SEC 582 Annual Student Accommodations Review Summary


The reality of teaching is that every new semester brings new challenges and rewards. Individualized Education Plans and 504 plans are part of most classroom environments and can pose challenges to instructional and assessment planning. Understanding your students will help you to better meet their needs.At least annually, you will meet with the IEP team or support staff and parents to review these plans and share student progress. To prepare for these meetings, teachers often write a brief description of strategies, resources, and accommodations used in the classroom to support the student’s learning goals in order to improve achievement.Examine the assessment data in the “Class Roster” and write a 100-150 word description for each student including strategies, possible resources, and accommodations to help improve student achievement. In addition, include a 100-150 word summary describing how you would interpret the assessment data for these students to inform and improve instruction.Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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Annual Student Accommodations Review Summary – Rubric
1. No Submission
2. Insufficient
3. Approaching
4. Acceptable
5. Target
5.69 points
6.1 points
7.18 points
8.25 points
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
inadequately developed or
incomplete and/or does not
address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
unfocused or vague or does
not address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are logical
and complete.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are creative
and thorough.
5.69 points
6.1 points
7.18 points
8.25 points
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
inadequately developed or
incomplete and/or does not
address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
unfocused or vague or does
not address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are logical
and complete.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are creative
and thorough.
0 points
5.69 points
6.1 points
7.18 points
8.25 points
Not addressed.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
inadequately developed or
incomplete and/or does not
address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
unfocused or vague or does
not address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are logical
and complete.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are creative
and thorough.
5.69 points
6.1 points
7.18 points
8.25 points
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
inadequately developed or
incomplete and/or does not
address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are
unfocused or vague or does
not address all requirements.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are logical
and complete.
Summary of strategies,
resources, and
accommodations are creative
and thorough.
Clarissa Jones: Summary of 0 points
Strategies, Resources, and
Not addressed.
Clarissa Jones: Summary of
Strategies, Resources, and
Grayson Jones: Summary of 0 points
Strategies, Resources, and
Not addressed.
Grayson Jones: Summary of
Strategies, Resources, and
William Hughes: Summary
of Strategies, Resources,
and Accommodations
Total 55 points
William Hughes: Summary of
Strategies, Resources, and
Emma Weaver: Summary of 0 points
Strategies, Resources, and
Not addressed.
Emma Weaver: Summary of
Strategies, Resources, and
0 points
5.69 points
6.1 points
7.18 points
8.25 points
Not addressed.
Summary is inadequately
developed or incomplete
and/or does not describe
how the assessment data
would inform and improve
Summary is unfocused or
vague or does not describe
how the assessment data
would inform and improve
Summary is logical and
complete and describes how
the assessment data would
inform and improve
Summary of feedback for
students is creative and
thorough and expertly
describes how the
assessment data would
inform and improve
0 points
3.8 points
4.07 points
4.79 points
5.5 points
Not addressed.
An attempt is made to
organize the content, but the
sequence is indiscernible.
The ideas presented are
compartmentalized; may not
relate to each other.
The content may not be
adequately organized even
though it provides the
audience with a sense of the
main idea.
The content is logically
organized. The ideas
presented relate to each
other. The content provides
the audience with a clear
sense of the main idea.
The content is well organized
and logical. There is a
sequential progression of
ideas related to each other.
The content is presented as a
cohesive unit. Provides the
audience with a clear sense
of the main idea.
Research Citations and
0 points
1.9 points
2.04 points
2.39 points
2.75 points
Not addressed.
Many citations are missing
where needed; or many of
the sources are
inappropriate for the
submission; or APA is
attempted where required,
but many aspects are
missing or mistaken.
Some citations may be
missing where needed; or
some of the sources do not
support the submission; or
APA is attempted where
required, but some aspects
are missing or mistaken.
All sources are credible,
adequate, and support the
submission. All required
aspects of APA format are
correct within the
All sources are credible,
appropriate, and strongly
support the submission. All
required aspects of APA
format are correct within the
0 points
3.8 points
4.07 points
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
4.79 points
5.5 points
Research Citations and
Mechanics of Writing
1. No Submission
2. Insufficient
3. Approaching
4. Acceptable
5. Target
Mechanics of Writing
(includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar,
language use)
Not addressed.
Surface errors are pervasive
enough that they impede
communication of meaning.
Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction are
Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract
the reader. Inconsistent
language or word choice is
present. Sentence structure
is lacking.
Submission includes some
mechanical errors, but they
do not hinder
comprehension. A variety of
effective sentence structures
are used, as well as some
practice and content-related
Submission is virtually free of
mechanical errors. Word
choice reflects welldeveloped use of practice
and content-related
language. Sentence
structures are varied and
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Period 3: Class Roster of Individualized Education Plans and 504 Plans
Algebra 1 and 2
Test Results
Clarissa Jones (twin sister to Grayson
Quiet and hardworking student. Keeps to
herself. Is hard on herself in regards to
producing work and grades. Often last to
turn in classwork and assessments.
Grayson Jones (twin brother to Clarissa
Highly motivated student. Works hard to
produce quality work. Works well above
grade level on assignments, but often does
not meet minimum scores on assessments.
Struggles with written expression, but can
articulate verbally very well.
William Hughes
Tries his best, does not ask for help. Often
first one done with an assessment. Student
appears to have text anxiety.
504 plan for ADHD.
Struggles with focusing
for extended periods of
IEP for Twice
Exceptional: Student has
diagnosis of dyslexia,
but also qualifies for
gifted services for
quantitative and nonverbal
IEP for dysgraphia.
Struggles with the ability
to write and organize
thoughts on paper using
appropriate detail,
sequence, sentence
structure, and literary
form. Also has difficulty
completing schoolwork
involving writing and
using writing in
everyday situations.
504 plan for ADHD and
executive functioning
Falls far below the
Emma Weaver
Artistic student and very distracted. Often
shouts out during instruction. Most likely
to gain attention of peers. Likes to appear
that she is on task, but struggles with
executive functioning to organize
materials and tasks. Lacks time
management skills. Appears to have test
anxiety and asks many questions during
© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved
Falls far below the
assessments for clarification as well as
drawing all over test papers.
© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved

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