Religious Organizations/Public Policy


(Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA) (In-text citations are a must)

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Religious Organizations/Public Policy
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1. NEW Testament

Submit a 400 word essay (no more, no less). Follow these steps: a) Claim your topic. Choose one of the ten passages listed below, find the “Claim your Topic” thread in your group discussion board, and claim your topic by making a reply in that thread (do not claim your topic by creating a new thread!). It is first-come, first-served for claiming topics, and you must not repeat a topic! You are responsible for identifying which topics have been taken so you do not repeat them!
Matthew 4:12-22
Matthew 7:1-5
Matthew 10:5-15
Matthew 12:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20
Matthew 20:1-16
Mark 2:1-12
Mark 6:6-13
Mark 12:28- 34
Mark 14:3-9
Your post should include the following:
To complete this assignment, you should consult three academic resources such as commentaries, journal articles, Bible dictionaries, the deSilva text, etc. Please remember that your Study Bible notes and ministry sites/blogs do not fit into this category and cannot be used. Since this is not a formal research paper, please include brief parenthetical citations, including author and page number, e.g. (deSilva, 98), and a bibliography (Turabian style) after your essay.

(Original Content Only) (350 words) (APA) (In-text citations are a must)

2. OLD Testament

Students will be required to participate in Discussion Boards as per the Course Schedule. There will be three questions during the semester. Each initial post should be at least 350 words in length due by Wednesday, 11:59 pm;

You’ve made your way through the Pentateuch now, and have developed a sense of the story that it conveys. In this exercise, take some time to reflect on how each of the books in the Pentateuch are connected to those adjacent to it by addressing the conclusion of one book and how it relates to the following book. So, for instance, discuss the ending of Genesis (chapter 50) and the beginning to Exodus (chapter 1). You may address broader themes, but you will need to pay specific attention precisely to the chapters where the two books meet. The exercise is an attempt to get us to think about connectivity from one book the next that goes beyond simple ordering.

3. Organizations and Organizational Theory

(Original Content Only) (1000 words) (APA) (In-text citations are a must) (Biblical integration must be included) (Explain how specific biblical scriptures relate to these questions)

Text must be cited: Daft, R. L. (2021). Organization theory & design (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9780357445143.

Submit a thread in response to the following questions:

Chapter 1: Why is shared information so important in a learning organization in comparison to an efficient performance organization? Discuss how an organization’s approach to sharing information may be related to other elements of organization design such as: structure, tasks, strategy, and culture.
Chapter 1: What are some differences that one might anticipate among the expectations of stakeholder for a nonprofit organization versus a for-profit business? Do you believe nonprofit managers have to pay more attention to stakeholders than business managers?
Chapter 2: How might a company’s goals for employee development be related to its goals for innovation and change? How might a company’s goals for employee development be related to its goals for productivity? Explain the ways that these types of goals may conflict in an organization?
Chapter 2: Suppose you have been asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the police department in a medium-sized community. Where would you begin? How would you proceed? What effectiveness approach would you prefer?
Chapter 3: What types of organizational activities do you believe are most likely to be outsourced? What types are least likely?
How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?
Length and Font
Title and Header
Opening Paragraph
Additional Paragraphs
Reference List and Citations
Explain why you believe the policy instrument chosen is appropriate to solve the policy issue.

4. Global Economic Environment

(Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA) (In-text citations are a must) (Biblical integration must be included) (Explain how specific biblical scriptures relate to the question)

Text must be cited: Baye, M. R., & Prince, J. (2022). Managerial Economics and Business Strategy (10th ed.). New York, NY: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

According to Milton Friedman, “Business has only one social responsibility – to make profits (as long as it stays within the legal and moral rules of the game established by society). Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible.” Explain why you agree or disagree with such a statement.

5. (Original Content Only) (2 pages) (APA) (In-text citations are a must) (instructions of blog is attached below)

Create a document that mirrors the format/components that could be used for an individual, original professional blog. The blog must be for an audience of professional public administrators regarding one policy instrument of your choice that might be appropriate to solve the policy issue for the Final Project.

For this assignment, your professional blog format needs the following six minimum components.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

MMPA 6200/5200: Principles of Public Administration
Professional Blog Assignment Instructions
Use the format/components provided below to create a document containing the information that
could be used for an individual, original professional blog. The blog must be for an audience of
professional public administrators regarding one policy instrument of your choice that might be
appropriate to solve the policy issue for the Final Project. Explain why you believe the policy
instrument is appropriate to solve the policy issue.
Organization and Required Components for This Assignment
There are many formats for blogs, and you may view some examples of professional blogs for public
administrators in the Week 8 Learning Resources. The final product should be clean, organized, easy
to read, and with strong content and support—substance over style.
For this Assignment, your professional blog needs the following six minimum components:
1) Length and Font.
Between 600 and 2,500 words in font/s of your choice. You can expect the final blog to be
between 1–2 pages, depending on font choice and use of visual elements. Hint: Use the word
count tool in the lower-left corner of the Word document to determine word count.
2) Audience.
• You will be writing for an audience of peers and colleagues, who are presumed to be members
of a professional organization for fellow public administrators.
3) Title and Header.
• Craft an attention-grabbing title that succinctly conveys the instrument and/or the policy issue.
• Below the title, left-justified, include the date, your name, and your Walden email address.
• Use this format for the title and header section:
First Line: Catchy Title
Second Line: Date
Third Line: Your Name
Fourth Line: Your Walden email address
Just When You Thought the Formats Would Stop—Blogging About Policy Instruments
October 4, 2024
Wallace Walden
[email protected]
4) Opening Paragraph.
Hook your readers in the first sentence or two, so as not to lose them. Balance cleverness with
facts and substance. Focus on your audience.
• One technique is to highlight why this policy issue or instrument might be helpful to them.
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MMPA 6200/5200: Principles of Public Administration

Another way might be to ask a question you think they may have about this
Starting with the conclusion or take-home message may also provide a good hook.
5) Additional Paragraphs – Make it Easy for Readers to Continue.
Keep paragraphs short and scannable. Here are some techniques to consider:
• Use frequent line breaks to add white space between paragraphs.
• Include headers to create sections.
• Try using some bulleted lists.
• Block quotes can break up multiple paragraphs.
• Incorporate visual elements (not a requirement for this Assignment).
• End with a call to action.
For this Professional Blog Assignment, include the following:
• Two short paragraphs after the opening paragraph
• Line breaks between paragraphs
• At least one header
• A bulleted list or block quote (choose at least one)
• Call to action
6) Reference List and Citations.
Not all professional blogs use references and citations, but for this Assignment include at least
one credible source to support the information presented in the blog. Also be sure to include
references for any graphic material that is not your own original work. For assistance with
reference and citation formats, refer to the “APA Style: Overview” and APA Tutorial in the Week 8
Learning Resources.
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