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A Genre Analysis of Gut Microbiome Research in Popular Media and Peer-Reviewed
Over time, people have become more curious about the link between the community of
microorganisms in our digestive system and certain mental illnesses. As research on this subject
has increased, so has its portrayal in various media outlets, including newspapers, television, etc.
This study seeks to determine how arguments change when they are taken out from learned
articles into public prints. Two texts were used for the analysis: an article from popular press
written by Christopher Bergland under the title “Gut Microbiome Research Is Advancing by
Leaps and Bounds” and a peer-reviewed article authored as “The Neuroactive Potential of the
Human Gut Microbiota in Quality of Life and Depression.”
This paper argues that the argument regarding peer-reviewed articles differs from what
we see in popular media; this demonstrates a variation in context, target group adaptation, and
mode. Comparing both papers will help determine how the argument is influenced by factors
such as rhetorical situation and target audience. Additionally, this examination will reveal how
these alterations influence the persuasiveness of the thesis and may affect further studies.
Similarities between the Two Articles
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The media article and research discuss the relationship between mental health and gut
microbiota. They reference the Flemish Gut Flora Project (FGFP) as their information and results
source. Moreover, the two writings employ technical jargon in explaining the experiment,
including what was observed. This proves that both papers focus on one subject related to a
particular investigation. Both articles have the same subject: gut microbiome and how it may
relate to mental wellness. The papers talk about recent studies on the issue, emphasizing how this
branch of study could help enhance and treat various psychiatric disorders. Moreover, they both
underline that the gastrointestinal microflora plays a role in a healthy state and total well-being.
In addition, they identify particular microorganisms said to cause mental problems. In
one article, it is outlined that patients with depression have reduced amounts of Coprococcus spp.
and Dialister, while increased levels have been associated with Faecalibacterium and
Coprococcus (Parlog). The other article also mentioned these specific bacteria as relating to
mental issues. Due to this resemblance in discussing certain bacteria, it can be inferred that the
popular media article rightly reflects what was contained in the peer-reviewed article.
Additionally, both articles highlight the intricate nature of the gut microbiome ecosystem
and advocate for careful interpretations. One article cautions readers about an incorrect
assumption related to taking OTC probiotic supplements as a panacea for psychiatric illnesses.
On the other hand, the second paper underscores the importance of extended investigations
concerning this matter so that it may make better sense in future studies about the gut
Differences in Situation
(Insert Surname) 3
The difference in the circumstances under which each was produced is among the
significant disparities between the two texts. Specifically, one article targeted a broad audience,
while the other focused on professionals only. Therefore, every article has its exigence. The
purpose of the first article is to give information that would help educate people concerning some
crucial facts about gut microbiome and mental health and, secondly, what they can do with such
information. Conversely, the peer-reviewed article seeks to add knowledge in science by
discussing gut microbiome and mental disorders like depression or anxiety.
There is also a distinction in the constraints imposed on every article. Popular media
articles are confined, requiring information dissemination to be concise and clear within limited
space. Such simplification may leave out key facts. On the other hand, the space provided by the
peer review allows for very long explanations of the research project, including what was
discovered and its implications. But still, it cannot evade the tight reins posed by scientific
research protocols and standards because it has limitations, too.
Both articles exhibit scientific language and terminologies as yet another resemblance.
Regardless of targeting dissimilar readerships, the two papers contain specialized phrases
regarding gut flora, mental hygiene showing that the popular media article is based on credible
and reliable research. Moreover, they discuss how complicated the environment in the gut
microbe community is and its susceptibility to disturbance from many agents. This points out
that there are more things left to do and draw conclusions wrongly even from such studies as
those upon the intestinal microbiome. Each article has a different target audience. The general
interest media piece targets ordinary readers without science or research training. In this case, it
would be expected that the writers of such articles employ complex jargon and presume some
education on the part of the readers.
(Insert Surname) 4
Differences in Audience Accommodation
There is a difference between how a media article for general consumption and a peerreviewed paper care for their readers. About style, the former has an informal, chatty manner,
whereas the latter is highly formal and specialized in nature. Such a contrast in styles aims to
meet the needs of distinct audiences and what they expect of them.
Moreover, the two publications are distinguished by the subjects debated. In one case, the
popular media article brings out the social context and real-life examples to draw in readers from
the public. In contrast, in the other case, within the peer-reviewed article, attention is given to
only the scientific side or nature of the research, including findings. This differentiation arises
from a fundamental characteristic of the two articles: in one case, it targets individuals who
prefer gathering knowledge from experiments. In contrast, in another case, it regards an audience
that will mostly like to look at scientific numbers and data.
There is also a difference in the writer’s role in the two articles. The writer in the mass
media article assumes an authoritative posture about the subject matter, seeking to enlighten
readers. Conversely, in the peer-reviewed article, the writers present purely objective views of
their work, including facts alone or without personal notes to show that they have done their
work rightly.
Differences in Genre
Genre-wise, the two articles are also not of the same type. Specifically, one is a popular
media article in a blog format, and the other is a peer-reviewed academic paper. The names given
to these two kinds of writing underscore how they serve distinct goals. In particular, the blog
(Insert Surname) 5
intends to provide amusement and information to readers, while the research paper seeks to
describe an investigation carried out and its results.
Moreover, the two articles have different organizations. Headings and subheadings are
applied in the lay press paper to assist the readers in moving from one stage of the paper to
another, hence aiding in breaking the monotony of texts that may not be interesting for reading
alone and enhancing its readability to the eye. On the other hand, the peer-reviewed article
follows an orderly fashion approved by science, comprising some critical parts like Introduction,
Methods, Results, and Discussion.
The two articles also greatly vary in how they expound on information. To begin with,
the general article gives a short description of the study and what could follow therein. On the
other hand, the specialized journal goes deep, analyzing data and discussing its importance. In
addition, while the popular article is enriched with personal stories and quoted authorities, the
scholarly paper concentrates entirely on the finding itself.
Moreover, there is a difference in what encouraged the composition of these two articles.
The first article from the media intends to show how some recent studies can affect mental health
in a creative manner that catches attention. In addition, the writer brings out an aspect concerning
increased studies in that area. However, the second article, in this case, seeks to describe the
research work and results shortly and objectively with no subjective digressions or conjecture.
Analysis of the Changes in the Argument
Comparing the two articles, it is clear that there are significant alterations in the point of
discussion from peer-reviewed literature to mass media. In one article for the general public,
some details get left out or made too simple, including study errors and researcher prejudices.
(Insert Surname) 6
This may result in a highly exaggerated and trivialized portrayal of the research. Moreover,
employing colloquialism and the social setting might render the subject appealingly
comprehensible to many; however, this could also oversimplify an intricate issue like the
correlation between gut bacteria and mental wellness.
Alternatively, the peer-reviewed paper encompasses an in-depth evaluation of the
investigation, including results. Nevertheless, it suffers similar constraints to those set under
scientific research that may inhibit creativity in passing across messages clearly and simply. As
such, such an article may fail to attract many readers.
In conclusion, the argument changes significantly from a peer-reviewed article to popular
media. The differences in situation, audience accommodation, and genre significantly impact the
argument and its effectiveness. While the popular media article aims to inform and educate the
general public about the latest research on gut microbiome and mental health, the peer-reviewed
article aims to contribute to the existing body of scientific literature on this topic. Analyzing
these changes highlights the importance of considering the rhetorical situation and audience
when crafting an argument for a specific genre. It also emphasizes the need for accurate and
responsible representation of scientific research in popular media.
(Insert Surname) 7
Works Cited
Bergland, Christopher. “Gut Microbiome Research Is Advancing by Leaps and Bounds.”
Psychology Today, 21 Feb. 2019,
Valles-Colomer, Mireia, et al. “The neuroactive potential of the human gut microbiota in quality
of life and depression.” Nature Microbiology 4.4 (2019): 623-632.
English 1060: Writing, Research, and Inquiry
Arguments on the Move Paper
This project asks you to locate a reference to a research study in some kind of popular media and then
trace this reference back to the peer-reviewed article from which it came. Here, popular media might
include social media references, website references, or news sources. Once you have completed this
initial task, you will analyze these two genres of writing. Your goal is to use these two sources to write a
thesis-support paper that articulates your finding about (1) how the argument changes as it moves
across genres; and, (2) what the effects, implications, or significance of these changes are. (Note:
Duplicate topics will not be permitted.)
This project provides you with an opportunity to:
• Identify rhetorical situations that prompt, restrict, and construct writing tasks
• Evaluate how authors alter style, stance, and topic to rhetorically accommodate their audiences
• Define genre rhetorically in terms of nominal, structural, motivational, and archetypal
• Analyze the shifts in argumentation that result from situations and accommodations
To successfully complete this project, you will need to:
1. Identify an argument in popular media that references a peer-reviewed article (Note: This first
step can be time consuming and often requires you to explore many potential arguments before
locating a suitable one for your project.)
2. Track backwards to locate the peer-reviewed article
3. Verify that one source is popular and one source is peer-reviewed
4. Receive approval for your choice of paired sources
5. Analyze the change in situation between the two paired sources, paying attention to exigence,
constraints, and audience
6. Analyze the change in audience accommodation between the two paired sources, paying
attention to style, topic, and role
7. Analyze the change in genre between the two paired sources, paying attention to name,
structure, motivation, and archetypes
8. Develop an insightful claim about some of the most significant changes in the argument as it
moves from a peer-reviewed article to popular media
9. Support the claim by writing a six-page paper
Your peers and instructor who are interested in how arguments move across genres, but are unfamiliar
with your texts.
A 6-page (approximately 1500-word) paper plus additional bibliographic pages, all of which accurately
follow the documentation style expected by your chosen discipline.
The project is worth 20% of your final grade. Outstanding papers will:

Insightfully analyze the movement of an argument between a peer-reviewed, scholarly article
and popular media
Present a strong, meaningful claim that focuses the analysis on specific shifts in situation,
audience, or genre
Convincingly use specific details—from the two texts and their arguments and from your own
reasoning—as reasons to support your claim
Effectively accommodate an audience of classmates and teacher, who are interested in how
arguments travel across situations, audiences, and genres, but who are unfamiliar with the texts
that you selected
Organize ideas through well-structured and carefully ordered paragraphs
Shape sentences (length, punctuation, wording) to reinforce (not interfere with) meaning
Precisely apply a discipline-specific documentation style to in-text citations and a works cited

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