Revise + add methodology part


I have attached the two comments my teacher made and the paper. For the next step, you need to add a methodology section. It is supposed to be 2 pages long. Here is the outline of it. 1. Why I selected my cases? ( because I am from the Middle East and want to bring more awareness to it as well as try to find a solution) 2. What are my factors? ( 2-3 factors only) based on my themes, my research question, and the potential types of evidence. 3. Write about each factor and use 10-15 references for the methodology part. 4. Write about each factor.In the first 1-2 paragraphs, you will first state your factors, then state your research question, and finally, answer your research question. Then, you can move on to the outline that I provided above.

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Revise + add methodology part
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Salahuddin 1
Negotiations on Cooperative Water Rights
Transboundary water bodies face several governance challenges. As water continues to
be a scarce resource, there is an urgent need for nations that share water bodies to implement
more comprehensive and cooperative approaches to managing their differences (Dinar et al.,
2019). Riparian conflicts and the deleterious consequences that emanate from such have seen
poor managements of transboundary water basins (K. Paisley & Henshaw, 2013). A case for this
is the poor and slow outcomes of the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework, which was intended to
establish principles, rights and obligations to ensure long-term and sustainable management and
development of the shared Nile waters (K. Paisley & Henshaw, 2013). Such approaches are
grounded on a one-size-fits-all perspective, which has led to more negative than positive
As a result, there is a need to investigate the factors that affect the positive outcomes of
such approaches. The arguments surrounding the poor outcomes of treaties governing how states
share the Nile waters are based on the disproportionate benefit each state gains from the water. In
other words, the governance tends to generate more positive impacts to Sudan and Egypt while
negatively affecting the lower nine states (K. Paisley & Henshaw, 2013). River Nile, Rio Grande,
and River Euphrates are captivating cases for scrutinizing the complications of negotiating
accommodating water rights. The Nile River spans several nations and regions, each struggling
with exclusive socio-economic and normal threats (K. Paisley & Henshaw, 2013). Selecting such
issues aids a comparative examination to discern common patterns and possible solutions that
can address water scarcity, more so promoting cooperation. While the main goal is to examine
Salahuddin 2
the aspects that influence the capacity of nations to negotiate mutually agreeable water rights, the
paper will also propose more comprehensive approaches for combating the negative factors for a
more sustainable success of negotiating cooperation between nations sharing the River Nile,
River Euphrates, and Rio Grande River waters.
To achieve the goal of the proposed study, the research will be guided by the question:
What factors impact the capacity of states to negotiate cooperative water rights? This
question acts as the guiding power behind this study. This question recognizes the need to
examine the complex dynamics in water negotiations. Analyzing the complexities of negotiating
water rights among nations is necessary for creating sustainable solutions when addressing water
shortage and promoting peaceful collaboration among nations. By shedding light on the aspects
influencing the negotiation capacity of states, this investigation focuses on contributing to the
general comprehension of variables that shape state measures on friendly water rights and
provide perceptions of effective water authority in a speedily changing universal landscape.
Research Question
What factors impact the capacity of states to negotiate cooperative water rights?
This research question serves as the guiding force behind this study. Analyzing the
intricate dynamics at play in water negotiations is vital ( Fu, 2023). This paper seeks to uncover
the primary factors that either encourage or hinder the coming to agreements on shared water
Literature Review
The literature in international relations (IR) offers valuable experiences into the
complexities of negotiating water rights among states. Researchers have investigated various
Salahuddin 3
systems and theories to understand the dynamics of transboundary water governance (Bruce &
Madani, 2015). Concepts such as globalization versus localization and realism versus
institutionalism provide focal points to analyze the negotiation processes and control dynamics
involved in water resource management.
Cases for Analysis
River Nile, Rio Grande, and River Euphrates are captivating cases for scrutinizing the
complications of negotiating accommodating water rights. The Nile River spans several nations
and regions, each struggling with exclusive socio-economic and normal threats. Selecting such
issues aids a comparative examination to discern common patterns and possible solutions to
address water scarcity, more so promoting cooperation.
Transition Paragraph
The following sections will dive into an inclusive literature review. The review will
explore the primary debates and theoretical systems in IR that are important to scrutinizing
cooperative water rights negotiation. Each case study will be heavily examined, stating specific
challenges, involved stakeholders, and outcomes of negotiations. Through this discussion, the
paper focuses on contributing to the knowledge gain of variables that shape state arrangements
on accommodative water rights. Examining aspects affecting state transactions on these rights is
essential for forming sustainable solutions to address water scarcity. This paper aims to
illuminate the complexities of transboundary water administration through complex research and
scrutiny. This paves the means for well-detailed decision-making and the development of
policies in the landscape of international water management.
Salahuddin 4
Theme A: Transboundary water politics and IR
The theme of water rights is fundamental to understanding the capacity of states to
negotiate cooperative water rights. Water is a finite and essential resource. It has been a source of
contention among states. The issues occur particularly in regions facing water scarcity or
transboundary water challenges (Fu et al., 2024). Water rights encompass legal frameworks,
ownership, and usage entitlements directly influencing state negotiations. My research question
is closely tied to the theme of water rights because the capacity of states to negotiate cooperative
water rights is contingent upon their understanding and adherence to established legal
frameworks. The dynamics of water rights significantly impact negotiations (Pskowski, 2023).
Theme B: International Law and Treaties
International law and treaties play a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of states’
negotiations over water rights. Water resources often traverse political boundaries, necessitating
cooperation based on legal agreements and treaties (Bruce & Madani, 2015). My research
question is directly relevant to the theme of international law and treaties as it investigates the
factors impacting states’ capacity to negotiate cooperative water rights. Understanding the legal
obligations and mechanisms embedded in international agreements is crucial for deciphering the
constraints and opportunities that states face in the negotiation process (Polakovic, 2023).
Theme C: Transborder Water Politics and the Middle East
The theme of negotiating water rights involves examining the strategies, processes, and
factors that influence states in reaching cooperative agreements. Negotiations over water rights
are inherently complex (Fu et al., 2024). They involve considerations of equity, sustainability,
and conflicting national interests. My research question is directly aligned with the theme of
Salahuddin 5
negotiating water rights, as it seeks to understand the factors influencing states’ capacity in this
domain. Analyzing negotiation processes, power dynamics, and the role of stakeholders
contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the challenges in achieving cooperative water
rights (Milas, 2013).
Salahuddin 6
Ayferam, G. (2023, January 19). Sada – Carnegie Endowment for International peace.
Carnegie Endowment For International Peace.
Bruce, C., & Madani, K. (2015). Successful Collaborative Negotiation over Water Policy:
Substance versus Process. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(9).
Carlson, A. (2013, March). Who owns the Nile?. Origins.
Fu, J., Lu, T., Xu, B., Li, J., Zhou, J., Xiong, B., & He, Z. (2024). Water Resources
Allocation in a Transboundary River Based on a Rubinstein Bargaining Model. Water
Resources Management, 38(2), 639–663.
Grace, S., & Donaldson, M. (2023, February 27). The future of the Euphrates River. The
Future of the Euphrates River.
Iran, Turkey dam building exacerbates Iraq’s drought problem | | AW. The Arab Weekly .
(2021, November 15).
Salahuddin 7
Kibaroglu, A., Rifai, F., Zakzok, E., Schmandt, J., Oueidat, H., Payind, A., & Melinda
McClimans, E. (2016). Introduction. EuphratesTigris Water Issues An Introduction.


Milas, S. (2013). Sharing the Nile: Egypt, Ethiopia and the geo-politics of water … JSTOR.
Polakovic, G. (2023, September 19). Water dispute on the Nile River could destabilize the
region. USC Today.

Water dispute on the Nile River could destabilize the region

Pskowski, M. (2023, October 12). Tensions rise in the Rio Grande Basin as Mexico lags in
water deliveries to the U.S. Texas Standard.

Texas Standard for July 5, 2024: Texas Highways magazine celebrates 50 years on the road

Rio Grande International Water Accounting – Fort Quitman, Texas. Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality. (2002).
Robb, K. (2022, December). The Rio Grande/Rio Bravo water deliveries … Rob Water
Salahuddin 8
Rueda, V., & Gronewold, D. (2023, October 25). The Rio Grande isn’t just a border – it’s a
river in crisis. PreventionWeb.
Salman, Salman M. A., and Kishor Uprety. Conflict and Cooperation on South Asia’s
International Rivers : A Legal Perspective / Salman M.A. Salman, Kishor Uprety.
World Bank, 2002.
Smith, H. L. (2023, October 23). King of the dammed. Foreign Policy.
Tian, G., Liu, J., Li, X., Li, Y., & Yin, H. (2020). Water rights trading: a new approach to
dealing with trans-boundary water conflicts in river basins. Water Policy, 22(2), 133–152.
Turkey, Syria and Iraq: Conflict over the Euphrates-Tigris. Climate Diplomacy. (2013).
United Nations. (2005). UNESCO, PCCP, WWAP, peace, cooperation, diplomacy, water
day, WWD, decade, Water For Life, 2015, UN-Water, United Nations, MDG, water,
sanitation, financing, gender, IWRM, human right, transboundary, cities, quality, food
security. United Nations.
Salahuddin 9
United Nations. (2015). Scarcity, decade, Water For Life, 2015, UN-Water, United Nations,
MDG, water, sanitation, financing, gender, IWRM, human right, transboundary, cities,
quality, food security. United Nations.

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