Rhetorical Analysis Slides


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Rhetorical Analysis Slides
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Description: You will create a PowerPoint describing a #hashtag that advocates for some form of change. In addition to describing the features of the hashtag, you will complete a literature review to synthesize rhetorical theory and apply two rhetorical theories to the #hashtag for a complete rhetorical analysis. Rhetorical application will require you to dig deeper than a surface-level description of the #hashtag. You will then record yourself presenting your analysis.

Purpose: This assignment is designed to get you familiar with a literature review, which requires you to look for what other academics/scholars are saying/arguing in the field of rhetoric about the theories you’ve chosen. This assignment also measures your ability to apply these 2 rhetorical theories (from Borchers Chapter 7 to Jackson & Foucault Welles) to your #hashtag and discover its rhetorical significance, discursive strategies used, themes, and function of the #hashtag.

You may use two of the following theories:

Public sphere (include the lifeworld and the system)
Parasitic Publics and dominant publics
Culture Jamming (include artifact, distortion, and awareness)
Digital Rhetoric (include affordances or discursive strategies)

You will make an argument about your chosen #hashtag (i.e., what do you see happening in regards to discourse on posts using this #hashtag?). Do not just re-describe the #hashtag – instead, you should also make an argument about what the #hashtag does/is attempting to do rhetorically, including (but not limited to): challenging dominant systems of beliefs, reinforcing or problematizing a perspective, shedding light on new forms of rhetorical expression, or revealing how audiences are framed as a result of said #hashtag. Be sure to explicitly utilize your chosen rhetorical theories to make sense of how your artifact/phenomenon of interest (aka the #hashtag) works.


Go on any social media platform and select a #hashtag that is advocating for some form of change (e.g., #ICantBreath, #ClimateActionNow, #LGBTQEquality, #FreeBrittany, #ProChoice, and many others).
Research the #hashtag, its goals, its timeline, stakeholders, and important social/political/historical elements to contextualize the #hashtag (this will be one-two slides).
Create a 6-8 slide PowerPoint (not including a reference slide).
Include a Literature Review (one-two slides) that includes a survey of what the academic scholars from our course are saying about your theory. See main criteria for details.
Apply 2 rhetorical theories to analyze and support your argument and evaluation of the #hashtag. What rhetorical strategies/themes/ topoi, etc. do you find rhetorically significant? Citations must be cited in-text using APA style. You must also include an APA reference page. No submission will be accepted without both of these.
If you fail to use rhetorical theories from Unit 3 OR if you use sources other than course readings there will be an automatic 15% deduction from your overall grade for this assignment.
You will record yourself presenting your #hashtag analysis. Presentations must be a minimum of 3-4 minutes in length. 5 points will be deducted for every 30 seconds under/over. Please practice and come ready to articulate the findings of your analysis in a cohesive and articulate manner. Make sure you are using the “share screen” function, have your face present, and your slides showing in the video.

Main criteria: TEMPLATE OUTLINE- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YpV1YGwpae…

Introduction and #hashtag contextualization (two slides)- Have a clear thesis statement/argument and provide a clear description of the #hashtag. Tell us about its background, when it started, what is the goal of the#hashtag, what are they fighting for/problem they wish to solve, its primary purpose, and the obstacles they face. Where do they stand in a particular context? Is their message successful (from a rhetorical perspective)? You can locate this information from a minimum of 2 popular sources (websites and credible nonacademic sources).
Organized literature review (two slides) – Includes 2 academic sources used in this class to help answer the following:
Describe how the two scholars are using and talking about the rhetorical theories you’ve chosen.
What are the guiding principles/components/tenets of the theory?
How do the authors define and describe the theory?
A literature review should not include your voice. You should be synthesizing what the scholars are saying and how they have used the theories you’ve chosen for your #hashtag.
Rhetorical Analysis of your #Hashtag (2 slides) –
Provide a clear application and original analysis of your #hashtag using 2 rhetorical theories.
You will find a quote (this is your data!) from someone who has used your #hashtag on social media to put on a slide. This should be something that is rhetorical significant and that you can relate back to your theory.
You will then use an academic citation from our course material to relate back to the data (discourse you found on social media)
Then, in your own words, you will describe how the data and your academic citation of rhetorical theory connect and help you build your argument.
HINT: Application of theory includes you writing about how you see that theory in action, describing what is going on through the lens of the theory, and using discourse (verbal/textual/written/symbols) from the posts using the #hashtag as your data, or evidence of the theory’s presence.
Dig for deep meaning and rhetorical significance and themes that are present throughout. In other words, include quotes from your #hashtag and relate them back to theory. Don’t just drop in a quote from a reading and then talk about your #hashtag. This project should be an analysis of the #hashtag, which is your interpretation of what is rhetorically significant using theory as a framework.
Here is your opportunity to use your voice and create an original interpretation/argument/thesis about this #Hashtag!
Summary of your argument (one slide)
Include a coherent and succinct summary (3-5 sentences) that briefly wraps up your argument.
Submit your slides in a Pptx file and upload your video via a link or an mp4 file.
Include a strong thesis statement, which should include a summary of what you are about to write. For example, “I argue that the #BlackLivesMatter includes discursive themes of struggle and hope. Further, I will use counterpublics and digital rhetoric to better understand the implications of these rhetorical strategies.”
Include a coherent and succinct summary (3-5 sentences) that briefly wraps up your argument.
Your slides MUST include full sentences and APA in-text citations. Your final slide should serve as your reference page.
Follow the template PowerPoint Slides provided for you. You may change the theme/format of the slides, and include screenshots of the data, pics etc, but the main content must remain the same as it is.
Please see the rubric below for specific criteria.