Religion Question


The Deity of Jesus

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Students must write a term paper of (15 pages). Students will use the Turabian format with 12 font (Times
New Roman) and 1-inch margins on all sides.
• Write a Research Paper of 15 pages “Defending the Deity of Jesus Christ” using the two required
textbooks as the primary source material.
The paper should include a minimum of twelve (12) resources, including textbooks assigned in the
course. A minimum of four (4) journal articles is recommended. You may access articles at for a small fee. Galaxie is a large journal database and will supply you with many
articles for your research.
The following are the two basic books for the paper:
The student is required to read:
1. “Putting Jesus in His Place” by Bowman and Komoszewski
2. “Dethroning Jesus” by Bock and Wallace
Suggested but not required reading:
1. The Person of Christ, by G. C. Berkouwer
2. Jesus according to Scripture by Darrell Bock
3. Jesus the Messiah, by Bateman, Bock and Johnston
4. Chafer Systematic Theology, vol. 5, Christology by L. S. Chafer
5. The Virgin Birth of Christ by Machen Gresham
6. Sections IX and X of Dr. C. Ryrie’s Basic Doctrine
7. The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
8. Jesus Christ Our Lord, by Walvoord

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