Samsung vs Iphone global competition in the global smartphone market


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COMM 3405 01 Global Marketing
Winter 2024
Class hours: 14:35-15:55 Wed & Fri
Instructor: Prof. Rany Ibrahim
Individual Marketing Assignment 15%
As the international business environment is constantly changing, you are asked to write a review
and assessment of an emerging situation pertaining to Global Marketing:
The Samsung vs. iPhone Global Competition in the Global Smartphone Market.
This Samsung “Join the Flip Side” add showcase the heated rivalry between both companies in
the global smartphone market:

Analyze and examine trends, innovations, market share, pricing, influences, product
differentiation, branding, consumer behavior, opportunities, and market entry strategies.

You can use an example of marketing strategies utilized by Samsung and iPhone in
response to emerging situations or potential challenges such as in regulatory changes,
supply chain constrains, geopolitical issues, or consumer demands.

Propose a strategic approach to take advantage of on emerging trends or to overcome

Make sure that your analysis offers a balanced interpretation of the Samsung vs. iPhone

Provide your key conclusions, assessment, and recommendations in the context of global
marketing in the smartphone industry.

Include any useful additional materials, such as industry insights, charts, graphs, or
additional data that support your analysis.
Stylistic Issues:

The cover page has the analysis title, course number, student name, and date.
The reports may have a maximum of 10 pages of text (including the Executive Summary
and exhibits), font Arial 12 double spaced.
Please use APA style in your assignments to briefly identify (cite) other people’s ideas and
information and to indicate the sources of these citations in the References list at the end
of your assignment. Include any supplementary materials, charts, graphs, or data.
Number the pages. Use headings and subheadings.
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Grading scheme:

Executive Summary (2 points)
Analysis (7 points)
Recommendations (3 points)
Style, Flow, & Grammar (3 points)
Due Date:

Individual Marketing Assignments Brightspace submission due on March 13, 2024
Marketing Plan Guideline
(Adapted from Ferrell, Hartline, and Hochstein, Marketing Strategy, 8th Edition, Marketing
Plan )
These worksheets will assist you in writing a formal marketing plan. Worksheets are a useful
planning tool because they help to ensure that important information is not omitted from the
marketing plan. Answering the questions on these worksheets will enable you to:
1. Organize and structure the data and information you collect during the situation analysis.
2. Use this information to better understand a firm’s strengths and weaknesses, and to
recognize the opportunities and threats that exist in the marketing environment.
3. Develop goals and objectives that align with the organization’s strategy and capitalize on
4. Develop a marketing strategy and plan that addresses the challenge or opportunity and
creates competitive advantages.
5. Outline a plan for implementing the marketing strategy (Marketing Plan).
Executive Summary
The executive summary is a synopsis of the overall marketing plan. It should provide an
overview of the major aspects of the entire plan including goals/objectives, strategy
elements, implementation issues, and expected outcomes. The executive summary should be
the last part of the marketing plan that you write.
Background Analysis
Situation Analysis (This is a guideline. The cases we study may not have all of this
The Internal Environment
Review of marketing goals and objectives
Identify the firm’s current marketing goals and objectives.
Explain how these goals and objectives are being achieved or why they have
not been met.
Explain how these goals and objectives are consistent or inconsistent with
the firm’s mission and generic strategy, recent trends in the external
environment, and recent trends in the customer environment.
Review of current marketing strategy and performance
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or in part.
Describe the firm’s current marketing strategy with respect to products,
pricing, distribution, and promotion. Which elements of the strategy are
working well? Which elements are not?
Describe the firm’s current performance (sales volume, market share,
profitability, awareness, brand preference) compared to other firms in the
industry. Is the performance of the industry as a whole improving or
declining? Why?
If the firm’s performance is declining, what is the most likely cause (e.g.,
market disruption, environmental changes, flawed strategy)?
Review of current and anticipated organizational resources
Describe the current state of the firm’s organizational resources (e.g.,
financial, capital, management and other human, experience, technology,
relationships with key suppliers, customers or stakeholders). How are the
levels of these resources likely to change in the future?
If resource levels are expected to change, how can the firm leverage
additional resources to meet customer needs better than competitors?
If additional resources are not available, how can the firm compensate for
future resource constraints (lack of resources)?
Review of current and anticipated cultural and structural issues
In terms of marketing strategy development and implementation, describe
the positive and negative aspects of the current and anticipated culture of the
firm. Examples could include:
The firm’s overall customer orientation (or lack thereof)
The firm’s emphasis on short-term versus long-term planning
The willingness of the firm’s culture to embrace change
Internal politics and power struggles among departments
The overall position and importance of the marketing function
Changes in key executive positions
General employee satisfaction and morale
Explain whether the firm’s structure is supportive of the current marketing
The Customer Environment
Who are the firm’s current and potential customers?
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or in part.
Describe the important identifying characteristics of the firm’s current and
potential customers with respect to demographics, geographic location,
psychographic profiles, values/lifestyles, buying behaviour and product
usage characteristics (heavy vs. light users).
Identify the important influencers in the decision-making process. These
might include the buyer, family members (or work unit members), actual
product users, and external influencers, and the bearer of financial
responsibility (who pays the bill?).
What value do customers receive from the firm’s products?
How are the firm’s products connected to customer needs? What are the
basic benefits provided by the firm’s products? In addition to product
functionality, are emotional benefits derived from the product?
How are the firm’s products consumed or used? Are there special
consumption situations that influence purchase behavior?
Sustainability needs: is the product easy to recycle? Does it contain adverse
Buying Behaviour
How are the firm’s products purchased (quantities and combinations)? Is the
product purchased as a part of a solution or alongside complementary
How is information related to the product gathered? What other products
does the potential customer consider? What are the features, benefits, and
advantages of competing products that cause noncustomers to choose them
over the firm’s products?
Where do customers purchase the firm’s products? Identify any trends in
purchase patterns across these outlets (e.g., how has e-commerce changed
the way the firm’s products are purchased?).
When do customers purchase the firm’s products? Does purchase behavior
vary based on different promotional events (communication and price
changes) or customer services (hours of operation, online/mobile
applications, delivery speed/cost)?
How does purchase behavior vary based on uncontrollable influences such
as seasonal demand patterns, time-based demand patterns, physical/social
surroundings, or competitive activities?
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How important is superior quality? Brand loyalty? Price? Service? Credit or
used here)
The External Environment (Porter’s Framework for analyzing markets can be
Who are the firm’s major competitors, and what are their characteristics
(size, growth, profitability, target markets, products, and marketing
capabilities, production, distribution, promotion, pricing).
How likely is it that new competitors will enter the market? What threat do
they pose?
How great is the threat of substitute products or services?
Other Important Players
How powerful are retailers, supply chain members, intermediary customers?
PESTLE Analysis (Political, Economic, Social/Cultural, Technological, Legal/Ethical,
Environmental/Sustainability) Opportunities or Challenges
Summary and Conclusions
What is the principal problem or opportunity?
What are the most important factors affecting our decision? Why?
Do the firm’s strengths align with the opportunities to create superior
customer value?
Can the firm convert its weaknesses into strengths or its threats into
opportunities? If not, how can the firm minimize or avoid its weaknesses and
Does the firm possess any major liabilities (unconverted weaknesses that
match unconverted threats) or limitations (unconverted weaknesses or threats
that match opportunities)? If so, are these liabilities and limitations apparent
to customers?
Can opportunities and threats become new competitive advantages
through internal disruption that takes advantage of competitor situations
(i.e., outside-in thinking)?
What are the key factors that will determine success in this market (i.e., Critical or
Key Success Factors). (CSFs or KSFs)
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SWOT Analysis (refer to Exhibit 4.5)
Strengths (compared to CSFs)
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
(Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of strengths.)
How do these strengths enable the firm to meet customers’
How do these strengths differentiate the firm from its
Weaknesses (compared to CSFs)
Weakness 1:
Weakness 2:
(Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of weaknesses.)
How do these weaknesses prevent the firm from meeting
customers’ needs?
How do these weaknesses negatively differentiate the firm
from its competitors?
Opportunities (external situations independent of the firm—not
strategic options)
Opportunity 1:
Opportunity 2:
(Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of opportunities.)
How are these opportunities related to serving customers’
What is the time horizon of each opportunity?
Threats (external situations independent of the firm)
Threat 1:
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Threat 2:
(Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of threats.)
How are these threats related to serving customers’ needs?
What is the time horizon of each threat?
The SWOT Matrix
Criteria = CSFs
Criteria = CSFs


Defining the Problem and Alternatives
Problem/Opportunity Statement (outcome of the Situation Analysis)
What are the short-term issues? What are the long-term issues we
must resolve?
What is the firm’s generic strategy? Is it adequate to support growth? Has it
grown through market penetration, new market development, product
development, diversification, or acquisition? Are changes needed?
Alternatives Considered to meet the challenge
What feasible alternatives are there to exploit the opportunity or overcome
the challenge?
What criteria should be used to compare the alternatives?
Are the criteria exhaustive and mutually exclusive?
Are some of the criteria more important than others? If yes, how should the
criteria be ranked and weighted?
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Alternative selection → Recommendation → Marketing Plan
Recommendation: Marketing Plan
A. Goals: SMART Goals: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound
Primary (and Secondary) Target Market
Primary target market
Identifying characteristics (demographics, geography, values,
Basic needs, wants, preferences, or requirements:
Buying habits and preferences:
Consumption/disposition characteristics:
Secondary target market (if any)
Identifying characteristics (demographics, geography, values,
Basic needs, wants, preferences, or requirements:
Buying habits and preferences:
Consumption/disposition characteristics:
Positioning Strategy
For our target market, we provide xxxx key benefit(s) with the key points of
difference and parity to our competitors. We have xxx capabilities to make
this possible and we protect our advantage by xxxx.
Product Strategy
Brand name, key associations, symbols
Major features and benefits:
Supplemental products (including customer service strategy):
Pricing Strategy
Overall pricing strategy and pricing objectives:
Price comparison to competition:
Connection to differentiation/positioning strategy:
Connection to value (monetary costs):
Profit margin and breakeven:
Specific pricing tactics (discounts, incentives, financing, etc.):
Distribution/Supply Chain Strategy
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Overall supply chain strategy (including distribution intensity):
Channels and intermediaries to be used:
Connection to differentiation/positioning strategy:
Connection to value (nonmonetary costs):
Strategies to ensure channel support (slotting fees, guarantees, etc.):
Tactics designed to increase time, place, and possession utility:
Integrated Marketing Communication (Promotion) Strategy
Overall IMC strategy, IMC objectives, and budget:
Consumer promotion elements
Advertising strategy:
Public relations/publicity strategy:
Personal selling strategy:
Consumer sales promotion (pull) strategy:
Trade (channel) promotion elements
Advertising strategy:
Public relations/publicity strategy:
Personal selling strategy:
Trade sales promotion (push) strategy:
Implementation Considerations
Structural & Management Issues
Describe any changes to the firm’s management team or structure needed to
implement the marketing strategy (e.g., add/delete positions, fill new roles,
change lines of authority, change reporting relationships).
Describe any necessary internal marketing activities in the following areas:
employee training, employee buy-in and motivation to implement the
marketing strategy, overcoming resistance to change, internal
communication and promotion of the marketing strategy, and coordination
with other functional areas.
What is the overall budget, and how will it be allocated to marketing
research, the marketing mix or other resources (human, capital) needed to
implement the plan?
Tactical Marketing Activities (be very specific—this lays out the details
of the marketing strategy and how it will be executed)
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Specific Tactical Activities
Marketing Research
Product Activities
Pricing Activities
Distribution/Supply Chain Activities
IMC (Promotion) Activities
Implementation Schedule and Timeline
Product Activities
Pricing Activities
Distribution Activities
Promotion Activities
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4

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Evaluation and Control – What are the key performance indicators
Overall performance standards (these will vary based on the goals and
objectives of the marketing plan). Examples include sales revenue targets,
sales volume, market share, recurring revenue from subscriptions, share of
customer market, profitability, customer satisfaction, customer retention, or
other customer-related metrics.
Product performance standards (these are optional and will vary
based on the product strategy). Examples include improved
perceptions of product quality, supplemental product quality,
experiential quality, new product innovation, branding, and
Price performance standards (these are optional and will vary
based on the pricing strategy). Examples include revenue targets,
supply/demand balance, price elasticity, yield management, or
metrics based on specific price adjustments.
Distribution performance standards (these are optional and will
vary based on the distribution strategy). Examples include
distribution effectiveness/efficiency, supply chain integration, value
(time, place, and possession utility), relationship maintenance
(collaboration, conflict), outsourcing, or direct distribution
IMC (promotion) performance standards (these are optional and
will vary based on the IMC strategy). Examples include
communication objectives; brand awareness, recognition, or recall;
campaign reach, frequency, and impressions; purchase intentions;
and public relations, sales, and sales promotion effectiveness.
Contingency Plan
What are the greatest risks when implementing the plan?
When (at what time periods) will the success of the plan be measured?
What actions will be taken if KPIs are not being achieved?
What resources will be needed?
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