SEO KEY word Mapping


First, read Chapter 4, Search engine optimization in your textbook then create a free 7-day account with SEM Rush. Then, complete the following SEO research.Using the same brand landing page that you chose for the Week 2 Lab 1 assignment, explain the importance of SERP page ranking and relevance factors to a key word strategy. How does it work? (Be sure to cite the Week 2 reading assignments in your answer.)Conduct keyword research for this brand using SEM Rush. Create a spreadsheet in Excel of 20 key word phrases (20 rows) for a specific product. These key words should reflect how consumers conduct queries (searches) for the product category. Remember to prioritize “long tail” searches that lead consumers to your landing page.Create a column in your spreadsheet called “Query Intent” that categorizes the type of searches are being performed (e.g., informational, navigational, transactional). Next, create columns for key word volume (you’ll get this from SEM Rush). Create another column “competitive ranking” that ranks the best low competition key words for your product category. Finally, create a column for the “stage of buying cycle.” Hint: the stages of the buying cycle reading in Chapter 2 will help you understand the connection between searches conducted at different stages. For example, a comparison search “iPhone 14 vs. Samsung Galaxy S22” a search for product reviews would likely happen when a consumer is moving from the “evaluation of alternatives” stage to the “purchase decision” stage.Using your key word research and analysis, make a recommendation for the top 5 best key word phrases for your product to a) increase brand awareness and top 5 to b) increase sales conversions. Be sure to “competitiveness” in your assessment. Refer to the Week 2 reading, Key Metrics to Rank in 2023 by Similar Web to understand how your product landing page’s industry category makes key words more or less competitive.Save and upload your lab assignment as two files, 1 Excel spreadsheet and 1 2-page Word document or PDF file: 1-page minimum for your analysis and recommendations, 1-page for your APA formatted references. See the MRKT6125_Lab Assignment Rubric’ SEM login information: [email protected] Password: Entai123@The company is Best Buy/ link of essay is on the bottom that specifies the information I have research. Thank you for the help!!

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Evaluating Conversion-Centered Web Design
Zelieka Isaacs
Johnson and Wales University
Marketing in Digital Environment
Doctor Rego
March 24, 2024
Evaluating Conversion-Centered Web Design
Best Buy is known for the biggest electronics retailer in the world. Founded in 1966, Best Buy
was predominately cater to the needs and wants of their consumers. Being known for their
electronic devices, Best Buy has also expanded their retail sells through stores, online, and call
centers. With the uprisisng of electronics being significantly popular in society, the company
continues to produce high quality products that is stable and useable for any consumers needs.
Best Buy offers the greatest e- commerce retailing that anyone can look forward too. Most of
theirelectronics are known to be used for business, leisure, and as well as DIY. From software
apparel, to housewares equipiment, and web design services, consduemrs can find multiple e
commerce services that best buy offers for a great deal, including social media and emails.
Majority of consumers enjoys the liability of having the concept of easy access to products that
they want without the hassel of heading to the store all the time. Thanks to Best Buy immaculate
commerce value.
The top product that Best Buy mostly sell or sold was the Sony Playstation five.
Recently being advertisesd and sold all over the world, many people had search and brought the
product when it was first launch in November 12, 2020. First being release in Best Buy, many
people had pre order the product to received it on time before the launch date. Thanks to Best
Buy rewards and promotional program deal for consumers, majority of their loyal consumers
had the access to buy the playstation five without waiting for the product to be release on it sual
date. Based on social media, advertisements sales,newspaper and television ads, many
consumers were able to purchase the product through Best Buy. Precisiley the product would
eventually be sold out within the next two monthe to a year. In addition to this, Best Buy
demanded a request from their vendors to continue brining the product to the warehouse inorder
for it to be sold in the stores of Best Buy. Overall, Best Buy conversion metric has contribute to
achieve their business just by making consumers happy with an increase of their rewards
promotional deals, advertisemnets vouchers such as social media, magazines, newspapers,
television and radio. The more consumers reconigize the basic concept of Best Buy electronics
through these easy access venues, the more the company profits off of their loyal consumers and
new ones as well.
The strengths and weaknesses of Best Buy website. First, The website is very easy to
access amazing electronic deals that consumers may search for their convience. This can include
telephones, laptops, lesirue gadgets suchas the playstation or the quest pro, apple pen and
airpuds, gamming systems, and many more. Each section layer out within the website, defines an
easy stability to have any consumer search and click precisely on what their needs are. Best buy
other strength is their definite ecommerce section. The ecommerce section or archives, shows
consumers the most top rated product being sold within the sold based on each section of the
item rather it’s a laptop, phone, television, cameras, or home appliances. In the section of the
ecommerce the website also gives insight on same day delivery services, enchancign their idea to
create a podcast to have their viewers or consumers listen to the lastest new electronic being
presented and in stores at their earliest convience and many more. Lastly, Best Buy also explains
a scetion within their website that revelas the unveiling of their first ever technology
development center that has open up on Octoober 29, 2015. Although the company may be
known for being the worlds most reliable electronic retail store, this company also suffers with
certain weakness that my need to change regarding their website and company itself. As
mentioned from earlier regarding the sleas of the playstation five being sold out within the stores,
many consuersm compalin that Best Buy receive their items from different vendors that may
cause an issue. An example, on their website the product such as the Apple airpods are part of
the Apple brand, however on the bottom of the descriptive product tells consumers pricesly
where and who is selling the product. This has cause a huge issue regarding their products being
liegit through brand name stores or not. Many consuerm assume that certain of these products
such as the Apple airpods and the Mac are consider to be products that are being sold overseas
through other vendors. This problem can lead to many consumers having their idenetity and
credit card information being hack and used by random vendors that may not be located in the
United States. In addition to this, if the problem is not corrected, this can lead to the business
losing their revenue value. Lastly, Best Buy web design only vontributes as a list to follow
through up and down. If you want to fisn more information regarding the company and it`
products, the consuerm would have to find key words or search key words suchas document, or
story to figure out Best Buy web design standard.
Three recommendations I would provide to make Best Buy website more usuable and
valuable towards consuerms are one create a category list for the ecommerce information that
specifys the specifics upcoming events. This includes new electronics, more reliable ways to
access reward deals for loyal consumers, and having a multiple language selction for consuerms
to used and receive a better understand of what theysearching for instead of keeping the language
barrier only in Spanish. Two, update their web design weekly, this includes free assistant helping
such as facetime calls, or 24 hr online text services. These concepts will help prevent certain
issues requiring the benefits of helping their local consumers understand their website design.
Lastly, one improvement I will change as well is the different vendors selling the products on the
Best Buy website Considering this problem to be a huge issue towards consumers, I do believe
that Best Buy can contribvute these problems by investing a partnership with other companies
such as Apple, Sony, and Samsung to sell their products conveintly and legal to their stores
without having certain products such as the Apple airpods being sold by a different vendor
located in another country. Making this process a habit make take time and a lot of funds to
retrieve this factor but if the company provides a steqady factor towards this issue with
partnership, then many or certain consumers would not file a law suit against the attributes
conclusion that Best Buy is making.
1. Ecommerce article info: By John Vomhof Jr. 2024
2. Top Sold Products: By: John Vomhof Jr, 2024

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