Research Proposal Literature (Rough Draft)


Literature Review Rough Draft

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Research Proposal Literature (Rough Draft)
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The literature review is one of the most important components, and often the most time consuming part, of a good research proposal. Without the solid foundation of a good literature review, it is difficult to make a strong research proposal.

This week, you will work to develop a rough draft of your literature review. You will continue to develop the literature review next week based on feedback provided by your instructor. Then in week 7, you will submit a well-polished literature review as part of your final research proposal.

The following requirements should be met in your literature review:

Include a minimum of six scholarly sources
Organize in logical sections
Include an overview of the literature
Be unbiased in your presentation of information
Include sources and content relevant to your research questions and hypothesis; state the relevance in your literature review
Include a critical assessment of the sources. Do not simply include a summary of what you have read
A strong introduction and conclusion, including further questions for research
Proper APA formatting, citations, and references

Keep in mind that this is a rough draft, so the literature review does not need to be perfect. However, you should still submit a literature review with proper APA formatting, correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar that meets all of the specifications of the assignment listed above. You will then receive feedback from your instructor and continue to do more research, and modify and improve your current literature review.

Due Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)

Points Possible: 100

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Impact of Nursing Documentation Systems on Patient Safety
Michelle Caballero
Dr. Knapp
West Coast University
January 13, 2024
The Topic
The chosen topic for the study is “The Impact of Nursing Documentation Systems on
Patient Safety.” An electronic documentation system is an essential practice within a clinical
setting that has proved effective in improving quality care and patient safety. Precise and
efficient nursing documentation is central for effective communication among healthcare
providers (De Groot et al., 2022).
Problem statement
In today’s healthcare environment, the impact of nursing documentation on patient safety
is a critical aspect that continues to attract research and investigation. Although there is an
extensive adoption of electronic health records systems (EHRs) coupled with other innovative
technologies within the healthcare environment, a potential gap exists in understanding how
these technologies influence communication, accuracy, and collaborative decision-making
among healthcare providers (McCarthy et al., 2019). In this case, it is imperative to address this
potential gap to help detect the challenges, promote the usability of the nursing documentation
system, and develop an evidence-based practice that promotes patient safety within the everchanging healthcare environment.
Research Questions
In exploring this topic, the following research questions will guide the study:
1. What role do nursing documentation systems play in promoting communication and
collaboration among healthcare providers?
2. How does the effectiveness of nursing documentation systems promote the prevention of
adverse events and errors in patient care?
3. How do nursing documentation systems promote the accuracy and completeness of
recorded patient health information?
4. What is the relationship between the quality of the nursing documentation system and
patient safety outcomes?
Significance of the topic
Electronic nursing documentation is a significant practice within the nursing environment
because it promotes and improves quality care and patient safety within hospital settings.
Accurate and comprehensive documentation of patient health information in an electronic format
is vital and ensures a shared understanding of patient health needs and treatment plans (Bjerkan
et al., 2021). Through effective investigation of this topic, the nursing practice can adequately
identify best practices, promote collaboration, and leverage technology within the healthcare
setting to promote safer healthcare practice, thus improving patient health outcomes and
advancing their commitment to optimal healthcare delivery.
McCarthy, B., Fitzgerald, S., O’Shea, M., Condon, C., Hartnett-Collins, G., Clancy, M., Sheehy,
A., Denieffe, S., Bergin, M., & Savage, E. (2019). Electronic nursing documentation
interventions to promote or improve patient safety and quality care: A systematic review.
Journal of Nursing Management, 27(3), 491–501.
Bjerkan, J., Valderaune, V., & Olsen, R. M. (2021). Patient Safety Through Nursing
Documentation: Barriers Identified by Healthcare Professionals and Students. Frontiers
in Computer Science, 3(1).
De Groot, K., De Veer, A. J. E., Munster, A. M., Francke, A. L., & Paans, W. (2022). Nursing
documentation and its relationship with perceived nursing workload: a mixed-methods
study among community nurses. BMC Nursing, 21(1).

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