Search Marketing Audit


Please make a PowerPoint presentation for me based on this requirement, and I also need a 20 minute written text of a speech, approximately 1600 words. The document is the example of this assignment.

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Search Marketing Audit
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For you SEO Audit which is due by Tuesday, November 14th at 5pm, you will do the following:

Pick a website and conduct a full audit on the website to determine whether the site is doing a good job or a bad job with their SEO. You can use SEO Site Checkup, SEM Rush’s SEO tool and/or MOZ’s SEO tool in ADDITION to analyzing whatever website you choose yourself. You can use the Moss & Lam SEO Audit PDF that I will upload to the Resources folder (in Presentations) as a format for your audit.

You will need to look at all of the factors we have discussed in class that contribute to PageRank, including but not limited to:

Meta titles – are they unique for every page? do they adhere to proper structure and character limits?

URL structure – is it consistent throughout the website? is it the proper URL structure?

H1, H2 tags – look at the website code and look for whether they use these tags and whether they use them correctly

Page load time

Meta descriptions – are they unique for every page? do they adhere to character limits?

Backlinks – does the site have them? Are they diversified? Are any of them generating a 404 file not found error?

Images – are they using Alt Text for images? Are images named correctly/use the proper naming convention?

You will need to do a search for the brand using unbranded and branded keywords and determine where the website ranks for each. You MUST be in incognito mode in order to receive the proper results.

You may also use SEO Site Checkup ( to start your audit but you MUST also look at the site’s ranking by conducting a branded and unbranded keyword search, look at all of the items I’ve just listed above as well. You cannot rely solely on SEO Site Checkup. You should also include 1-2 recommendations for improving the SEO pagerank for the website you are auditing.

You will create a presentation based on your findings and you will each be expected to record your presentation and submit on November 14, 2023. You will each have no longer than 20 minutes to present. If you go over 20 minutes it will be 5 points off your grade for the SEO Audit.

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Created by Grace E. Mangum

Traffic / Traffic Sources / Pathing

Site Architecture / Usability


General Recommendations

Primary source of traffic to is direct traffic
• Users typing in the URL directly into a browser

Users who have bookmarked the URL

Need to verify that you have filtered out internal traffic from employees

Top site content is within the Commissioned content section/homepage

These reports also reveal that there are some structural issues with the website

Commissioned & Homepage are the same page/duplicate

Usability issues

Users are unclear as to where they are in the website

Users unclear what the website is about

Few users are navigating through to other content sections
Next steps are:
• Update Primary navigation / menu items to intuitive naming conventions
• Introduce H1 tags with page descriptions / content
• Leverage social media icons to drive awareness
• Connect / Implement Google Search Console
Importance & Impact
of URLs
Information Architecture
▪Information architecture (IA) is:
▪“The art and science of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, online
communities and software to support usability.” – The Information Architecture
▪A SEO-friendly information architecture can help:

Index more of our content across major search engines
Increase the SEO value and quality score of entire categories of content
Help develop site & content hierarchy creating keyword relevance
Ideal Website Structure (Tree)

Optimizing your URL structure can help both search engines & users easily understand what a
particular webpage is about
▪Search Engines: Organic Visibility

Search engines factor in URL strings when ranking a webpage for a particular search query
Creates search engine relevancy for keywords
Helps develop site hierarchy
▪Users: Click-Through-Rates

A study conducted by Microsoft found that URLs play a vital role in assessing the security & credibility of a site
▪ Searchers spend 24% of their gaze time looking at the URLs in the search results
▪If a page’s URL will address a searcher’s question, they are more likely to click through to that

SEO + URL Structure

Impact of URLs

URL Best Practices

Information Architecture


Proper Syntax

Unique Identifiers
Importance & Impact of URLs
Use keyword rich URLs that accurately describe the
Target search queries with high search volume
Do not keyword stuff your URLs
Do not use multiple parameters
Do not start URLs with date or time references
Importance & Impact of URLs
Separate terms in the URL string when grammatically
Use hyphens (-) to separate words so search engines
can easily decipher between terms
Do not use spaces to separate words
Do not use underscores (_) or plus signs (+) to
separate keywords
Importance & Impact of URLs
Use all lowercase letters in URL strings
Helps avoid duplicate content issues
Simplifies any case sensitive SEO & Analytics reports
Do not use uppercase letters in URL strings
Mixed case URLs can be a source of duplicate
Importance & Impact of URLs
If necessary, unique identifiers (article ID numbers)
should be appended to the end of the URL string
Do not place unique identifiers at the beginning of
the URL string
Only use unique identifiers where applicable
Site Architecture

A consistent & optimized URL structure will allow both users and search engines to understand
what content exists on a page just by reading the URL

Establishing a content hierarchy will help pass authority and relevance down to important topic

Ideal URL structure should follow this type of structure:

Level 1 – {Domain} / {Category}

Level 2 – {Domain} / {Category} / individual-project-name (landing page)
• Update PRIMARY Navigation to:

Include Social Media icons in Footer
Footer Navigation:
○ Privacy Policy
○ Business address
Register site with Google My Business
• H1 tags on each page – HOME | ABOUT | COMMISSIONED WORK | M&L COLLECTION |
• H1 tags should include descriptive text – 1-3 paragraphs introducing each page’s content
■ describe the value proposition of M&L (homepage)
■ describe what the commissioned work – how it works, what it is, where it is
■ describe the collection – what it is, its uniqueness
■ describe that press is global, editorial, web, Q&As with M&L
■ adjust the About page to contain an H1 tag “About Deborah Moss”
• Optimize images to increase searchability – including Alt Tags and rename images to
follow SEO optimized naming conventions – 3-4 words, all lower case, separated by dashes
Site Architecture & URL Structure
As a general rule, you should aim for the following character limits within each of your meta tags:
• Page title – 60 – 70 characters
• Meta description – 160 characters
For example, when structuring your title tags, consider including your page title separated by the “|”
symbol, your brand name – domain.
A good formula for Meta-titles, is the following:
Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 – Domain
Following this formula, a good sample page title tag for the “About” page might look like:
Deborah Moss | About –
Make your form easy to find

Many businesses place their email signup form in the footer of their homepage, rather than
placing it in a prominent place on the welcome page or landing page.

Keep the position of your form consistent throughout the site and make sure it’s easy for
contacts to find.
2. Build trust with your site visitors

More users are now more security savvy and are aware of their rights as consumers regarding
privacy and spam. Include text on your signup form to build trust with the user that you won’t
share their email address with other business or parties, and remind users that you will keep
their details safe.
3. Tell visitors what they will get

Let your users know what they will get in return for signing up. This also helps with point 2 building trust. Let them know what the messages are likely to include, for example, will it be
news, offers, or business updates?
4. Tell visitors what they will get

Let your users know what they will get in return for signing up. This also helps with point 2 – building
trust. Let them know what the messages are likely to include, for example, will it be news, offers, or
business updates?
5. Set a frequency

Tell the visitor how often you will be emailing them and then stick to your plan. Don’t bombard
contacts if you’ve told them you’ll just be sending a monthly newsletter, and don’t forget about your
engaged list completely.
6. Offer a sample

Allow your users to see at least part of the content you intend to send them. If your signup page is
too cluttered, consider linking out to a specific sample page, before the user spends their valuable
time filling out your form.
7. Ask for their main email

By having access to their main email address, you’re ensuring your email gets opened and seen.
Use a word like ‘main’ or ‘primary’ next to the email field.
8. Avoid marketing jargon

Ask people to ‘sign up’ to your emails, instead of ‘subscribe’. Some users may assume this is a paid
subscription so avoid confusion by using plain words during this process.
9. Capture the email address first

If your form aims to capture multiple fields, such as first name, date of birth, or country, place the
email field at the top of your form. A form with lots of fields can be off-putting for users so you may
also consider implementing a two-stage sign up process where the email is submitted first and
follow-up fields are displayed on the next page.
10. Watch the syntax

If your user types in their email address incorrectly, it can result in an email address hard bouncing
and then it’s useless as it can’t be used for marketing. Some sites will offer additional functionality
such as prompting a user if something is spelt incorrectly, such as ‘[email protected]’.
Remember to clean your list for small errors such as this.
11. Test, test, test

Remember to test your form as though you are a user to pick up on any processes that can be
streamlined. Further tests on the form may include the position or content surrounding the form to
understand how and where users are more likely to engage with the form.

Surface Navigation element on the Individual Project landing page (as you’ve done)


This allows users not to have to go to the Primary Navigation to click on the next image to find the

Add H1 tags to each project landing page and a description of the project
■ Surface the image of the project under the description
■ Add Alt text for the image
■ Add the next project name below the image and hyperlink to the next project
■ This should be done for every project landing page

Run Google Ads Campaign

Would be beneficial for Mobile & Desktop search, in particular since the paid search
results appear at the top of the mobile & desktop SERP and would be most visible to the
end user.

Run an Awareness campaign to keep M&L at the top of the SERP

Use keyword performance data to enhance keywords on the site – beneficial for SEO

Navigation naming conventions are not intuitive – unclear to the end user what content
would be found in each section. This negatively impacts SEO and content engagement

Update URLs for revised navigation naming conventions

Set up 301 redirects for old URLs to point to new/revised URLs

H1 tags on each landing page with descriptive information on what the page is
about/content on the page

Revise all meta-titles using best practices structure

Create meta-descriptions (unique) for each page

Alt Text needed for all images

Ensure all images are named using a SEO friendly convention

Ensure images are optimized for mobile experience

Place labels on each images and make them visible not just in hover state (when a user
mouses over the image)

Provide the ability for users to share / follow you on Social Media

Surface Social media icons in the footer – use official logos & link to M&L social media
• Pinterest
• Facebook
• Instagram
• LinkedIn


Missed opportunity

Should be used to communicate what’s important to M&L
New and interesting ideas that M&L thinks their audience should be aware of

Inspiration for new projects / collections

Editorial calendar should be developed

Cross-linking strategy

In-content linking


Will help with SEO

Themed daily or 2x weekly posts

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