Research Hypotheses, or Questions with Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement


Please answer the following questions:List three research questions (if qualitative research) that your data analysis would seek to answer OR three hypotheses (if quantitative research) that your data analysis would test. (Remember that hypotheses are testable statements about the key concepts in your proposed research topic and their relationship. (For example, my proposed research project seeks to explain the impacts that income has on academic performance. The key concepts are income and academic success, with a hypothesis that increases in income increase academic success.) For research questions, provide hypotheses of what you would expect to find in responses to your questions.Provide nominal (in words) and operational (how you will measure) definitions of the key concepts in your research hypotheses/questions. (For example, income will be nominally defined as the annual amount of money a person receives, while academic performance will be nominally defined as results in college courses. Income will be operationalized by asking participants to report how much money they reported on their prior year’s federal tax return, while academic performance will be operationalized as self-reported grade point average upon graduation from college, or at the time of response). Identify which of these concepts (what are now variables) is the dependent variable and which is the independent variable(s).Identify the level of measurement for each of the variables.

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Research Hypotheses, or Questions with Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement
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