Research Proposal Guidelines


1. Introduction (Approximately 400 words)

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– Research Background: Identify current social phenomena or issues.

– Existing Theories and Experiments: Outline prevalent theories and experimental evidence explaining these phenomena.

– Limitations in Current Academic Explanations: Highlight deficiencies in current academic interpretations and underscore the significance of the proposed research.

– Research Questions/Objectives: Clearly state the research questions or objectives.

2. Literature Review (Approximately 400 words)

– Theoretical Framework & Empirical Evidence: Discuss the theoretical framework and practical evidence.

– Similar Approaches/Research Methods/Study Objects: Identify related studies with similar approaches, methods, or study objects.

– Inspiration and Comparison: Analyze the inspiration drawn from these studies and distinguish similarities and differences.

– Propose Your Argument/Hypothesis: Present your own argument or hypothesis derived from the literature review.

– Logical Writing Approach for Literature Review:

– Follow the developmental context of research in a particular field.

– Organize content based on logically connected themes.

– Arrange studies according to different types of research methods.

3. Research Methods (Approximately 400 words)

– Study Objects: Specify the source of data (individuals, platforms), whether primary or secondary data, data volume, and the criteria for selecting study objects.

– Data Collection Methods: Describe the tools and methods for data collection (surveys, interviews, web scraping, databases, etc.).

– Data Collection Process: Detail the steps involved in data collection.

– Data Analysis: Explain the tools, methods, and processes for data analysis.

– Ethical Considerations: If the research involves direct contact with people or animals, address ethical considerations such as anonymous surveying, privacy protection, and prevention of physical and psychological harm to participants.

4. References

– Cite all referenced literature.

1. I am currently researching the establishment of a platform for recycling used tires to help improve the efficiency of tire recycling and contribute to environmental protection. The platform, which makes money by connecting manufacturers of used tires with companies that recycle them, will be supported by the government, which means sponsorship. The study focused on the used tire recycling market in the United States.

2. I want to identify the barriers to the recycling of used tires, such as why there are so many used tires, but the efficiency of recycling is not high.

3. To help readers understand how used tires are recycled and how recycling used tires contributes to environmental protection.