Simmel and Du Bois


Discuss in Simmel and
Du Bois’ explanation of social order in Society. In this paper be sure
to include relevant examples especially contemporary examples. Also
discuss the strength and weaknesses of his argument. The paper must espouse APA format.You are required to provide support for your argument(s).

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Format for writing Reflection papers.

There must be a cover paper and reference page.
In-text citation is required
All papers must be double-spaced.
Font size should be 11 or 12.
Format APA
Cover page –
(5 points)
Introduction – (5 points)
Purpose –
Introduce the reader to the problem or concern.
let the reader know what the paper is about – what it is that you are going to be
discussing in the rest of the paper, the method of data collection (i.e., content analysis
or secondary data analysis), what questions you will be answering. (5 points)
Synopsis of the theory –
Provide a summary of the tenets of the theory – a brief and coherent
discussion on what the theory’s focus is. (10 point)
Discussion –
This course focuses on the questions of the theorist or theory’s explanation of a) social
order, b) social change and c) the strength and weakness of the respective theoretical
positions. This discussion must be from the perspective of the theory or theorists, not
your own opinion. While your opinion is important, it must not be the main focus of the
paper but rather infused in the narrative to indicate an amalgamation of the topic. (30,
30 and 20 points respectively)
Summary –
Provide a summary of the main points of the discussion – i.e., if someone does not have
the time to read the whole paper this section of the paper should give them an accurate
idea of what the paper was about. (10 points)
Reference page –
A listing in alphabetical order all the sources used in the paper. Please note
these sources should be primarily books, journal articles (digital and paper). If
you did not cite a source in the text of the paper it should not be listed in the
reference page. (5 points)
In-text citation –
In-text citation is a means of validating your argument or claims. If there is no
in-text citations then you may be guilty of being bias or plagiarism or both.
Organization –
This covers the following: a) paragraphs being between 3 and 6 sentences long,
b) grammar, c) sentence construction, d) definition of concepts, e) paragraphs
being indented or there is an extra space between each.

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