RES500-CR4-Final research


Due 17 November 2023

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RES500-CR4-Final research
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Title: RES500-Critical Thinking

Assignment Type: Final research

Firstly, In Assignment 1, I chose a research topic, created research questions, and drafted answers to those questions. (Attached for reference)
Secondly, In Assignment 2, I conducted a Literature Review where I explored and reviewed 15 previous research papers related to my current semester’s research topic. Out of these, at least 5 papers were from the last 5 years. The purpose was to understand the existing research landscape, identify gaps, and avoid duplicating well-known results. (Attached for reference)
In Assignment 3, I was tasked with crafting a questionnaire incorporating various question types aligned with the principles covered in the data collection techniques and measurement questions and instruments course. I developed a distinctive questionnaire encompassing all studied question types, including Dichotomous (Yes/No), Multichotomous (MCQ), Checklist, Ranking & Rating Scale, as well as Open-ended questions. The questionnaire comprised a minimum of 25 questions, specifying the question type, ensuring a logical sequence, and adhering to the ideal format and basic guidelines. (Attached for reference)
In This Assessment 4: This is my final assignment for which a sample format is provided in the blackboard (Week 10 course materials) (already included in this document). (Attached for reference)
I must submit the proposal as per the given sample format. Adherence to the format is necessary.
This final research proposal must contain all the stages and processes involved in a typical research proposal.
I must provide a detailed data collection plan (assumed), sampling design (assumed) as well as a proposed data analysis plan.
Improvisation from my end will earn extra points.
This is the most important assignment in this course.


Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook along with few scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Use The University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
Submit your findings in a 3–4-page document, excluding the title page, abstract and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements, in the Assignment Dropbox.
It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check (available under Information folder on your Blackboard) prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is NOT tolerated. All assignments will be auto checked for plagiarism. If you are found to have more than 25% similarity with previous work, you will be graded zero in your assignment. Repeating such offense could result in your termination. Review the grading rubric (Attached) to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


Assignment (1, 2, and 3) compined.
Assignment 4 sample format.
Rubic Document.

I hope this clarifies the requirements for Assignment 4. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

‫المملكة العربية‬
‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الجامعة السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Critical Thinking Assignment 1
Course Name: Academic Writing
and Research Skills
Student’s Name: Abdullah Ahmed
Course Code: RES-500
Student’s ID Number: G230000567
Semester: 1st Semester
CRN: 13792
Academic Year: 2023-24/1445-1446H
Term: 1st Term
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Mir S Satar
Students’ Grade:
/ 80
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
✓ This assignment is an individual assignment.
✓ Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from
the textbook along with few scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
✓ Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style
guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
✓ Submit your findings in a 3–4-page document, excluding the title page, abstract
and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content
requirements, in the Assignment Dropbox.
✓ It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin
Originality Check (available under Information folder on your Blackboard) prior to
submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an
assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check –
Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
An Overview about Assignment submission Time & grades:
Type of Assignment
Posting Date
Due date
Critical thinking
Week 2
End of Week 3
* Grace Period: with accepted excuse (accepted by instructor) with deduction of 10% for late submission
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
Module 2
Assignment-I: Topic selection & research questions (80 points)
A topic of research should be chosen. It can be either a research paper or a startup concept.
Once the topic is finalized, the research questions (based on which objectives of the study will
be formed) must be developed (not more than three). Each selection must be discussed in detail
with logic and rationale. Reasons for the topic should be discussed first followed by discussion
on selection of each of the research questions.
Topic: Examining The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare Quality and
Accessibility in Public/Private Hospitals In KSA
Examining the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in healthcare quality and
accessibility in public and private hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) holds
significant importance and relevance in the current healthcare landscape. There are several
persuasive reasons why this research topic was selected. First, a country’s infrastructure must
include a strong healthcare system because it directly affects the health and prosperity of its
people (Kruk et al., 2018). Saudi Arabia has been making tremendous advancements in this
area to improve its expanding population’s availability and caliber of healthcare services. By
utilizing the capabilities of both sectors, the incorporation of public-private partnerships in
healthcare has the potential to revolutionize the industry. For successful legislation and
strategic planning, it is essential to comprehend how these relationships impact healthcare
Second, Saudi Arabia faces the same difficulties as many other nations in efficiently
delivering high-quality healthcare to its people. Public-private sector collaboration can provide
a solution by maximizing resource allocation, enhancing service delivery, and fostering
innovation (Suchman et al., 2018). This subject enables a thorough investigation of the ways
in which PPPs can deal with these difficulties and advance the accessibility and caliber of
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
healthcare generally. Studying the function of public-private partnerships in healthcare also fits
with the larger global trend toward collaboration in many different fields. Many countries are
adopting PPPs to improve public service delivery, ease the load on public budgets, and promote
economic growth. PPPs’ experiences and results in the Saudi Arabian healthcare system can be
examined to gain useful insights that can be applied to other areas and industries.
Finally, considering the importance of enhancing healthcare services and infrastructure,
the research topic is especially relevant to Saudi Arabia given the Vision 2030 initiative. It is
crucial to assess how the deployment of PPPs fits with the Vision’s objectives and advances
the development of a more advanced and sustainable healthcare system. Considering the impact
of public-private partnerships on healthcare quality and accessibility in Saudi Arabia’s public
and private hospitals is essential for well-informed policy development and, ultimately, for
improving healthcare services to meet the population’s changing needs.
Research Questions
The aim of the study will be realized by answering the following research questions.
1. What are the key factors influencing the effectiveness of public-private
partnerships in enhancing healthcare quality and accessibility in public and private
hospitals in KSA?
2. What are the perceptions and experiences of stakeholders, including healthcare
professionals, patients, and government representatives, regarding the impact of
public-private partnerships on healthcare quality and accessibility in KSA?
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
The Rationale for Research Questions
RQ1: What are the key factors influencing the effectiveness of public-private
partnerships in enhancing healthcare quality and accessibility in public and private
hospitals in KSA?
This research question aims to identify and evaluate the key elements supporting the
success and usefulness of public-private partnerships in the Saudi healthcare industry. It is
crucial to clarify these aspects to improve the planning and implementation of PPPs and to
guarantee the achievement of their goals, which include enhancing healthcare quality and
increasing accessibility. This line of research is motivated by the complexity of healthcare
systems and the wide range of factors that might affect partnership performance. These
components include organizational values, collaborative practices, stakeholder participation,
legislative frameworks, and financial antecedents. Through examining these concerns within
the context of this country’s environment, policymakers and stakeholders stand to acquire
important insights towards adapting PPPs to cater to the unique requirements and dynamism
inherent in the Saudi Arabian healthcare environment.
RQ2: What are the perceptions and experiences of stakeholders, including healthcare
professionals, patients, and government representatives, regarding the impact of publicprivate partnerships on healthcare quality and accessibility in KSA?
The opinions and experiences of various stakeholders involved in or impacted by
public-private partnerships in Saudi Arabia’s healthcare industry are examined in this research
question. Considering the perspectives of medical experts, patients, and government officials
is critical since their perceptions offer a comprehensive picture of the partnership dynamics
(Concannon et al., 2018). This question’s rationale is based on the ideas of inclusion and the
need to consider other viewpoints. Patients can share their experiences and thoughts on access
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
to care, healthcare professionals may shed light on operational nuances and their effects on
service delivery, and government officials can contribute policy-related viewpoints. The
combination of these perspectives will provide an in-depth understanding of the benefits and
difficulties of PPPs in healthcare.
The study intends to clarify the complexities of public-private partnerships in the Saudi
Arabian healthcare system by examining these research questions. The findings from this
research have the potential to advance academic understanding and provide political leaders,
healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders with perceptive recommendations for a radical
revamp of Saudi Arabia’s healthcare system. Promoting informed decision-making is a key
goal in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s quest to improve healthcare quality and accessibility.
This goal is especially important given the prospects of public-private partnerships.
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
Concannon, T. W., Grant, S., Welch, V., Petkovic, J., Selby, J., Crowe, S., Synnot, A., GreerSmith, R., Mayo-Wilson, E., Tambor, E., & Tugwell, P. (2018). Practical guidance for
involving stakeholders in Health Research. Journal of General Internal Medicine,
34(3), 458–463.
Kruk, M. E., Gage, A. D., Arsenault, C., Jordan, K., Leslie, H. H., Roder-DeWan, S., Adeyi,
O., Barker, P., Daelmans, B., Doubova, S. V., English, M., García-Elorrio, E.,
Guanais, F., Gureje, O., Hirschhorn, L. R., Jiang, L., Kelley, E., Lemango, E. T.,
Liljestrand, J., … Pate, M. (2018). High-quality health systems in the Sustainable
Development Goals Era: Time for a revolution. The Lancet Global Health, 6(11).
Suchman, L., Hart, E., & Montagu, D. (2018). Public–private partnerships in practice:
Collaborating to Improve Health Finance Policy in Ghana and Kenya. Health Policy
and Planning, 33(7), 777–785.
‫المملكة العربية‬
‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الجامعة السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Critical Thinking Assignment 2
Course Name: Academic Writing
and Research Skills
Student’s Name: Abdullah Ahmed AlAlyani
Course Code: RES-500
Student’s ID Number: G230000567
Semester: 1st Semester
CRN: 13792
Academic Year: 2023-24/1445-1446H
Term: 1st Term
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Mir S Satar
Students’ Grade:
/ 100
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
✓ This assignment is an individual assignment.
✓ Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from
the textbook along with few scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
✓ Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style
guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
✓ Submit your findings in a 3–4-page document, excluding the title page, abstract
and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content
requirements, in the Assignment Dropbox.
✓ It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin
Originality Check (available under Information folder on your Blackboard) prior to
submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an
assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check –
Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
An Overview about Assignment submission Time & grades:
Type of Assignment
Posting Date
Due date
Critical thinking
Week 4
End of Week 5
* Grace Period: with accepted excuse (accepted by instructor) with deduction of 10% for late submission
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
Module 4
Assignment-II: Literature Review (100 points)
Once the topic and the draft questions are finalized, various aspects related to the topic should
be explored. For this purpose, visit Saudi Digital Library website and download at least 15
research articles (at least 5 articles must be published in last 5 years) related to the topic and
research questions. Prepare the Literature review as per the sample format provided in the
blackboard (available in Week 4 course materials). The topic must be supported by quality
literature. Similarly, the individual questions (objectives), which will be converted to
hypotheses, must derive support from latest and relevant literature.
Topic: Examining the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare Quality and
Accessibility in Public/Private Hospitals In KSA
The engagement of public-private collaboration (PPP) within the healthcare realm is
increasingly recognized as a vital mechanism to enhance care accessibility and quality globally.
Addressing the growing requirements for superior, effective health services, these partnerships
leverage strengths from both governmental and private sectors. For Saudi Arabia’s strategic
development in policy-making procedures, understanding varied PPP models and frameworks
becomes crucial; their influence on care quality aspects, along with stakeholder perspectives,
needs to be considered. To provide light on PPPs’ potential to alter the KSA healthcare system
completely, this study of the literature examines some of its most important aspects.
Models and Frameworks of Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare
Different models and structures are being used for initiating PPPs within international
healthcare systems due to the sheer diversity of these setups. The widely adopted BuildOperate-Transfer (BOT) sees private entities constructing and managing health facilities
before transitioning them back into public control after a predefined time lapse. According
to Kaleel and Kareem (2019), this strategy draws private investment for infrastructure
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
development, improving healthcare accessibility and easing the strain on the government’s
finances. Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) is yet another popular strategy. PBC
places a strong emphasis on outcomes and performance indicators, rewarding private
partners who meet certain healthcare goals and targets. According to research, the PBC
model fosters effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and quality improvement, eventually
benefiting patients and the healthcare system (Patra et al., 2019).
Understanding and modifying these models are crucial in the Saudi Arabian context.
The particular sociopolitical and economic characteristics of the region should be taken
into account while applying these models. Finding the model or combination of models that
best fits KSA’s healthcare needs and objectives should be the main focus. To gain useful
insights, it is also essential to look at case studies and actual implementations of these
models inside the Saudi Arabian healthcare system.
Impact of Public-Private Partnerships on Healthcare Quality and Access
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) play a pivotal role in shaping the quality and
availability of healthcare services globally. They bridge gaps by uniting public and private
sector resources along with expertise to improve health services accessibility for various
communities. In order to ensure an effective and enriched delivery of medical care, especially
in regions such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), where strides are being made towards
amplifying their healthcare frameworks, it’s imperative that we understand how these
collaborations influence outcomes. There is clear evidence showing PPPs significantly affect
standards within patient care environments positively. As per findings shared by Suchman et
al. (2018), this intersection between sectors leads to superior service through the integration of
innovation, efficiency, and managerial capacity enabled by private entities into existing public
healthcare systems. For instance, the addition of private resources and experience frequently
leads to greater facility upkeep, the adoption of cutting-edge medical equipment, and simpler
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
administrative procedures, all of which eventually increase patient satisfaction and healthcare
PPPs also significantly impact access to healthcare. These partnerships support the
development of the healthcare infrastructure, particularly in marginalized areas, by utilizing
private sector resources and expertise (Joudyian et al., 2021). The involvement of private
enterprises in building and overseeing healthcare establishments enlarges the overall
capabilities of medical systems. This helps diminish service delivery delays while also closing
gaps in reachability. Studying relevant measures that illustrate how public-private partnerships
(PPPs) enhance quality care and availability within Saudi Arabia’s context is crucial for
research to emphasize – a region where these matters are paramountly significant. A more
profound understanding of PPPs’ efficacy here comes through evaluation metrics like patient
contentment levels, delay periods before treatment services can be given out, spatial
distribution patterns of health institutions, and wellness outcomes.
Stakeholder Perspectives and Engagement in Public-Private Partnerships
The interactive process of stakeholder engagement, wherein various groups like
healthcare workers, patients, governmental bodies, private firms, and the general public
actively contribute and collaborate, can significantly inform how effective public-private
collaborations are in the medical sector. The success of health services within Saudi Arabia or
similar contexts will hinge on their ability to adequately comprehend and factor in these
stakeholders’ views into such partnerships. Healthcare professionals are essential PPP
stakeholders since the quality and delivery of healthcare are directly impacted by their
knowledge and experience. Hernandez-Aguado and Zaragoza’s (2016) research has
demonstrated that including healthcare professionals in PPP decision-making and design
increases their dedication and excitement for partnership goals. Engaging healthcare experts
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
also makes it easier to identify particular requirements and difficulties within the healthcare
system, enabling the creation of customized PPP frameworks.
In healthcare PPPs, patients are the key stakeholders whose viewpoints are crucial,
focusing on the availability, price, and caliber of healthcare services. Research shows that a
patient-centered approach results in enhanced patient satisfaction and better health outcomes
(Bombard et al., 2018). This approach is demonstrated by including patients in the development
and evaluation of healthcare services. Their comments shed light on how well PPPs work to
fulfill the requirements and expectations of the target community. Understanding stakeholder
viewpoints and encouraging active engagement is essential in the KSA setting for adjusting
PPPs to the distinct sociocultural context and healthcare requirements of the populace.
Research should delve into strategies and mechanisms to effectively engage stakeholders,
ensuring that their diverse perspectives are incorporated into the design, implementation, and
evaluation of healthcare PPPs.
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
Bombard, Y., Baker, G. R., Orlando, E., Fancott, C., Bhatia, P., Casalino, S., Onate, K., Denis,
J.-L., & Pomey, M.-P. (2018). Engaging patients to improve quality of care: A
systematic review. Implementation Science, 13(1).
Hernandez-Aguado, I., & Zaragoza, G. A. (2016). Support of public–private partnerships in
Joudyian, N., Doshmangir, L., Mahdavi, M., Tabrizi, J. S., & Gordeev, V. S. (2021). Publicprivate partnerships in Primary Health Care: A Scoping Review. BMC Health Services
Research, 21(1).
Kaleel, T. A., & Kareem, M. (2019). Determine the factors that affecting on the applicability
of build operate transfer contracts for infrastructure in Iraq. IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science and Engineering, 518(2), 022079.
Patra, P., Kumar, U. D., Nowicki, D. R., & Randall, W. S. (2019). Effective management of
performance-based contracts for sustainment dominant systems. International Journal
of Production Economics, 208, 369–382.
Suchman, L., Hart, E., & Montagu, D. (2018). Public–private partnerships in practice:
Collaborating to Improve Health Finance Policy in Ghana and Kenya. Health Policy
and Planning, 33(7), 777–785.
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
PLEASE Ignore the outline if it is not necessary.
Topic: Assignment-II: Literature Review: Examining the Role of Public-Private Partnerships
in Healthcare Quality and Accessibility in Public/Private Hospitals In KSA
Thesis: The engagement of public-private collaboration (PPP) within the healthcare realm is
increasingly recognized as a vital mechanism to enhance care accessibility and quality
To provide light on PPPs’ potential to alter the KSA healthcare system completely, this
study of the literature examines some of its most important aspects.
The widely adopted Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) sees private entities constructing and
managing health facilities before transitioning them back into public control after a
predefined time lapse.
1. Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) is yet another popular strategy. PBC places a
strong emphasis on outcomes and performance indicators, rewarding private partners
who meet certain healthcare goals and targets.
2. Understanding and modifying these models are crucial in the Saudi Arabian context.
The particular sociopolitical and economic characteristics of the region should be taken
into account while applying these models.

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) play a pivotal role in shaping the quality and
availability of healthcare services globally.
Academic Writing and Research Skills

Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
In order to ensure an effective and enriched delivery of medical care, especially in
regions such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), where strides are being made
towards amplifying their healthcare frameworks, it’s imperative that we understand
how these collaborations influence outcomes.

For instance, the addition of private resources and experience frequently leads to
greater facility upkeep, the adoption of cutting-edge medical equipment, and simpler
administrative procedures, all of which eventually increase patient satisfaction and
healthcare outcomes.

The involvement of private enterprises in building and overseeing healthcare
establishments enlarges the overall capabilities of medical systems.

A more profound understanding of PPPs’ efficacy here comes through evaluation
metrics like patient contentment levels, delay periods before treatment services can be
given out, spatial distribution patterns of health institutions, and wellness outcomes.

The success of health services within Saudi Arabia or similar contexts will hinge on
their ability to adequately comprehend and factor in these stakeholders’ views into such

Hernandez-Aguado and Zaragoza’s (2016) research has demonstrated that including
healthcare professionals in PPP decision-making and design increases their dedication
and excitement for partnership goals.

In healthcare PPPs, patients are the key stakeholders whose viewpoints are crucial,
focusing on the availability, price, and caliber of healthcare services. Research shows
that a patient-centered approach results in enhanced patient satisfaction and better
health outcomes.
Academic Writing and Research Skills

Assignment 2 (Critical Thinking)
Understanding stakeholder viewpoints and encouraging active engagement is essential
in the KSA setting for adjusting PPPs to the distinct sociocultural context and
healthcare requirements of the populace.
Research should delve into strategies and mechanisms to effectively engage stakeholders,
ensuring that their diverse perspectives are incorporated into the design,
implementation, and evaluation of healthcare PPPs.
Mentioned above.
‫المملكة العربية‬
‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الجامعة السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Critical Thinking Assignment 1
Course Name: Academic Writing
and Research Skills
Student’s Name: Abdullah Ahmed
Course Code: RES-500
Student’s ID Number: G230000567
Semester: 1st Semester
CRN: 13792
Academic Year: 2023-24/1445-1446H
Term: 1st Term
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Mir S Satar
Students’ Grade:
/ 80
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
✓ This assignment is an individual assignment.
✓ Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from
the textbook along with few scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
✓ Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style
guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
✓ Submit your findings in a 3–4-page document, excluding the title page, abstract
and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content
requirements, in the Assignment Dropbox.
✓ It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin
Originality Check (available under Information folder on your Blackboard) prior to
submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an
assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check –
Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
An Overview about Assignment submission Time & grades:
Type of Assignment
Posting Date
Due date
Critical thinking
Week 2
End of Week 3
* Grace Period: with accepted excuse (accepted by instructor) with deduction of 10% for late submission
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
Module 2
Assignment-I: Topic selection & research questions (80 points)
A topic of research should be chosen. It can be either a research paper or a startup concept.
Once the topic is finalized, the research questions (based on which objectives of the study will
be formed) must be developed (not more than three). Each selection must be discussed in detail
with logic and rationale. Reasons for the topic should be discussed first followed by discussion
on selection of each of the research questions.
Topic: Examining The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare Quality and
Accessibility in Public/Private Hospitals In KSA
Examining the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in healthcare quality and
accessibility in public and private hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) holds
significant importance and relevance in the current healthcare landscape. There are several
persuasive reasons why this research topic was selected. First, a country’s infrastructure must
include a strong healthcare system because it directly affects the health and prosperity of its
people (Kruk et al., 2018). Saudi Arabia has been making tremendous advancements in this
area to improve its expanding population’s availability and caliber of healthcare services. By
utilizing the capabilities of both sectors, the incorporation of public-private partnerships in
healthcare has the potential to revolutionize the industry. For successful legislation and
strategic planning, it is essential to comprehend how these relationships impact healthcare
Second, Saudi Arabia faces the same difficulties as many other nations in efficiently
delivering high-quality healthcare to its people. Public-private sector collaboration can provide
a solution by maximizing resource allocation, enhancing service delivery, and fostering
innovation (Suchman et al., 2018). This subject enables a thorough investigation of the ways
in which PPPs can deal with these difficulties and advance the accessibility and caliber of
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
healthcare generally. Studying the function of public-private partnerships in healthcare also fits
with the larger global trend toward collaboration in many different fields. Many countries are
adopting PPPs to improve public service delivery, ease the load on public budgets, and promote
economic growth. PPPs’ experiences and results in the Saudi Arabian healthcare system can be
examined to gain useful insights that can be applied to other areas and industries.
Finally, considering the importance of enhancing healthcare services and infrastructure,
the research topic is especially relevant to Saudi Arabia given the Vision 2030 initiative. It is
crucial to assess how the deployment of PPPs fits with the Vision’s objectives and advances
the development of a more advanced and sustainable healthcare system. Considering the impact
of public-private partnerships on healthcare quality and accessibility in Saudi Arabia’s public
and private hospitals is essential for well-informed policy development and, ultimately, for
improving healthcare services to meet the population’s changing needs.
Research Questions
The aim of the study will be realized by answering the following research questions.
1. What are the key factors influencing the effectiveness of public-private
partnerships in enhancing healthcare quality and accessibility in public and private
hospitals in KSA?
2. What are the perceptions and experiences of stakeholders, including healthcare
professionals, patients, and government representatives, regarding the impact of
public-private partnerships on healthcare quality and accessibility in KSA?
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
The Rationale for Research Questions
RQ1: What are the key factors influencing the effectiveness of public-private
partnerships in enhancing healthcare quality and accessibility in public and private
hospitals in KSA?
This research question aims to identify and evaluate the key elements supporting the
success and usefulness of public-private partnerships in the Saudi healthcare industry. It is
crucial to clarify these aspects to improve the planning and implementation of PPPs and to
guarantee the achievement of their goals, which include enhancing healthcare quality and
increasing accessibility. This line of research is motivated by the complexity of healthcare
systems and the wide range of factors that might affect partnership performance. These
components include organizational values, collaborative practices, stakeholder participation,
legislative frameworks, and financial antecedents. Through examining these concerns within
the context of this country’s environment, policymakers and stakeholders stand to acquire
important insights towards adapting PPPs to cater to the unique requirements and dynamism
inherent in the Saudi Arabian healthcare environment.
RQ2: What are the perceptions and experiences of stakeholders, including healthcare
professionals, patients, and government representatives, regarding the impact of publicprivate partnerships on healthcare quality and accessibility in KSA?
The opinions and experiences of various stakeholders involved in or impacted by
public-private partnerships in Saudi Arabia’s healthcare industry are examined in this research
question. Considering the perspectives of medical experts, patients, and government officials
is critical since their perceptions offer a comprehensive picture of the partnership dynamics
(Concannon et al., 2018). This question’s rationale is based on the ideas of inclusion and the
need to consider other viewpoints. Patients can share their experiences and thoughts on access
Academic Writing and Research Skills
Assignment 1 (Critical Thinking)
to care, healthcare professionals may shed light on operational nuances and their effects on
service delivery, and government officials can contribute policy-related viewpoints. The
combination of these perspectives will provide an in-depth understanding of the benefits and
difficulties of PPPs in healthcare.
The study intends to clarify the complexities of public-private partnerships in the Saudi
Arabian healthcare system by examining these research questions. The findings from this