9/21/21 – 9/27/21
Week 2
xx/xx/xx – xx/xx/xx
< -------------- Action Plan and Timeline Site Supervisor Evaluations Meeting with Site Supervisor Meeting with Stakeholders Estimated Hours 0 0 s course. You will complete this form at the beginning of MPH/680 and then again at the beginning of MPH/690. Each course has a requir t you have discussed your plan for fulfilling the 100 field experience hours* with your Site Supervisor. Your Site Supervisor's signature repr ific criteria Tab for more information regarding requirements for your hours. xperience requirement is reduced to 120 hours, or approximately 60 hours per course. will need to be submitted during Week 1 of both MPH/680 and MPH/690. This is a living document and may be edited and updated as yo to fulfill the requirements and successfully complete your Field Experience (to "map" out your project"); 2) To align those activities to one that you spend on each project activity. Please complete the Project Action Plan and Timeline by addressing the following: Using the Learning Objective Tab as a reference, add one or more Learning Objective(s) in Column B that correspond to each planned activ ice. merical value in the appropriate cell. The Total at the bottom should add up to 100 hours per course (*or 60 hours for approved SAC appe Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx < ------------------------------------------------------------- List the number of hours spent completing each activity. ------------------------------ 0 0 0 0 0 MPH/680 Total 0 of MPH/690. Each course has a requirement of 100 field experience hours*. Discuss your plan for completing r. Your Site Supervisor's signature represents their approval of your selected project plan. Your Site t and may be edited and updated as you progress through your Field Experience courses. This spreadsheet ect"); 2) To align those activities to one or more of the Learning Objectives; 3) To indicate the estimated Week ddressing the following: that correspond to each planned activity. e (*or 60 hours for approved SAC appeals). Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx leting each activity. ------------------------------------------------------------- >
Week 11
xx/xx/xx – xx/xx/xx
Week 12
xx/xx/xx – xx/xx/xx
MPH/690 Total
0 Total Field Experience Hours
MPH/CHL Student Learning Objectives
Needs Assessment
Planning and Implementation
Evidence-Based Practices
Policy Recommendations
Community Engagement
Health Marketing and Communications
1. Assess community health needs to develop and interpret public health programs which respond
to diverse cultures of communities being served.
2. Create, implement, and evaluate community health programs utilizing appropriate learning,
communication, organizational, social, and behavior change principles.
3. Evaluate and apply principles of biostatistics, environmental health, epidemiology, and socialbehavioral models to the prevention of diseases that are important to communities.
4. Evaluate programs and appropriately apply public health research findings to community health
5. Advocate for improved health outcomes, communicate shared vision, influence change, and
champion solutions to organizational and community challenges.
6. Evaluate current local and global health trends and create recommendations for institutional
and health policy response aimed at improving community health outcomes.
7. Mobilize and collaborate with key stakeholders and partners to promote community health and
quality of life initiatives in diverse settings.
8. Create and market health communications for individuals and groups from diverse cultural,
ethnic, and educational backgrounds using a variety of technology and multidisciplinary approaches.
9. Create an effective leadership strategy, lead public health professionals, and manage
multidisciplinary system stakeholders in organizational and community health settings.
Course Specific Criteria for Completing Field Experience Hours
The bulk of your time spent in this course should be concentrated on Field Experience research, planning, and project develop
Conducting research associated with your Field Experience project
Conducting research requested by the Site or your Site Supervisor that relates to your Field Experience project
Completing Field Experience-specific coursework that directly impacts your project (i.e., developing a Logic Mod
Meetings with your Site Supervisor and Course Instructor that relate to your project
Meetings within the Site that relate to your project
Attending professional meetings that relate to your project
Writing assignments related to your Field Experience project
Any activities necessary for implementing your project
Activities not counted toward Field Experience hours include the following:
Driving to and from the Site
Work hours
Classroom time
Typing papers and other assignments NOT related to Field Experience
Break and mealtime
A new Project Action Plan and Timeline is required for this course detailing how you plan to fulfill the 100-hour requirement f
All activities related to your project’s implementation
Meetings with your Site Supervisor and Course Instructor that relate to your project
Meetings within the Site that relate to your project
Attending professional meetings that relate to your project
Time spent presenting on your project
Writing assignments related to your Field Experience project
Evaluation of your project
Activities not counted toward Field Experience hours include the following:
Driving to and from the Site
Work hours
Classroom time
Typing papers and other assignments NOT related to Field Experience
Break and mealtime
ing, and project development. You may begin implementation during this course but only after completing the Project Proposal and appro
ing the Project Proposal and approval from your Course Instructor. The following is a list of acceptable activities that can be done to fulfill
ctivities that can be done to fulfill the 100-hour requirement:

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