Research & Summaries Question


Leadership Writing Assignment – Instruction:

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Research & Summaries Question
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Topic: Your Favorite Leader

Please think of your favorite leader (any leader, which may include leaders from the movies, for-profit and non for profit, politics, public life, sports, science, even comic figures, etc.) and analyze his or her leadership using three different theories out of the theories covered in class. find out what is happening and identify the persons’ leadership, while others may not be a good fit (in that situation, or for the specific leader or manager, or for the observer). The format of the report is a project report, not an academic paper. That means that the emphasis should be on application of knowledge and material and there should be a clear message and takeaways. Imagine your are writing a report for your boss at work and with the intent of informing him or her about how to improve a persons’ leadership skills.

Please use three of the theories covered in class, that is on the lecture slides or in the additional reading assignments. Please use three different leadership theories. Please use those three leadership theories that you feel describe best, what makes your favorite leader a truly great leader. Provide the reader with a headline or cover page and a short description who the leader is. Afterwards, you should structure your essay based on these sections:

Theory 1:

Theory 2:

Theory 3:

Choose three of the theories below. Three of these must be used

Leadership Traits
Leadership Behavior
Contingency Theories
LMX Theory
Full Range Theory: Transformational Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Servant Leadership
Ethical Leadership
Shared Leadership

Academic references: While this is not a primarily academic paper, we also recommend for you to reference academic sources and articles, to help build credibility and evidence your reporting. While this is primarily a project report it is supposed to be academically inspired.

Turnitin: submission will go through after completion and submission.

Formatting: All Assignments need to be formatted in Times New Roman font size 12; 1.5 or double-spaced; And contain structural elements, such as: Headlines, sections and subsections; Break up content in paragraphs. Your goal should be to produce a high-quality project report, as if it were for your supervisor at work. If your report is not formatted properly, the boss may place it back on your desk, and you may need to re-submit it next semester. This is not an academic paper but “just” a project report style. With that said, be reminded that “a page is a page and not a paragraph” and “a sentence is a sentence and not a paragraph”. A paragraph should contain multiple sentences but not span across entire pages and more.

5 pages maximum