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Project deliverables
Project deliverables: You are only doing part C.
A. 10%: Primary research (i.e., survey, interviews, or focus groups): Challenge #1 and #2
a. Min. 100 respondents for survey; 15 total respondents for focus groups or interviews (no
participants can be part of respondent pool)
b. Rationale/goals
c. Key aspects of research design (i.e., participants, how selected/recruited, survey questions,
interview guide/questions or survey questions (if survey, include link)
d. Summary of research findings: Minimum 250 words
e. Research grounding (including citations)
B. 10%: Industry and competitive analysis of at least three companies (plus LuvSeats), including their
owned media
a. Industry summary (key attributes, size, growth): Table/chart
b. Substantive, logical summary of LuvSeats and three competitors (i.e., focus, customers,
functionality, valued attributes, challenges): Minimum 250 word summary and table/chart
c. Substantive, logical summary of LuvSeats and three competitors digital owned media:
Minimum 250 word summary and table/chart
d. Research grounding (include citations)
C. 10%: Persona(s) / customer journey mapping: Challenge #2
a. Use of UXPressia software
D. 10%: UX Interview (one-on-one interviews); record/analyze three interviews: Challenge #1 and #2
a. Usability test script
b. Links to three interview recordings
c. Summary of findings (minimum: 250 words)
E. 30%: Owned, earned, paid media strategy: Challenge #1
a. Include strategies and goals, campaign calendar, and metrics/estimated results
b. Include image/video examples, at least one for each
c. Creativity
d. Research grounding (include citations)
F. 20%: Social media campaign details: Challenge #3
a. Include social media strategy and goals, campaign calendar, and metrics/results
b. Include all work
c. Creativity
d. Research grounding (include citations)
G. 10%: Contribution to Challenge #4
a. Strategy/goals
b. Include all work/examples
c. Creativity
d. Research grounding (include citations)
Check the attached case study file and this link to get an
idea about building the customer journey persona on UXPressia website. You can create a free
account and you just need to provide me with the picture of the schedule in PDF. Creating persona
and customer journey map: Watch this video on how to do it and read this article also . Then build based on the digital market
competition based on LuvSeats which is the client.
a. Compelling, logical, strong rationale
b. Substantive, detailed and complete
c. Clearly and strongly grounded in your research
You have to do a research why this UXPressia is built like that and just briefly in 100 words describe why
the UXPressia is built like that and your choices.
Spring 24
Case Study
Buy Seats. Move Seats.
Share the LUV!
Our Mission is to
Bring Fans Together!
We are more than moving seats; we’re about TICKETING WITH HEART!
In 2022, LuvSeats expanded and simplified purchasing event tickets to over
90,000 major events from the industry’s top-trusted sellers by eliminating
HIDDEN JUNK FEES or additional taxes added at checkout.
In addition, fans can enjoy booking room reservations and travel to over
250,000 discounted hotel properties worldwide.
At the heart of the LuvSeats brand is our unwavering
commitment to Share The LUV!™
LuvSeats proudly donates $1 from every ticket sold to St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital® in support of their mission: Finding Cures, Saving
LuvSeats forged exciting partnerships with the LasVegas Aviators®, XFL®
Vegas Vipers, and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), further
solidifying our dedication to community, education, and entertainment.
In 2023, The LuvSeats® Foundation, a not-for-profit 501c3 organization, was
formed to help less fortunate people attend live events.
Key Brand Pillars
LuvSeats offers an expanded range of services. In addition to event
tickets, you can now book hotels through our platform. We want to be
your one-stop destination for planning your entire event experience,
ensuring convenience and savings for our valued customers.
Charitable Giving
LuvSeats proudly supports St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®.
One dollar from every ticket sold will be donated to St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital® to support its mission: Finding cures. Saving
Our commitment to transparency remains unwavering. LuvSeats continues
to provide a ticketing platform with NO HIDDEN JUNK FEES. We believe in
honest pricing, ensuring that the price you see is the total price you pay
per ticket, with no steps to take, or additional taxes still added later!
Customer Support
Our customer support team is here to make your experience fabulous.
We’re dedicated to providing exceptional customer support, ensuring that
any questions or issues you have are resolved promptly and effectively;
closing the loop so you are “Good-to-Go”!
Fresh New Brand
Our branding has been refreshed to reflect our commitment to innovation
and modernity. We’ve evolved to meet the changing needs of fans,
providing a dynamic, user-friendly, and visually appealing platform.
Community Partnerships
We are thrilled to announce our partnerships with the Las Vegas Aviators
and UNLV. These collaborations underscore our dedication to sports,
entertainment, and education. We aim to bring fans closer to their favorite
teams and events while supporting higher learning.
Challenge #1:
Build Awareness
Challenge #2:
Buyer Behavior (Research)
Did you know about LuvSeats? Is awareness for LuvSeats among
college students 5%? 25%? 45%? You tell us.
As you develop your campaign, we’re also interested in learning
more about the buying process fans go through to get tickets to
their event. Are they comparing tickets across various sites? Are
they going straight to a Google search? Are they looking for perks
such as food, refreshments, or even hotels to bundle on? Are they
motivated by the best seats or best price?
In an industry filled with Goliaths such as Vivid Seats® (estimated
47% of resale), SeatGeek®, StubHub®, and others, LuvSeats
is new to the scene and would like to build awareness among
college students across the country.
Unlike others who have exorbitant marketing budgets, LuvSeats
is looking for creative solutions to generate awareness through a
more organic approach vs. a large paid strategy.
As in past DMC competitions, your budget is $250,000, but can
you do it for less? Creativity will be rewarded here and leaving a
few dollars on the table is not seen in a negative light.
All in all, walk us through a day in the life of someone searching
out tickets for the next football game or trending concert.
Challenge #3:
Post, Post, Post!
Challenge #4:
Future Goal
We believe that you have the keys to driving more traffic to and for that, we are giving you artistic freedom to
develop, distribute through your social channels, and measure
your messaging for LuvSeats. We’re taking off the handcuffs and
letting you show us why you’re the next great digital marketer.
We have teamed up with animators, directors, and producers from
top Hollywood studios (Disney®, DreamWorks®, and Netflix®)
to produce original animated shows that will not only entertain,
but promote the LuvSeats brand to our global target market.
Part of our team is legendary actor Patrick Warburton (Seinfeld,
Emperor’s New Groove, The Tick, and Family Guy).
The only thing we ask is that you use #LuvSeatsDMC, #LuvSeats,
& @LuvSeats in all your posts, and you abide by our brand
guidelines along the way. We will be watching, so spread the LUV
and make sure to report back in your final presentation on how
you did.
Great ideas can come from anywhere, and we encourage you
to unleash your imagination, collaborating with us to craft
outstanding original animated content!
The Details
Presentations that make the
finals think strategically and
cut their own path to stand
out among the entries from
across the world. Remember,
you’re pitching to the client so
they do not need an overview
or history lesson on their
in April. These presentations
will be 15-minutes long,
followed by a ten-minute Q&A
Round 1 – All campaigns must
be recorded in an “unlisted”
8-minute or less YouTube
video and submitted via the
entry form on the DMC’s
Two Separate Competitions
Finals – Four undergraduate
and two graduate teams
will present live via Zoom to
LuvSeats and other judges
Competition Dates & Rules
Visit the Digital Marketing
Competition website and click
“rules” in the navigation menu
for more details.
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s
Degree) – Four Finalists
Graduate (Master’s Degree) –
Two Finalists
Find Us Online:
Judging Criteria
25% 30% 30% 15%
Primary &
Owned Strategy
Paid Strategy
Media & Evaluation
Campaign 12-month Timeline
Campaign Budget
Instagram: RealLuvSeats
Facebook: LuvSeats
Twitter “X”: RealLuvSeats
TikTok: RealLuvSeats
LinkedIn: LuvSeats
or less

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