Social Inequality and discrimination in workplace


1.Topic/IssueSocial Inequality and Discrimination in the Workplace. 2. Briefly explain the position you are takingI am going to support the idea that Women and Men should be treated equally in their respective workforces without any sort of discrimination. Also, I am going to enlighten more on how these discriminations affect both men and women from progressing in their respective workforce. 3. List 3-4 sources you will be using to inform your position.…………

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Social Inequality and discrimination in workplace
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Final Op-ed Assignment Description
For your final assignment, you will write an op-ed on an issue/event of your choice that you
would like to analyze on a deeper level. Please note your topic must be different for one we
examined in class.
Your final op-ed must adhere to the word count (600-650- words). The document must be
double-spaced, have one-inch margins, with 12-point font in Times New Roman. It should
include: 1) An op-ed title, 2) your name. 3.) Your language should be professional, polished, and
precise (i.e., you must write succinctly since the word limit is small). It must also be free of
grammatical and syntactical errors. 4.) You should include in-text citations where appropriate in
APA format, and a reference list at the end (also in APA format 5.) Finally, it must Include a
word count in parenthesis at the end of your piece.
During the course of the next several weeks we will complete the complete this assignment in a
series of steps (see below).
Project Steps
Step one brain storm a list of topics of interest and chose the one that you would like to
analyze on a deeper level, As a part of writing your op-ed, you will need to determine a topic to
write about. This should be different from one we have talked about in class. You should
brainstorm topics that you are knowledgeable, opinionated, or passionate about -ultimately
choosing one that you would like to analyze on a deeper level. Take seriously the challenge of
adding something new to the public conversation, something you would like to have people
Week 5
Step Two: Compile contextual information on that event (using news sources and professional
opinions) that will help to set the stage for your Op-Ed. (Note: having a good understanding of
the context surrounding the event of your choice will strengthen your writing.) Week 5 & 8
Step Three design a plan/outline for your op-ed. Op-eds consist of 1) a lead paragraph that
grabs the reader and makes them want to know more about your opinion or point of view 2)
supporting paragraphs that builds on your opinion with statistics, facts, and anecdotes, and 3)
compelling concluding remarks that tell readers what needs to happen next (i.e., call to action).
I will help you develop a plan for your op-ed through an assignment on Canvas. This includes
writing a thesis for your op-ed, topic sentences for the body of your op-ed, and examples of
resources/research you will use to support your claims.
Week 9
Step Four daft your op-ed. Make sure to focus on the persuasiveness at this point. Think about
who your audience will be. Will you try to explain it to policymakers, parents, or voters? Think
about the perspective from which you’re writing. What issues will your op-ed address? Keep in
mind that whoever/whatever topic you address, your writing should try to persuade someone
who disagrees with you.
When you are done drafting, have someone read it. What questions did they have? Did they
find it unclear? Is your piece convincing? Finally, fix the errors your reader mentioned and focus
on final touches.
Week 9
Step Five compose your final draft. Your final op-ed must adhere to the word count (650-750words). The document must be double-spaced, have one-inch margins, with 12-point font in
Times New Roman. It should include: 1) An op-ed title, 2) your name. 3.) Your language should
be professional, polished, and precise (i.e., you must write succinctly since the word limit is
small). It must also be free of grammatical and syntactical errors. 4.) You should include in-text
citations where appropriate in APA format, and a reference list at the end (also in APA format
5.) Finally, it must Include a word count in parenthesis at the end of your piece
Week 9

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