Safety Rep Program


I want to build a proposal for our industrial safety reps roles&resbonsibilities. The current method is we have only 1 phase which is the safety rep. However, my proposal is to make it 3 phases. Adding pre & post safety rep cycle will be beneficial. I work in Saudi Aramco BTW if this is helpful. I need you to make the file proffesional and include the table of Content, introduction, content ( describing the phases, roles & resbonsibility for Managers, OE leader, and safety reps ). Then add the performance measures for safety reps. if you want to add anything from your side from a professional insight no issues. PLease send the file in a Word and Pdf vesions so I can edit if any.

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Safety Rep Program
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Given the structured outline above, let’s detail the program with tentative names for the positions
where indicated, and flesh it out into a full program description.
**Safety Representatives Program Full Description**

### I. Introduction
Welcome to the Safety Representatives Program, a comprehensive initiative dedicated to reinforcing
a strong safety culture within our organization. Throughout this program, participants will assume
critical roles in maintaining operational safety, preventing accidents, and continually enhancing our
safety practices. Their invaluable contribution is the cornerstone of our commitment to a zeroincident work environment.
### II. Program Structure
#### Phase 1: Safety Sentry (formerly Safety Champion)
*Eligibility*: Employees with at least 7 years of professional experience.
– Engage in educational safety moments and formal training modules.
– Collaborate with Safety Stewards in routine safety tasks and WAP reviews to improve risk
– Support safety initiatives and participate in departmental safety discussions.
*Duration*: 3-year tenure, subject to review.
#### Phase 2: Safety Steward (formerly Safety Representative)
*Eligibility*: Employees with at least 10 years of professional experience.
– Perform comprehensive safety inspections at least twice a week.
– Conduct monthly reviews of Work Area Preparations (WAP 5) for all units and sites.
– Keep detailed records of daily activities and strategic safety interventions.
– Facilitate the development of Safety Sentries by sharing knowledge and expertise.
*Duration*: Fixed term of 3 years.
#### Phase 3: Safety Advisor (formerly Post Safety Representative)
– Serve as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for one or more elements of the Safety Management
System (SMS).
– Provide consultative support on safety matters as needed and assist with onboarding new Safety
*Duration*: 2-year commitment after serving as a Safety Steward.
### III. Reporting & Accountability
Safety Stewards are responsible for maintaining daily logs that will be submitted to the Operation
Excellence & Compliance Group (OE&CG) leader with a cc to the manager of their respective
division. The records will not only document their activities but will also highlight proactive measures
taken to ensure a safe working environment.
### IV. Recognition & Incentives
Safety Stewards who demonstrate exceptional commitment to safety will receive annual recognition
from the organization’s director. Furthermore, an annual communication from the OE leader will
formally acknowledge the new batch of Safety Sentries, ensuring transparency and organizational
alignment with our safety goals.
### V. Managerial Involvement
Department managers will nominate two individuals from their teams to take on the role of Safety
Sentry. This nomination process is crucial in ensuring that we have dedicated personnel who are
passionate about safety. Managers are also encouraged to utilize the expertise of Safety Stewards to
address unique safety challenges within their departments.
### VI. Continuous Improvement
The Safety Representatives Program is dynamic and responsive to the evolving needs of our
organization. A suggestion box will be available for all employees to propose improvements to the
program. Additionally, an annual program review will measure the tangible impact of the initiative
on the company’s safety metrics and culture.
### VII. Conclusion
Our Safety Representatives Program is more than a set of guidelines; it is a testament to our
relentless pursuit of operational excellence through safety. We invite all participants to embark on
this journey with dedication and a vision for a safer tomorrow.

This detailed description captures the essence of the program. For the final preparation of the PDF,
ensure that the document is visually pleasing, with clear headings, bullet points, and perhaps using
infographics or visual aids to represent the workflow and responsibilities. It should conclude with
contact information for employees to reach out if they have questions or suggestions. Would you
like assistance with any other aspect of creating your final program document?

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