Social Media, Community Policing, and Juvenile Justice


Week 5 focuses on the actors in the juvenile court process. The first point of contact for many juvenile offenders is with law enforcement. The old saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” applies to both community policing and problem-oriented policing. Community policing establishes a link between law enforcement officers and community resources to reduce crime and delinquency. With the internet and social media being so popular these days, many law enforcement agencies are choosing to “go digital” as they work with the community. This assignment focuses on social media and law enforcement as they keep their community safe from crime and delinquency.

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For this assignment, you will work individually. Read the article below about social media and its impact on community policing.

Social Media and Neighborhood-Based Policing Officers: A Path ForwardLinks to an external site.

You will then develop a Word document in which you address the following questions:

In your own words, describe “Nextdoor for Public Agencies” and its impact on community policing.
Do you feel that all police departments/officers should have an active online presence? Defend your answer.
Provide examples of how social media can negatively impact community policing. How would you go about turning this around? Defend your answer.

Your response to these questions should be at least 500 words (all total) in length.

Week 5 Case Study Rubric

Week 5 Case Study Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentInformation presented is accurate and relevant points are included to answer the questions.

60 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

60 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJustificationArgument is well supported using a minimum of one (1) credible source, if necessary.

25 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanicsResponses are written at the college level with proper punctuation, grammar, and mechanics. Follows APA guidelines set forth in the instructions.

15 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

Total Points: 100