Retail Management Question


I have solved question 1 and 2 but I could not solved the rest of the assignment please can you help me to solve them due to the deadline is tomorrow.

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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment 2
Introduction to Operations Management (MGT 311)
Due Date: 11/11/2023 @ 23:59
Course Name: Introduction to Operations
Course Code: MGT 311
Student’s Name:
Semester: First
CRN: 14678
Student’s ID Number:
Academic Year:2023-24-1st
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Swapnali Baruah
Students’ Grade:
Marks Obtained/Out of 10
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low

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Learning Outcomes:

Understand fundamental supply chain management concepts.
Apply knowledge to evaluate and manage an effective supply chain.
Understand the foundational role of logistics as it relates to transportation and
How to align the management of a supply chain with corporate goals and
Go through the given case scenario
Choose an organization operating in any part of the globe (preferably a super
market, hyper market chain (or) a fast-food industry or an electronics
equipment manufacturer/distributor, automobile manufacturer or automotive
parts or retail products / services.
The organization that you choose should either manufacture or market or
distribute some products / services. The competition in these businesses
majorly depends upon price, quality, timely delivery and service (which are
core aspects of Supply Chain Management). Hence there is immense pressure
on all the organizations in these businesses to keep the four aspects mentioned
to their supreme best.
As these businesses are the most emerged industries in the recent past, the
supply chain has seen huge transformations. These businesses are getting to
the maturing stage and so as the transformations in the supply chain
management of these business become more and more competitive, the
customer gets only the best products / service.
Note: In case your chosen organization is operating in many countries
and deals with many products, it is enough you consider the operations
in any one country and indicate some materials that are part of the
business and select 2 or 3 materials out of them for providing answers to
the questions given below.
Students can make use of graphs, tables, illustrations, maps, pictures,
images to add clarity to your answers.
1. Examine and evaluate your chosen organization’s Supply Chain,
describe its basic working, strategy used by them, key drivers for
achieving an integrated supply chain. What is the SCM model used?
2. Go through the typical Working of the chosen Organization’s logistics
process, Is there a role for reverse logistics for your chosen
organization’s products / services ? If there is a role, explain the process
that is applicable. (2MM)
3. Analyse and understand the different modes of transportation employed
by your chosen organization. Indicate whether the current arrangements
are effective. Suggest improvements for making the transportation
sustainable and new modes of transportation. (2MM)
4. What is the Warehouse design used by the chosen organization and
provide your idea on the appropriate warehouse design that will be
suitable for the future. Justify your choice with proper reason. (2MM)
5. Given the nature of the products that you have selected for your chosen
organization, what is the type of Inventory management control that
your chosen organization should adopt? Give reasons. (2MM)

You must include at least 5 references.
Format your references using APA style.
Each answer must not be less than 300 words
1. Answer-
Jarir Library is one of the most famous retail organizations that primarily operates in the
Middle East. In this case, I will concentrate on Jarir Library organization operations in
Saudi Arabia that provides a wide range of products, including books, electronics, office
supplies, and more, as they have said Jarir is not just a library. While Jarir Bookstore can
be considered a supplier for the general public, they also have a supply chain in place to
manage their own inventory and distribution.
The basic working of Jarir Library’s supply chain involves several key activities such as
sourcing, procurement, inventory management, warehousing, transportation, and
customer service. The organization focuses on maintaining a reliable and efficient supply
chain to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction.
One of the key strategies used by Jarir Library in its supply chain is vertical integration.
The organization owns and manages its warehouses and distribution centers, which
allows them to have better control and visibility over their inventory. It also enables them
to streamline their processes and respond quickly to customer demands.
Let me explain more:
Just-in-time inventory: Jarir Library tend to use the just-in-time inventory which made
them reduces the excess stock as well as costs due to this system is all about order and
receive directly, as a result, the products are distributed immediately and there are no
risks such as the expiration of some products.
Jarir Distributions Points: they have a large network of distribution point, so their
products will be available to the customer very easily due to their proximity to the
Retail stores: they have many points of sale, including branches, and they also have the
advantage of booking the product and receiving it from their branch
Key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain at Jarir Library include:
Technology: Jarir Library utilizes modern technology and systems to automate various
supply chain processes such as demand forecasting, inventory management, and order
fulfillment. This enables them to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and
enhance customer service.
Collaboration: The organization emphasizes collaboration and close relationships with
its suppliers and partners. By working together, they can optimize processes, share
information effectively, reduce lead times, and address potential issues proactively.
Customer Focus: Jarir Library places great importance on understanding and meeting
customer needs. They gather customer feedback and use it to improve their supply chain
processes. By aligning their supply chain with customer requirements, they can enhance
overall customer satisfaction.
The specific supply chain model used by Jarir Library they follow a combination of
different models such as the lean supply chain model or the agile supply chain model,
depending on the nature of products, customer expectations, and market dynamics. This
allows them to continuously adapt and optimize their supply chain to meet changing
business conditions. On top of that, Jarir also has a push and pull system, which means
that suppliers send products proactively based on expectations and data in the product
system. Therefore, they know what this market requires in order to operate this process.
2. AnswerFirst of all, I would to talk about the typical working of Jarir library
Organization’s logistics process:
1. Receiving and Cataloging: When new books or materials are acquired by Jarir
Library, they are typically received at a central location. The items are checked
for accuracy, cataloged with relevant metadata, and assigned unique identifiers
(such as ISBN numbers).
2. Inventory Management: Once cataloged, Jarir library’s inventory management
system keeps track of the items, including their location within the library. This
system helps staff locate, retrieve, and organize materials when needed.
3. Shelving and Organization: The Jarir Library staff shelves the items in the
appropriate sections, ensuring that they are organized for easy retrieval based on
categorization systems like the Dewey Decimal Classification or Library of
Congress Classification.
4. Checkouts and Returns: Jarir Library patrons can borrow items by checking
them out using their library cards. At the time of checkout, each item is associated
with the patron’s account. The due dates are determined based on the library’s
borrowing policies. When borrowed items are returned, they are checked back
into the system.
5. Reservations and Holds: Jarir Library allows patrons to reserve or place holds
on items that are currently checked out by other patrons. The logistics process
involves managing such reservations and ensuring that the reserved items are
available for pick-up once returned.
Now, regarding the role of reverse logistics for Jarir Library
products/services like those provided by Jarir Organization Library, reverse logistics
primarily involves handling the return of materials no longer needed or damaged items.
This can include:
1. Discarding/Disposing of Surplus or Obsolete Materials: Jarir Library
occasionally need to remove outdated or worn-out items from their collections.
Reverse logistics may include the organized disposal, recycling, or donation of
these materials.
2. Damaged Item Handling: If a borrowed item gets damaged during the patron’s
possession, it may need to go through a reverse logistics process. This may
involve assessing the damage, deciding whether the item can be repaired,
restoring it if possible, or disposing of it if beyond repair.
3. Interlibrary Loan Returns: In cases where libraries loan items from other
libraries through interlibrary loan services, there may be a reverse logistics
process involved in returning those items to the lending library within the agreedupon timeframe.
4.Recycling: it plays a crucial role in preserving the environment for the Jarir
Library Organization. It helps reduce waste, conserve valuable resources, and
minimize pollution. By promoting recycling practices, the organization can
contribute to a sustainable future while raising awareness about the importance of
environmental stewardship.
As all the above points have demonstrated, Jarir Library has a highly effective
logistics operation that ensures smooth supply chain management and timely
delivery of books and products. Their efficient inventory management,
streamlined transportation, and strategic warehousing contribute to their success
in meeting customer demands and maintaining a wide range of available items.
With their strong logistics capabilities, Jarir Library is able to provide excellent
service and customer satisfaction.
3. Answer4. Answer5. Answer-
Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases, 8th Edition (2021),
ISBN 978-1-260-36810-9 by Roger G. Schroeder and Susan Meyer Goldstein
John Mangan. (n.d.).
F. Robert Jacobs. (n.d.).
Fernie, J., & Sparks, L. (Eds.). (2018). Logistics and retail management: emerging issues
and new challenges in the retail supply chain. Kogan page publishers.
Dornier, P. P., Ernst, R., Fender, M., & Kouvelis, P. (2008). Global operations and
logistics: Text and cases. John Wiley & Sons.
Mangan, J., & Lalwani, C. (2016). Global logistics and supply chain management. John
Wiley & Sons.
Mollov, D. (2020). Strategic Supply Chain Management with the Balanced Scorecard.
Economic Alternatives, (2), 283-299.

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