Shared Decision-making


Patients and their personal values and preferences are considered in evidence-based practice. But, to be successful at evidence-based practice implementation, you must consider the themes that influence patient consultations. Review the skills required for evidence-based shared decision-making (Box 12.1 in Chapter 12 of the textbook). Consider the elements that enable patient participation in medical decision-making (Box 12.2 in Chapter 12 of the textbook).Then, write a 200–250 word initial post explaining the role of shared decision-making with evidence-based practice and address the following discussion prompts. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts.Discussion PromptsIn your opinion, how can patient participation go beyond autonomy and informed consent?As a nurse, how will you facilitate a conversation with the patient/family regarding medical care decisions?Name one action you could take if the patient’s preference differs from the evidence-based recommended intervention, and explain why.

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Shared Decision-making
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