SEC 582 Aligning Objectives to Standards STEM Unit Plan


Instruction planning requires well-written learning objectives. A learning objective must be specific to the content being presented, measurable, and attainable by students within the restrictions of the class. Clear learning objectives keep the instruction focused and help the students understand the learning expectations. Learning objectives must also be aligned to academic standards. Accurate alignment will guide instructional planning and enhance student academic success.Aligning learning objectives to state standards is an important part in developing a unit of study. Units of study can last for several days, weeks, or longer.Use the “STEM Unit Plan” template to create a 5-day STEM unit plan. Your unit plan will focus on your content area, including cross-disciplinary content from all STEM subjects.Select a concept within your content area on which to focus and create an appropriate and descriptive title for your unit.

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SEC 582 Aligning Objectives to Standards STEM Unit Plan
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GCU College of Education
STEM Unit Plan
Title of Unit and Brief Summary: Create a title for each lesson and 1-2 sentences summarizing the lesson, identifying the central focus based on the
content and skills you are teaching.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Title of Lesson and
Brief Rationale
Create a title for each
lesson and 1-2
sentences describing
the rationale of the
lesson and how it will
integrate multiple
STEM content areas
List specific gradelevel state standards
that teach and assess
multiple science
content areas.
Next Generation
Science Standard
Identify which Next
Generation Science
Standards align with
state standards.
Learning Objectives
Based on state
standards and NGSS,
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Day 4
Day 5
what will be the
purpose and focus of
the activity? Describe
the learning content
to be covered.
Unit Resources
technology) that
would be included in
the unit.
APA Citations
(include APA citation
for each above Unit
Resources Rationale
Describe the purpose
of the resource and
its value in the lesson.
Knowledge and
Specific knowledge
and skills students
demonstrate based on
the day’s activities.
Academic Language
and Vocabulary
vocabulary included
in the lesson.
Summary of
Activities for the
Observable student
learning activities
and how they are
© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved
aligned to state
Assessments used to
monitor student
progress and modify
© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved

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