service project


Service Project (due by week 8)This course involves participation in a service oriented project. In light of COVID-19, students may choose one of two options:Option 1Students must participate in a volunteer service project of at least
eight hours. This service must be community oriented (ie. Soup kitchen,
homeless shelter, food pantry, community clean-up, etc.) Service work
may be completed through a church or faith-based institution but it must be community centered.
Projects such as leading worship, volunteering in a church nursery,
setting up church furniture, or even leading a community prayer meeting
are not acceptable.At the conclusion of the experience, students must submit a 3-5 page
report in which they reflect on their chosen service project in light of
insights gained from their study of the Old Testament, A packet of
options for service organizations near Fullerton, CA can be found in the
Files area. Students not in this area will still be able to see
examples of acceptable service projects.

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