Security Development Life Cycle Plan: Training Phase


In this step, you will develop a comprehensive training plan for your organization based on some specific software development and security awareness requirements.

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Security Development Life Cycle Plan: Training Phase
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SDL Phase Brief Scenario (read and submit):

Your CISO recently contacted you with some good news: She has secured about $200,000 in funding to support a training plan for your team. This is timely, as you have been assigned a new cloud programming project that will use Amazon Web Services to design, build, test, and deploy a Python-based application to allow users around the world to securely store datasets in a DynamoDB database and to retrieve data as needed.

Your team includes 10 engineers, each with less than two years of experience programming in Java. Most have computer science degrees, but none have any real experience in NoSQL databases, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), or SDL techniques. Your task is to create a comprehensive training plan to support this software development team for the first year, using the available funding. Also, about 20 additional employees who will be using the developed system will require some basic security awareness training.

In the final plan you submit, include at a minimum the following sections:

Program Mission Statement
Which People to Train
What Techniques/Formats/Courses/Topics to use for training
Metrics to Access Success
Schedule with key dates and milestones

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Project 1: SDL Plan
Your name
University of Maryland Global Campus
COP 640: Secure Coding
Instructor’s name
Due date
Project 1: SDL Plan
Section A: Training Plan
Complete each of the following section for your training plan.
Program Mission Statement
People to Train
Techniques, Formats, Courses, and Topics
Metrics to Access Success
Schedule with Key Dates and Milestones

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