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A Kiss Is Just a Kiss
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A Kiss Is Just a Kiss
Heather Mac Donald
3–4 minutes
Sydney, Australia, August 20th 2023: Jenni Hermoso is kissed by
president of the RFEF Luis Rubiales during the FIFA Womens
World Cup 2023 Final football match between Spain and England
at Stadium Australia in Sydney, Australia. Credit: SPP Sport Press
Photo. /Alamy
The uproar over a fleeting outburst of uninhibited joy is ludicrous.
09/21/2023, 04:00
A Kiss Is Just a Kiss
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Editor’s note: As this essay was going to press, Luis Rubiales
resigned as president of the Spanish soccer federation and vicepresident of the Union of European Football Associations’
executive committee. The text has now been updated by the
author to reflect these developments.
A split-second kiss during a soccer victory celebration last month
ignited a political frenzy in Spain and a feeding frenzy in the global
media. The target of that frenzy—Luis Rubiales, the president of
Spain’s official soccer federation—resigned on Sunday, after
weeks of protest against him. And with that decision, the possibility
of a human future that still has a place for exuberance and
common sense has taken a body blow.
On August 20th, Spain’s female soccer team won the Women’s
World Cup in Australia. It was Spain’s first victory in that contest,
and elation broke out on the field after the win. A reception line of
dignitaries and sports functionaries greeted the players, many
hugging and kissing. One player, Jennifer Hermoso, grabbed the
president of Spain’s official soccer federation, Luis Rubiales,
around the waist and lifted him off his feet as he laughed and
shouted. When she let him down, they rocked back and forth in a
mutual embrace. In rapid succession, he pecked her on the cheek
while she patted him on his back, then he took her head in his
hands, and planted an instantaneous kiss on her mouth. He
immediately moved her head away from his, and still laughing and
shouting, sent her down the receiving line with two loose-wristed
thwacks on the back.
After Hermoso left the field, she streamed a live Instagram video of
herself celebrating in the team locker room. She swigs from a
champagne bottle and stuffs a chocolate cupcake in her mouth,
09/21/2023, 04:00
A Kiss Is Just a Kiss
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while guffawing and smirking for her smartphone. Off camera
someone asks what she thought of the kiss. Still laughing, she
replies: “No me ha gustado, eh [I didn’t like it].” Footage also
emerged of Hermoso and her teammates laughing about the
incident on the team bus in front of Rubiales.
Spain’s feminists were less amused, and they started complaining
that Hermoso had been sexually assaulted by Rubiales. For a
while, Hermoso brushed off the allegation. In a statement sent to
the Spanish news agency EFE, she wrote that the kiss was a
“mutual gesture that was totally spontaneous prompted by the
huge joy of winning a world cup. The ‘presi’ and I have a great
relationship, his behavior with all of us has always been 10 [out of
10] and this was a natural gesture of affection and gratitude.” The
feminists continued to flog the sexual assault claim, and Hermoso
continued to reject it: “I wish they created [controversy] involving
someone else, I’m a world champion and that’s what matters,” she
told COPE radio.
09/21/2023, 04:00
Communications and Learning Department: QEP/ISLO Assignment Cycle I 2023-2024
Banner ID: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Course Name, Section, and CRN: SPCH 1321.001 [CRN 38519]
1. List at least 4 strong sentences presenting four or more relevant facts of the case. Do
not refer to facts that were not identified in the article or its links. In other words, do not
do research other articles or documents. [QEP 1]
2. Write 3 strong questions that will help the participants and those affected to
understand the ethical issue of the case. [CT1]
3. In two to four strong sentence, discuss three people and/or groups of people that may
be affected by your decision as a juror. How they can be affected by your choice [QEP 3]
1. WHO is affected?
2. HOW are they affected?
4. From the list of ethical perspectives provided, identify two ethical perspectives from the
point of view of the Spain Futbol Federation Boss that may help determine if sexual
harassment took place in this case. Then, define each ethical perspective. [PR2]
Ethical Perspective 1 (EP1):
Definition of EP1:
Application of EP1 to the case:
Ethical Perspective 2 (EP2):
Definition of EP2:
Application of EP2 to the case:
5. From the list of ethical perspectives provided, identify two ethical perspectives from
the point of view of the Spain Futbol soccer star that may help determine if sexual
harassment took place in this case. Then, define each ethical perspective. Finally, explain
how they apply to this case. [PR2]
Ethical Perspective 1 (EP1):
Definition of EP1:
Application of EP1 to the case:
Ethical Perspective 2 (EP2):
Definition of EP2:
Application of EP2 to the case:
6. In 3 strong sentences, identify and clearly explain three ethical issues regarding this
case. [PR1]
7. From the list, choose 2 values that influenced your view of this case. Please specify a
person(s), organization, book, or movie as the SOURCE from where you learned the values.
Avoid saying life experience or living was the source of your values. You may revise
your list of values from the first submission.
(1) Value 1: Religion, Source: Bible
(2) Value 2: Fairness, Source: Goodwill Industries.
(Please delete this statement and the examples before submitting) [PR3]
Value 1, Source
Value 2, Source 2
8. In three or more strong sentences, list and explain 4 options/decisions/choices you
could make if you were a jury member deciding this case. [QEP 2]
Option 1: Identify and explain the option, then explain how it applies to the situation.
2. Choice 2: Identify and explain the option, then explain how it applies to the situation.
3. Choice 3: Identify and explain the option, then explain how it applies to the situation.
4. Choice 4: Identify and explain the option, then explain how it applies to the situation.
9. In the same order as in Question 6, discuss each choice’s consequences (2 pros
and 2 cons). Remember, for every action, there is a reaction for every act or will that one
makes. You may revise this answer from the first submission. [QEP 3/PR2/CT2]
1. Consequences of Option 1:
Pro 1:
Pro 2:
Con 1:
Con 2:
2. Consequences of Option 2:
Pro 1:
Pro 2:
Con 1:
Con 2:
3. Consequences of Option 3:
Pro 1:
Pro 2:
Con 1:
Con 2:
4. Consequences of Option 4:
Pro 1:
Pro 2:
Con 1:
Con 2:
10. From Chapter 6, identify your choice. In 2 or more strong sentences. Then explain the
value or ethical perspective that most influenced the decision [QEP 4].
*The choice must come from the choices listed in Questions 6, 7, & 8. selected from the two or
more options/choices.
My Choice:
Explanation of the value or ethical perspective that most influenced my decision:
11. Identify and briefly explain a total of four big picture, relevant points of view (POV)
for this case from the futbol/soccer player and the federation boss [CT2].
Futbol/Soccer Player POV
Federation Boss POV
12. For each viewpoint (point of view) listed in Question 10, identify a total of four
assumptions (two from each party) related to the viewpoints from the futbol/soccer player and
the federation boss [CT2]
*(Keep this phrase in mind when completing this section: “I am assuming…”
13. For each viewpoint (point of view) listed in Question 11, identify potential implications (making
suggestions but not saying them directly) and complications (things that makes a situation worse or more
difficult) for each viewpoint [CT2]
Point of View
(Please list the POV
from Q11)
#1 (player)
Implications and Complications
[Implication: suggesting something without saying it directly
Complication: something that makes a situation more difficult]
Implication 1:
Complication 1:
#2 (player)
Implication 2:
Complication 2:
#3 (boss)
Implication 3:
Complication 3:
#4 (boss)
Implication 4:
Complication 4:

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