Seeing the Strange in the Familiar


Seeing the Strange in the Familiar

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“Seeing the strange in the familiar” is a very interesting notion in sociology. There are different interesting explanations of what this concept means, but I would like to suggest that we can also envision it as the ability to see something bizarre or strange in what ordinarily looks normal or natural to us. In other words, because we are so familiar with something, we fail to see how strange it is. Developing the ability to see the strange in the familiar is the most important gift we can give ourselves in trying to understand society. I would go as far as suggesting that it is perhaps the single most important ability if we are to understand social issues and social human behavior. Let’s talk about a couple of examples. The familiar “Human Resources” departments reveal and betray how humans have become a “resource” (read objects). Resources are machinery, office equipment, raw material, factories, tools, etc. Humans are humans, not resources. But we are viewed as resources (objects) by those who hire us. “Human Resources” betrays the process of objectification of humans. This is tragic, and this is strange. It is strange because it shows that humans have become objects. Another example would be how selling or trading athletes must be viewed as strange, as that, too, shows that humans are treated as objects.

Another example: Many employees at the workplace are treated with disrespect, but we have come to see that as the legitimate exercise of authority. The fact that we see disrespect as exercise of authority must be viewed as strange. How about viewing violence as normal? Take boxing. Two people beat the hell out of each other, but spectators, both in the stadium and at home in front of TV sets, cheer them on. We even give them medals. If the same two people beat each other up on the street, they would be arrested and taken to jail! How come we glorify and reward violence? Isn’t that strange?

Writing about Seeing the strange in the familiar is going to be our first assignment in the form of a discussion board.

Think about the concept of “Seeing the strange in the familiar” deeply, and try to find something in our society that must really be seen as strange but it’s not because we are so familiar with it, or because it has always been viewed as the natural order of things. Offer an example. Say why it must be viewed as strange. Try to leave familiar ways of thinking, and venture into new ways of perceiving things. What would help us in this exercise is to view as normal what promotes human dignity, freedom, happiness, wellbeing, etc., as well as what promotes opportunities of self-development and self-affirmation. On the other hand, what prevents humans from experiencing dignity, freedom, happiness, wellbeing, self-development, self-affirmation, etc. must be viewed as strange even if it is generally regarded as natural or normal. Remember, find something that should be viewed as strange in our society. Don’t talk about something in another society that seems strange to you. Be a sociologist! Give yourself the freedom to think differently!

Your original post must be at least 400 words. You can write a longer post if you wish; I would be happy to read it.

The discussion is worth 20 points (16 points for your original post, and 4 points for your response(s) to classmates’ posts). Your response must be at least 150 words.

The due date for this discussion is Jan 12; however, please try to post early so that we can have a lively discussion board. My eyes see things more favorably when posted early!

Please remember that simply posting something does not entitle you to a maximum or a very good score. Your score depends on the quality of your post.