Research result


Please would need help with chapter 4 of my research which involves the results. The research topic is ” WHAT ARE PARENTS’ PERSPECTIVES ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ABA THERAPY?”. The research questions are as follows The research questions that will guide this study of parents’ perceptions of ABA

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therapy’s effectiveness include:

 How does parents’ training in ABA therapy influence their compliance with treatment

over time?

 How do motivating factors influence parental compliance with ABA therapy for

children over time?

 Are there demographic variables that indicate parental misconceptions about ABA

therapy over time?

 Do parents’ perspectives over a period of time determine whether they believe that

ABA services are no longer necessary?

Attached is the file with response gotten from the respondents during the interview process.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Respondent: 1
Interview Questions
1. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment
option for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
I am very familiar
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before
enrolling your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, for instance my child is now able to make a snack for him self
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
Educational background affects your ability to understand the principles of ABA therapy.
Financial not because it mostly covered by insurance these days.
7. over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
Since I see progress in my child and got to know that as a parent, I can make inputs to the
treatment plan I no longer see ABA a very rigid like I thought before.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
Earlier we thought ABA was very rigid but as time went by, we noticed it could be very
flexible based on you the parents needs for the child.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect your
confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
I think it affect positively because I would go with their recommendations since they are
the professionals in the field.
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives as a
parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option. Yes
Respondent: 2
1 How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment option
for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? . Very familiar
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before enrolling
your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
significantly). Significant
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, some daily chores that he does home
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
I did not like reinforcement at the beginning because it involved given my child lots of
sweets but later found that it was not bad as if I envisage it to be. The sweets were just for
a short period.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
Being educated would help a parent understand the principles of ABA better
7. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
My views has changed because I have seen some positive changes in my child’s behavior
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
It had a misunderstanding with the reinforcement procedure when my child just started
ABA therapy but as time went by, I have to understand the principles better and notice it
was not bad.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect your
confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
It gives me hopes that I would keep seeing more progress in my child.
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives as a
parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option.
Respondent: 3
1. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment
option for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Familiar
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before
enrolling your child in this treatment? (Yes/No). NO
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA
therapy sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not
at all – Very significantly). Not at all
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific
examples. No changes have been observed yet
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment,
reinforcement, and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your
child? AS a parent I was not in support of the reinforcement principles at the
beginning but as time went on I saw it was helpful
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding
and expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
It has helped me to understand that there is a treatment option for my child with
7. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to
continue services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please
My views have evolved because despite no progress yet I am positive as my child
continues receiving therapy, I would see some changes.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA
therapy? If so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your
perceptions of its effectiveness. I had a misunderstanding about ABA therapy when
I heard about it for the first time; I was like what type of treatment is this that does
not involves medication.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect
your confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
Recommendation from professionals gives me hope that I will one day see some
positive progress in my child’s behaviors.
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives
as a parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option? Yes
Respondent: 4
1. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment
option for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
Very familiar.
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before
enrolling your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
Very significant
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, I noticed that my child can take off his shirt with limited assistance.
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
At the beginning, I thought punishments would negatively affect the child’s involvement
in the treatment, but I came to realize that positive impact in getting the child to
understand the right way of doing things.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
Educational background provides you with the knowledge to comprehend how ABA
works. My financial situation is helpful in situations where insurance does not cover
everything. Culturally I can relate how other families deal with ABA therapy.
7. over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
I was initially skeptical of ABA, but as I have gotten to experience progress in my child, I
am more comfortable with how the ABA therapy is designed.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
We had the notion that the ABA therapy was very fixed and inflexible, but having
experienced it, we now understand that it could be suited to meet the needs of each
particular child.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect your
confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
The success of the therapy have provided us with confidence to respect, appreciate and
accept the recommendations of the professionals.
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives as a
parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option. Yes
Respondent: 5
1 How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment option
for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Very familiar
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before enrolling
your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
significantly). Very significant
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, his interaction with his friends is very much improved.
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
At the beginning, I thought rewards were just a way of giving in to the child, but I came to
realize it was meant to serve a positive purpose and not reinforcing bad behaviors.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
Having a higher level of education made us to better understand how the ABA therapy
works and the purpose of it.
7. over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
My views have greatly evolved to the positive realm due to the successes my child has
experienced using the therapy and I will advocate for it to be maintained.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
Initially, I was not in favor of using rewards to illicit good behavior from my child, but I
have come to understand the positive side of rewards, seeing how it has positively
influenced my child.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect your
confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
The recommendations have been a success so far, and I now believe that positively
affected my child’s treatment and progress.
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives as a
parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option.
Respondent: 6
1. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment
option for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Very familiar
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before
enrolling your child in this treatment? (Yes/No). NO
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA
therapy sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not
at all – Very significantly). Somewhat significant.
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific
examples. Minimal changes so far.
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment,
reinforcement, and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your
child? I had doubts the using reinforcement and rewards as a means to elicit good
behavior, but over time, this has evolved as I experience progress in my child.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding
and expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
They all provided me with tools and knowledge that have enabled me to better
understand autism and ABA therapy.
7. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to
continue services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please
My views have changed by just being able to understand the ABA therapy program
better, though not significant progress have been made by my child.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA
therapy? If so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your
perceptions of its effectiveness. My misconception was due to lack of knowledge of
how the ABA therapy works, but this have been addressed but gaining knowledge
of the therapy have changed my mindset.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect
your confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
Recommendation from professionals have been positive and have greatly
impacted my confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness.
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives
as a parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option? Yes
Respondent: 7
3. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment
option for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
Somehow familiar.
4. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before
enrolling your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
Very significant
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, I noticed that my child communications skills are very much improved
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
Having a knowledge of ABA therapy, I am aware that reinforcements can positively impact
the behavior of a child undergoing the ABA therapy.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
Educational background provided me with an understanding of how the therapy sessions
are conducted. My financial situation is helpful in covering some of the cost of the
7. over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
I already had prior knowledge of ABA therapy sessions and my child’s progress reinforced
my positive expectations of the program.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
I hadn’t really encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about the therapy.
People who spoke about it just did not have any knowledge about it.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect your
confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
This depends on how success of the professional. Since I trusted the professionals working
with my child, I respected their recommendations
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives as a
parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option. Yes
Respondent: 8
1 How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment option
for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? . Not familiar.
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before enrolling
your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
significantly). Very significant
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, her social skills have greatly improved.
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
My involvement in the therapy session with my child made me understand that
motivating factors like rewards and punishments are very effective if applied correctly as
part of the therapy plan for the child.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
My educational background and financial situation did not have an influence on my
understanding and expectations of the therapy’s session and its effectiveness.
7. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
My views have greatly evolved positively as I see continuous improvement in my child’s
social and communication skills.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
I have not encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings so far in my
involvement in my child’s ABA therapy.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect your
confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
In my opinion, recommendations coming from a professional that you trust and respect
will bolster your confidence in your child’s ABA therapy sessions.
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives as a
parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option.
Respondent: 9
11. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment
option for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Not familiar
12. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before
enrolling your child in this treatment? (Yes/No). NO
13. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA
therapy sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not
at all – Very significantly). Very significantly.
14. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific
examples. Yes, I have seen some changes, especially in his communication and
social interactions with other kids who come to visit at our home and when he is at
the playground.
15. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment,
reinforcement, and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your
child? The motivating factors, especially positively reinforcing our child when he
does the right thing, have positively impacted my child’s behavior and progress
since he started using the ABA therapy.
16. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding
and expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
I don’t think that my educational background and financial situation influenced my
understanding and expectations of the ABA therapy. I was influenced me interacting with
other parents who had already started ABA therapy for their kids and had seen some
17. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to
continue services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please
My child has made significant progress since engaging in the ABA therapy sessions,
reinforcing my view on the continuity of the services.
18. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA
therapy? If so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your
perceptions of its effectiveness. None so far.
19. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect
your confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
ABA therapy recommendation from professionals who have shown that they have great
understanding of the program and have been successful in treating my child have
increased my trust in the effectiveness of ABA treatment.
20. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives
as a parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option? Yes
Respondent: 10
1. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment option
for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Not familiar
2Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before enrolling
your child in this treatment? (Yes/No). NO
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
significantly). Extremely significant.
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Significant changes, especially in his communication and social interactions with his
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child? The motivating
factors, especially rewards, have positively impacted my child’s behavior and progress
since he started using the ABA therapy.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
I don8’t think that my educational background and financial situation influenced my
understanding and expectations of the ABA therapy. I was influenced by my personal
involvement and the efforts that I put in understanding how the ABA therapy sessions
7. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
My child has made significant progress since engaging in the ABA therapy sessions,
reinforcing my view on the continuity of the services.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
effectiveness. None so far.
7. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect
your confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
ABA therapy recommendation from professionals who have shown that they have great
understanding of the program and have been successful in treating my child have
increased my confidence on the effectiveness of the treatment plan.
8. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives
as a parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option? Yes
Respondent: 11
1. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment
option for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Familiar
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before
enrolling your child in this treatment? (Yes/No). NO
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA
therapy sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not
at all – Very significantly). Significant
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific
examples. Yes, I have seen some changes, especially in his communication and
social interactions with other kids who come to visit and when he is at the
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment,
reinforcement, and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your
child? Honestly, I did not like punishment when my child just started ABA because I
had a bad perspective about anything punishment. Now that I understand what
ABA is all about I understand what punishment Is in aba
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding
and expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
I do not think that my educational background and financial situation influenced my
understanding and expectations of the ABA therapy. I was influenced me researching on
what services are available which can be of help to my child.
7. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to
continue services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please
My child has made significant progress since engaging in the ABA therapy sessions,
changing my perspective on the continuity of the services.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA
therapy? If so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your
perceptions of its effectiveness. None so far.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect
your confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
ABA therapy recommendation from professionals who have shown that they have great
understanding of the program and has increased my trust in the effectiveness of ABA
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives
as a parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option? Yes
Respondent: 12
1. How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment option
for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
Somehow familiar.
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before enrolling
your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, I noticed that my child communications skills has improved
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
Having a knowledge of ABA therapy, I am aware that reinforcements can positively affect
the behavior of a child.
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
Educational background provided me with an understanding of how the therapy sessions
are conducted. My financial situation is helpful in covering some of the cost of the
program, that what my insurance does not pay.
7. over the course of your child’s ABA therapy, have your views on the need to continue
services evolved based upon the progress you have observed? Please elaborate.
Yes, my child’s progress reinforced my views I am very motivated to continue therapy.
8. Have you encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about ABA therapy? If
so, please describe them and how they may have influenced your perceptions of its
I had not really encountered any misconceptions or misunderstandings about the therapy.
9. In your opinion, how do ABA therapy recommendations from professionals affect your
confidence in the treatment’s effectiveness for your child?
I trust the professionals working with my child, hence I respected their recommendations
10. Considering the increasing rate of autism diagnoses and the growing demand for
effective treatments, do you believe that sharing your experiences and perspectives as a
parent can improve treatment selection (therapy) option. Yes
Respondent: 13
1 How familiar are you with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment option
for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? . Not familiar.
2. Have you received any formal training or education about ABA therapy before enrolling
your child in this treatment? (Yes/No).
3. In your opinion, to what extent has your active involvement in your child’s ABA therapy
sessions influenced their progress and development over time? (Scale: Not at all – Very
significantly). Very significant
4. Have you observed any changes in your child’s behavior, communication, or social
interactions because of undergoing ABA therapy? If yes, please provide specific examples.
Yes, her social skills has changed positively.
5. How do you perceive the effect of motivating factors, such as punishment, reinforcement,
and rewards, on your adherence to the ABA therapy plan for your child?
My involvement in the therapy session with my child made me understand that
motivating factors like rewards and punishments are very effective if I follow the ABA
6. To what degree do you believe that demographic factors, such as your educational
background, financial situation, and cultural context, influence your understanding and
expectations of ABA therapy’s effectiveness for your child?
My educational background and financial situation did not have an influence on my
understanding and expectations of the therapy’s session and its effectiveness.
7. Over the course of your child’s ABA therapy