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A common problem when buying a new computer is that there are so many options that a potential buyer becomes confused as to what they need and what best suits their budget. Customers are faced with myriad CPU speeds and differences between Intel and AMD processors, screen sizes and high-end video cards, memory and operating systems, the number of choices can be overwhelming. It is also important to remember, that one person’s needs and budget may not be the same as ours, so we have to keep this in mind when picking the right computer.

Now that you have taken at least one Information Technology class (this one), you may have friends and family consider you the ‘expert’ on all things technology. Some may contact you to recommend a computer, whether they need a desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or gaming unit.

Use this forum to address three of the following questions when recommending a new computer to your friend:

Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone?
What are their budget constraints?
What are the primary uses for this computer (mail, web browsing, programming, games, etc.)?
What software do they intend on using on the computer?
Do they play games? If so, what type of games?
Do they tend to have a lot of programs running at the same time, or do they close every program when you are done using it?
Do they store a lot of pictures or music on the computer?
Will they be overclocking?
Will the computer be used for online shopping/shipment/prices/banking?
How many monitors are they planning to use?
Do they need peripherals? OS?
Any particular reason why they are upgrading?

For each of the three questions you choose, explain the relevance to the computers you will recommend. For instance, whether or not the user plays games is relevant to the graphics card and monitor quality.

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1. Taking the Information Technology class has really expanded my knowledge of
the components that make up a computer. If friends and family were to inquire
about computers, there are questions that they should be asked before
purchasing one. First question is, which computer systems would better fit their
lifestyle: laptop, desktop, or smartphone? If they live a more faster pace lifestyle,
always on the go, they might be more geared towards a portable computer
system like the laptop or smartphone. When deciding on the computer systems,
they should take into account that a laptop may depend on a Wi-Fi connection,
which may not always be available depending on where they are at. Smart
phones may connect to the internet via cell technology or Wi-Fi.
Secondly, I would ask what the primary use would be for the computer system in
which they are trying to acquire. It is important to know the primary use because it
will help us gauge the price range of a computer. For example, if we are looking at
laptops for just surfing the internet or checking emails, we should be staying in the
less than $250 range. If we are wanting a laptop to play intensive games, we might
want to look into at least $1500+ price range due to its processing programs.
Knowing what we are using the computer systems for can save us a substantial
amount of money and could prevent unnecessary damages.
Lastly, what software do they intend on using on the computer. Compared to
hardware, which is the physical components of the computer, software is the
instructions stored and ran by the hardware. Think of it as the central nervous
system of the computer. Computers can have different types of software. For
example, we have calculators, google chrome, and some computers have DVD
players. Depending on what the computer is used for, such as video editing, there is
a software for that.
To sum everything up, when looking into computer systems, there are many
considerations we should take. A few I covered are what types we can look into,
what these systems are going to be used for, and what software applications are we
intending on using.
Bourgeois, D., Mortati, J., Smith, J., Wang, S. (2019, August 1). Information Systems for
Business and Beyond. Information Systems for Business and Beyond (
Carey, G. (2023, June 27). What Kind of Laptop Do You Need? 6 Things to
Consider. What Kind of Laptop Do You Need? 6 Things to Consider (
2. Now that I am considered an expert, the first leading question I would
ask if someone were to ask me for advice would be what the primary
uses will be for this computer. There are multiple uses for a computer
and that will drive the following questions to find the best fit for
them. For this recommendation, the individual is a full-time student
and is working as a laser engraver. The computer will need to support
plenty of data storage, have speed and the capacity to run several
programs at once.
The follow up question is what processor they intend to use on the
computer since the person will be utilizing the computer for schoolwork
along with a laser engraver. The fastest current processors include an
Intel i7 at 4.2 GHz or the slightly slower AMD Ryzen 7-1700 3.8 GHz.
(Spence) Therefore, when considering a computer, it would be a
requirement to have Intel i7.
I would also ask how many programs they intend to run at the same time
or if they would close every program when they are done using it. The
computer can run slow if they have multiple programs open if they do
not pick the best computer for multitasking. From experience with laser
engraving, I used an application that would allow me to edit the work
that would be transferred over to another program that sends the work
to the machine. I also would have several websites opened to find the
imaging required for the request. After consideration, the best
computer I would recommend is the Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 due to
the fast intel i7 processor for multi-tasking, 512 GB storage, and long
battery life.
Davis, M. (2023, August 31). Best laptops for multitasking. FindThisBest.
Laura. (2023, December 15). Best CPU Processors.
Spence, J. S. (n.d.). Is your equipment holding you back.
Streams, K. (2024, January 18). The best laptops for college students.
Wirecutter: Reviews for the Real World.
3. If I were to be asked about recommendations for a computer, I
would ask the following questions. questions
Any particular reason why they are upgrading?
This question is crucial to understanding the specific needs or issues any
person is trying to address when looking for a new computer. For
example, are they upgrading for better performance, newer software
requirements, or because their current systems are outdated or
malfunctioning? Sometimes when getting into this discussion you will
figure out maybe you don’t need a new computer, or that maybe you
only need to update one aspect of the hardware or software. Knowing
the reason behind the upgrade helps in recommending computers that
fulfill those needs.
What are their budget constraints?
Knowing the budget constraints is essential for narrowing down the
options. With the way the world is and the cost of computer parts or
units these days, the budget can be a huge factor. Different computers
come with varying price points, and having a clear budget will allow for
me the “expert” to recommend systems or parts that are not only
suitable for their needs but also align with their budgets.
What are the primary uses for this computer (mail, web browsing,
programming, games, etc.)?
Understanding the primary use of a computer helps in giving a good
recommendation to suit their specific requirements. For instance, if they
need a computer for basic tasks like email and web browsing, a budgetfriendly option with okay specs could be sufficient for them. On the
other hand, if they’re into gaming or programming, a computer with
higher processing power and graphics capabilities may be a must have.
In the end I think these three questions are the most relevant to anyone
looking to buy or build a computer as they give me the knowledge I need
to then give good recommendations.

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