

Assignment 4: Determine a Method to Analyze Qualitative Data
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With a developing understanding of research designs and data collection methods, you can now begin to understand the concept of qualitative data analysis and select an appropriate data analysis method. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of qualitative data analysis methods, as well as the appropriate application as prescribed by qualitative research principles. This assignment includes three prompts and there is an option regarding the final product (essay or PowerPoint presentation).


In the Spotlight on Skills section of this lesson you are provided with an explanation of how to structure a presentation. Remember, slides are visual aids to support what you would say during a presentation. This resource will help you to compose your slides in a way that effectively balances visuals and text.

You have covered a lot of material these past 4 lessons. Now, you have an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of qualitative methodology and designs.

For this lesson’s assignment, you will consider a data analysis method that aligns with the qualitative research design for a potential study that you proposed in Lesson 2. Address each of the following three prompts as an essay or presentation:

Explain your proposed method of data analysis in detail, and how this method aligns with your chosen research design. Discuss what you see as the advantages and potential challenges of the proposed method.
Create an example to illustrate how you will code your data. You may use any text data available to you that is conversational. Examples include an entry from your own journal, text taken from the internet, or a mock conversation that you creatively write. The text you choose to analyze should be one to two paragraphs in length. Note that if you take material from the internet, be sure to cite it properly.
Review one or more of the tutorials on NVivo from the ASC listed in the resources section for this lesson. Whether you choose to engage in a manual coding process to analyze your research data or to use NVivo (the data analysis software that is available to you through the University), there are some features regarding coding and analysis that are common to both approaches. Explain in what ways you think manual coding and software coding will be similar and/or different? State your preference, explaining the reasons for your choice.

Length: If you choose to write an essay, this assignment will be at least three pages.

If you choose a presentation, you will include at least three slides, each with detailed speaker notes. The speaker notes should be a detailed expansion of each of your bullet points on the slide, and so you should consider these notes the “meat” of the presentation. The number of pages/slides does not include cover page or reference page.

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to National University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

When applicable, conduct a Turnitin pre-check and then upload your completed assignment and click the Submit to Dropbox button.


This assignment is worth 10 points and is due on Sunday.

Due on Jan 7, 2024 11:59 PM