Research Project IRB form


First complete the purpose statement and questions then the IRB form.

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Research Project IRB form
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With IRB form include the survey and informed consent document. I recommend including the informed consent as the first question on the digital survey so that they have to choose agree or disagree before moving onto the actual questions

Research topic is How do college students perceive the role and effectiveness of police officers?

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Project Description Form for Research with Human Participants
Instructions for Experimenters: Please fill out the information at the top of this page, and on the following
pages. Attach all materials to be used in the study, including consent forms, letters to parents,
questionnaires, debriefing protocols, and any other materials. You will not receive approval unless these
are attached. Please submit this form at least 14 days before you hope to begin your study involving
human participants. You may NOT begin collecting data until you have received approval.
1. Title of Experiment:
2. Date Submitted:
3. Signature of Student Experimenter:
4. Signature of Faculty Advisor or Instructor:
5. E-MAIL address of person to receive correspondence:
6. Purpose of Project:
7. a. Anticipated maximum length of testing session:
b. Anticipated dates and duration of experiment:
8. Population you intend to work with:
Any specifications (e.g., only females)?
Other population used?
What is your rationale for using this population and how will you recruit participants?
Estimated number of participants needed:
9. General Statement of Research Question:
IRB Committee
10. Description of Procedures. (List measures used, and what you will ask participants to do). Note
whether you are using special measures needing separate approval.
11. Who will actually work with participants while carrying out the study?
12. Is any deception involved?
YES _____
NO _____
a. If yes, describe the deception.
b. What alternatives to deception have been considered?
c. Explain when and how participants will be debriefed.
13. Are there any physical or psychological risks to participants? If so, describe them in detail.
Explain what steps will be taken to minimize these risks?
14. What are the benefits of participation in this study?
15. If your study involves measures which may identify people who are at psychological or physical
risk, will you convey feedback to them (e.g., if scores on a Depression inventory are cause for
concern)? How will you give feedback?
IRB Committee
16. Attach protocol for obtaining your written Informed Consent form(s). If you cannot obtain written
consent, please explain why.
17. Are there any characteristics of your sample that limit ability to give informed consent (e.g.,
children or developmentally disabled)? If so, how will you obtain consent and what additional
precautions will you take to protect participants’ rights? (Attach forms and protocols).
18. How will confidentiality (or anonymity) of participants’ identity and data be maintained?
IRB Committee

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