Replies to Students


Respond to at least two of your colleagues by – explaining how the leadership skills they described may impact your organization or your personal leadership, or by identifying challenges you see in applying the skills described.

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Charles Kolawole Babaoye
In my experience as a registered nurse, I’ve observed a multitude of leadership behaviors
and skills, two of which stand out for their profound impact on patient care and team
dynamics. The first key insight relates to the importance of emotional intelligence in
nursing leadership. As Drigas & Papoutsi (2018) highlight, emotional intelligence
encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and
those of others. In the hectic environment of a hospital, this skill is invaluable. I recall a
unit manager, Nurse Smith, who exemplified this. During a critical incident where a
patient’s condition rapidly deteriorated, Nurse Smith remained composed, providing
clear instructions while also empathizing with the patient’s family. Her ability to manage
emotions under pressure not only stabilized the situation but also maintained team
Another key insight is the role of effective communication in leadership, as posited by
Görgens-Ekermans & Roux (2021). Effective communication is not just about relaying
information; it’s about ensuring understanding and fostering an environment of open
dialogue. I observed this during interdisciplinary rounds where Nurse Smith encouraged
team members to voice concerns and ask questions. This approach not only facilitated
better patient care but also promoted a learning environment, as each team member felt
valued and heard.
The effectiveness of these skills was evident in the improved patient outcomes and the
high level of team engagement. Nurse Smith’s emotional intelligence allowed her to
quickly assess and respond to the needs of her team and patients, creating a supportive
and efficient work environment. Furthermore, her emphasis on communication ensured
that all team members were informed and involved in patient care decisions, leading to
more comprehensive and coordinated care. These observations align with the findings of
Chan et al. (2023), who assert that strong leadership skills in nursing significantly
contribute to better patient outcomes and workplace satisfaction.
In conclusion, witnessing these leadership behaviors in practice has reinforced my belief
in the critical role of emotional intelligence and effective communication in nursing
leadership. Nurse Smith’s proficient use of these skills not only enhanced patient care
but also fostered a positive and collaborative work environment, ultimately benefiting
both patients and healthcare providers.
Robin Zody
The healthcare industry is evolving in tandem with the rest of society, and with each
new development comes the need for capable managers to oversee the workforce.
There is no question that a company’s performance is affected by the actions of its
executives (Yang and Wei, 2018). Leadership is an exciting, motivating, and everchanging process of getting a group or organization to “win” (MindTool, n.d). It is
important for leaders to remember that every scenario calls for a unique approach. This
means taking the time to assess the situation and the person they are leading, then
tailoring their leadership style accordingly (LaureateEducation, 2014). Being a leader isn’t
for everyone and those who do have to be good at their work.
Key Insights
A transformational leader is an innovator who motivates followers to give their all over
time through adjustments in recognition and direction, while a transactional leader is
more concerned with day-to-day operations and has the abilities of a caregiver (Huber,
2017). Inspiring others, challenging their thinking, influencing others in an idealistic way,
and treating each person as an individual are all characteristics of transformational
leaders. My company’s CEO has adopted this approach to management. She is a
cooperative team player and a pleasant individual to work with. She maintains cordial
relationships with all of the staff and sees to it that their requirements are being met.
Everyone is happy since she is constantly there to guide and inspire her staff.
The transactional leader is an alternative paradigm in management that places an
emphasis on task delegation, structure, and output. According to Asamani et al. (2016),
various regions call for different types of leaders, and a transactional leader may be
necessary in certain of those sectors. This is shown, for example, by the unit manager at
my company, who places a premium on getting things done well. Even while we are not
punished in any way, he does make sure that we are rewarded when we meet his high
standards. He is kind and understands how to get things done. I can see why he is wellliked by his coworkers and really respect his skills.
Leaders are like guiding lights and must mentor their team in the workplace. They
guarantee organization efficiency and goal achievement. Effective leaders inspire, guide,
and clarify the organization’s objective. Though there are several leadership styles,
transformational and transactional are the most popular.

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