Social Media Marketing


Task: Choose two of the activities or occasions listed in Formative 1 and create the content strategy for it. Each of the activities should have a purpose as part of working on improving the online presence and the challenges the business or industry is facing. Define two different types of content that fit your goal and define what you will be writing on the visual or video, and what to be placed in the caption. Define what the target audience will be used for each of the creatives to increase their reach.Thank you 🙂

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Social Media Marketing
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Social Media
Tamara Zalzadeh
Define the Business
The business is an IT Consulting firm referred to as ABC Tech Solution. The IT consulting firm
helps companies optimize their IT infrastructure, implement technology solutions, and solve IT
problems. This company helps clients use technology for business goals by offering advisory
services, project management, cybersecurity, and digital transformation.
Critical issue: One critical issue related to this business is the need for more diversification of
client services.
Strategic solution: Innovation and diversification are The best strategies to handle this.
Some other challenges that the business include:
Limited-Service Offerings: ABC Tech Solutions presently focuses on software
development operations. To handle this issue, the best strategy is to diversify our service
platform to enter new markets and meet diverse client demands.
Talent Retention: Tech is competitive, making it hard to retain talent. There, we need a
strong talent retention plan essential for a top-notch workforce.
Market Visibility: ABC Tech Solutions needs more market visibility despite our
outstanding services. We need to build brand recognition and become industry thought
Client Acquisition: The business needs to work on attracting customers due to restricted
services. A strong client acquisition strategy is crucial for business growth.
Yearly Activities and Budget
Month 1-3: Market Research and Planning
Activity 1: Conduct market research to identify potential areas for service diversification.
Budget: $15,000 (market research tools, external consultants).
Activity 2: Develop a comprehensive business plan for the year, outlining service diversification
strategies. Budget: $10,000 (business consultants, legal advice).
Month 4-6: Service Diversification
Activity 3: Expand services by hiring AI and blockchain professionals. Salary and training
budget: $150,000.
Activity 4: Develop and launch new service packages targeting different market segments.
Budget: $55,000 (marketing, website redesign).
Month 7-9: Talent Retention and Development
Activity 5: Implement training and development for staff members to promote morale and skills.
Training and workshops cost $35,000.
Activity 6: Start the performance-based rewards and incentives to boost employee retention.
Budget: $40,000 (employee benefits, bonuses).
Month 10-12: Marketing and Client Acquisition
Activity 7: Increase brand awareness with a complete marketing campaign. Digital and
advertising budget: $75,000.
Activity 8: Create a customer acquisition strategy that includes industry events and networking.
Budget: $35,000 (event participation, networking events).
Fixed Monthly Fees: Some of the fixed fees that the company might be spending include
technology infrastructure, employee salaries, insurance and legal fees, miscellaneous expenses,
marketing and advertising, and finally, rent and utilities,
Estimated amount of the Fixed Costs:
Marketing and Advertising: $ 19,000
Rent and Utilities: $11,000
Technology Infrastructure: $16,000
Employee Salaries: $200,000
Insurance and Legal Fees: $6,000
Miscellaneous Expenses: $10,000
Total Monthly Fixed Fees: $262,000
This strategy addresses the crucial issue of service diversity while also addressing talent
retention, market awareness, and customer acquisition. Budget predictions are indicative and
may change depending on the business and market. The strategy must be monitored and adjusted
regularly for it to succeed.
Define the Business
The business is an IT Consulting firm referred to as ABC Tech Solution. The IT consulting firm
helps companies optimize their IT infrastructure, implement technology solutions, and solve IT
problems. This company helps clients use technology for business goals by offering advisory
services, project management, cybersecurity, and digital transformation.
Critical issue: One critical issue related to this business is the need for more diversification of
client services.
Strategic solution: Innovation and diversification are The best strategies to handle this.
Some other challenges that the business include:
Limited-Service Offerings: ABC Tech Solutions presently focuses on software
development operations. To handle this issue, the best strategy is to diversify our service
platform to enter new markets and meet diverse client demands.
Talent Retention: Tech is competitive, making it hard to retain talent. There, we need a
strong talent retention plan essential for a top-notch workforce.
Market Visibility: ABC Tech Solutions needs more market visibility despite our
outstanding services. We need to build brand recognition and become industry thought
Client Acquisition: The business needs to work on attracting customers due to restricted
services. A strong client acquisition strategy is crucial for business growth.
Yearly Activities and Budget
Month 1-3: Market Research and Planning
Activity 1: Conduct market research to identify potential areas for service diversification.
Budget: $15,000 (market research tools, external consultants).
Activity 2: Develop a comprehensive business plan for the year, outlining service diversification
strategies. Budget: $10,000 (business consultants, legal advice).
Month 4-6: Service Diversification
Activity 3: Expand services by hiring AI and blockchain professionals. Salary and training
budget: $150,000.
Activity 4: Develop and launch new service packages targeting different market segments.
Budget: $55,000 (marketing, website redesign).
Month 7-9: Talent Retention and Development
Activity 5: Implement training and development for staff members to promote morale and skills.
Training and workshops cost $35,000.
Activity 6: Start the performance-based rewards and incentives to boost employee retention.
Budget: $40,000 (employee benefits, bonuses).
Month 10-12: Marketing and Client Acquisition
Activity 7: Increase brand awareness with a complete marketing campaign. Digital and
advertising budget: $75,000.
Activity 8: Create a customer acquisition strategy that includes industry events and networking.
Budget: $35,000 (event participation, networking events).
Fixed Monthly Fees: Some of the fixed fees that the company might be spending include
technology infrastructure, employee salaries, insurance and legal fees, miscellaneous expenses,
marketing and advertising, and finally, rent and utilities,
Estimated amount of the Fixed Costs:
Marketing and Advertising: $ 19,000
Rent and Utilities: $11,000
Technology Infrastructure: $16,000
Employee Salaries: $200,000
Insurance and Legal Fees: $6,000
Miscellaneous Expenses: $10,000
Total Monthly Fixed Fees: $262,000
This strategy addresses the crucial issue of service diversity while also addressing talent
retention, market awareness, and customer acquisition. Budget predictions are indicative and
may change depending on the business and market. The strategy must be monitored and adjusted
regularly for it to succeed.

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