Religion Question


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GMT20240112-004328 Recording
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. . Can you hear me all at all? Hello, how’s everyone doing? Doing great. Hello, how you
doing? Hello. Doing well.
Doing fantastic. Hopefully you can hear me. All right.
So in this class we have our videos on. So we can all get to see one another. Okay, let’s just
take some quick introduction.
So we get to know a little bit one another. We’ll try to get in as many people as we can. Just
tell us your name, where you’re from.
And your area of concentration in the Divinity School. And if time allows anything we can
learn about you. There’s one or three things.
Yeah, this is one of the biggest classes. Okay. All right.
Just quick introduction. Let’s get to know each other a little bit better. Okay.
Seems like Kevin is ready to go. I am. I’m Kevin Robinson from Birmingham, Alabama.
And I am in the program for chaplaincy. Welcome, Kevin. Geneva.
Hi, I’m Geneva. You can call me Jenna. I am in Richmond, Virginia, and I’m studying biblical
You want to do Hebrew, Greek? Yes. I say that now, though. We’ll see how I feel later on.
We should ask intercessors to pray for you. All right. Let’s go.
Gina, Raymond. Hi, everyone. My name is Raymond here.
I’m from Richmond, Virginia. Getting a master’s in divinity with a concentration in biblical
studies. All right.
Welcome, Raymond. Troy. Yes.
Sorry, I’ve got multiple hands there. My name is Troy Pennington. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio.
And I’m working on a master’s of theological studies with a concentration in biblical
languages. Got interested in that because I was a Hebrew linguist in the Navy. Thank you for
your service.
Thank you. Make sure you recall what the other person is saying. We should do a little bit of
quiz at the end of it.
Make sure that we are all hearing one another. Sean. I’m Sean Palmer, as my name says on
my thingy.
I am doing a master’s in spiritual formation. And I want to do kind of like a minor in online
ministry. What was the other thing? Interesting fact.
I lived in Italy for six years and just retired from the United States Army. Okay. Thank you for
your service.
You’re all doing a lot of things. Jessica, I’ll make sure I call each one of you. Hi, everyone.
My name is Jessica Franklin. I’m from North Carolina. And interesting fact is I’ve been in the
Army for 14 years and I’m majoring in a master’s of divinity with biblical studies.
You’re welcome. We are very far away. There are two Sean’s in the class.
All right. Robin Lynn. Hi, my name is Robin Irby and I’m from Greenwood, South Carolina.
And I’m in the studying in the area of discipleship. I am a licensed professional counselor
associate. So I work in the area of mental health.
Oh, you are welcome. Yeah, we need counselors in the church. Kelly, Kelly.
Yes. Kelly. Hi, guys.
I’m Kelly. I live in Jacksonville, Florida, originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I am currently
pursuing my master’s of divinity with a concentration in theological studies.
And an interesting fact about myself. I was once electrocuted. You rose from the dead.
Yeah, I did not die. I did not have to be resuscitated. All right, it’s good to know.
Kimberly. Hi, I’m Kimberly. Just say I’m from New Orleans, Louisiana, and I am a social
And now I’m majoring in apologetics, getting my master in apologetics. What happened?
Well, the place that COVID happened and the center that I worked at for 12 years shut
down. And I guess God called me to a new to something different.
And I just decided to kind of add this on with my mental health work. So. And I guess people
were asking me questions about the Bible.
And I said, I’m not really I do believe that everything that’s in the Bible is true. But I want to
be able to prove it and bring other people to to God and to Jesus. So if we get another
COVID, what are you going to do? Oh, well, that.
All right. All right. Leshawn.
The teacher here and go, well, not in Goldsboro, North Carolina, but I teach in North
Carolina. I’m getting a master’s in interdisciplinary because there are certain things that I
feel like I should learn about as far as biblical studies is concerned. And the reason why I’m
taking masters is because I was appointed children’s ministry leader or like a children’s
So I want to make sure I can break down the Bible as good as I can. So children can be led to
Christ. Yeah, you’re welcome.
I hope this class will be nourishing and rich. Jenny is some people. Is that Jenny Fowler?
Yeah, that’s me.
Hey, I’m Jenny Fowler. I am from the North Dallas area. So I live in Texas and I am getting a
master’s in spiritual formation and I’m doing that.
I loved what you just said, because I work in children’s ministry as well in Christian child
care. And so I’m getting my master’s in spiritual formation because I’m interested in the
formation of teachers and how we see their spiritual formation play out in the lives of the
children that they teach. So that’s me.
Oh. You’re welcome. I hope Texas is.
There’s a lot happening down there, isn’t it? Ana Maria. I think this is the eighth time we’re
meeting. Almost.
Good evening. How is everybody this evening? I am Ana Maria in Cormenius and I currently
live in Portsmouth, Virginia. I was born and raised in Hampton, Virginia, which is about 20,
30 minutes from where I am currently.
I am an assistant principal and at a high school in Norfolk, Virginia. This is my 24th year in
education. And I have taught on every single type of educational level you can think of,
except for Christian education.
I do it in my church, but I have not ever been at a faith based school. So I’ve done alternative
school. I’ve done elementary, middle and high school.
I’ve done juvenile corrections. I love what I do. My major is Christian education.
And I would like it’s for me. It’s not for anything else. I don’t expect to become a minister
unless that’s where God leads me.
But for me in my journey, I feel like it was necessary for me to know as much as I possibly
can about God and his word, what scripture means, how I can apply it to my life. And that’s
what’s going to lead me to a stronger relationship so that I can lead others. Justity.
If you’re hiding, I’ll call you up. No, I’m here. Good.
Good evening, everyone. Can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. My name is Chastity
Thomas and I live in Brooklyn, New York.
And I’m getting my master’s of theology with a specialty in biblical studies. And this is
something that I’m doing on my own. I’m not I don’t I don’t really know where God is
leading me yet, but he led me to this program.
So I just want to learn as much as I can about the Bible. Amen. I believe I am.
Yes. Troy, you want to talk to us? I had already introduced myself. I just left because Zoom
won’t connect to my headphones for some reason.
So I left and came back in to try to fix that. OK. All right.
Good. Thanks for being coming back, Tim. Tim, Gary.
Hi. Hi, everybody. My name is Gary Gibbs.
I’m. Pastor of a small congregation here in the Maryland area. I am a practice law for 40
Went to NYU Law School and. So I did both business law and criminal law and then teaching
and doing a lot of teaching over the years and sort of preaching to as well. I also have a
music ministry in which my call into the ministry was my I’ll say my fleece to God to to show
as evidence that he wanted me to do it was to give me a gift that I had not had before.
And that was the gift to write songs that he did that. So my I’ve been doing, like I said, a lot
of teaching and have actually just recently been asked to join a group of. Of of teachers who
do Bible study on.
The Thursday before Sunday to do the Sunday school lesson with some people who are
seminary trained. And so that’s been a great, great reward for me. And so as a as a as a
lawyer, it’s important for me to have the proof to claims and the evidence based.
Scripture. And so I’ve always been fascinated by that aspect of it. So that’s really probably
enough said.
About me. OK, yeah, you’re welcome. Very.
Yes, sir. Professor, I feel that I have so much in common with the class being a fellow
Hamptonian graduate of Hampton and I was born and raised a little south of Lafayette. So
for the folks who from Louisiana, I currently live in a little town outside of San Antonio called
And with Gary, I am a pastor of Great Western Chapel AME. And I did 27 years in the Navy.
So I feel like we all have a kindred spirit here.
So that’s enough about me, Professor. Yeah. Is that how you pronounce your name? Is that
your other name? You know, I need to change my my name on there.
Sorry, my display name. I’m Paloma Paloma Pizarro. Fun fact, I married my husband because
I needed his last name.
I’m named after Paloma Picasso and my maiden name is Gibson. So when I met my
husband, I said. I didn’t talk to you, but anyway, so no, just that’s just a funny joke we say.
But anyway, my name is I am studying right now, a master’s in church leadership. I just had
a bit of a degree change, but decided to go in that in that route to pursue the calling for
pastoral leadership, which I stepped into last year or in 2022. I’ve been a worship director
for the last four years and because of COVID and church numbers dwindling, we lost a
pastor to COVID.
So the door opened for me to be able to step in as an associate pastor. And I am. Sorry, so
anyway, so the door opened to yes, to walk in as an associate pastor.
I’m no longer at that church. That church ended up closing down also because of dwindling
numbers. But I believe that the calling is still there, even if the particular building is not.
So I’m taking this time to to study and to show myself approved of the calling that I believe
that God put on my life to continue in pastoring. And and that’s why I’m here. You’re
Thank you. I know churches are going through a lot these days. Yeah.
Joshua, you’re back. I’m back. Yeah.
My name is Joshua Henry. I am from Winter Haven, Florida. So it’s located directly between
Tampa and Orlando.
I’m getting my master’s in theological study with a concentration in Christian theology. I
work in higher education and my passion is writing and research. I have my fun fact, I guess,
is in twenty twenty one, I published my first book.
So I’m pretty excited about that and looking to. Mature and more academic writing. Yeah, I
told Joshua and Maria last semester, but there’s another student.
I just finished a class just before you from six to seven thirty. And there’s another student
that is not down with us, Joseph. You’re back.
We can’t hear you. All right. Seems like we lost any other student.
Christopher. Yes. I’m sorry.
All right. I’m Bill Sutton. Hi, I’m Bill Sutton.
Oh, yeah, Bill, you’re back. OK. Yes, I see your face, but we can actually it’s I’m sorry.
Yeah, the camera is a little off right now. I’m Bill Sutton. I’m getting my master’s in biblical
I went to Hampton University, was born in Norfolk, Virginia. And went to law school in D.C.
And I am assistant pastor at my church in South Florida. And I’m just looking forward to
studying with you all and with the professor.
And that’s about it. All right. You’re welcome.
Can anyone hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Oh, my goodness. Thank you, Lord.
I’m I’m very technologically challenged here. My name is Tim Healy. I’m a retired chef.
And while a chef, I volunteered for prison fellowship for a couple of years while I was living
in Texas. It really touched my heart. So when I retired, I decided to go to school.
I’ve got my bachelor’s degree recently at Regent and got accepted into the master’s
program. And I want to be a chaplain in either a prison or a hospice setting. So that’s my
And I’m sticking to it. Yeah, that is good. I think your camera is facing up.
No. There we go. Yeah.
Yeah. See, I’m in two different places here. That goes to show you my incompetence there.
But no. Anywhere. Yeah.
We have all been there. Yeah. Yeah.
Is someone that I think Jean has been collecting for trying to connect for a while. We haven’t
heard from Tim. OK.
All right. Yeah. Before class, it’s always good to let’s familiarize ourselves with one another,
get to know each other.
Because like from the introduction, most of us are far away. In one of the classes I had, I had
some student. One of the student was in Asia.
Another one was in Australia. So there was a little bit of challenge. Some people have to
wake up to attend class.
Sometimes it’s good to get to know one another. And some of the people that you see in
this class are going to be instrumental to you. There’s a reason why you are in this class at
such a time as this.
And so I’m a believer of the social capital. I believe God brings people in our lives for a
reason. And some other people say for a season.
And so some of the people you see, they may be very instrumental tomorrow. You never
know where our paths will meet. So briefly about me.
This semester I’m teaching. I’m a Newtix. I just had a class before this from 6 to 7.30. Biblical
I do Christian theology. I also do the New Testament at Regent University. So I have four
classes that I do teach.
Originally I am from Uganda. I arrived here on 11, 11, 11. That is when I landed in Philly.
In Philly. Then from there I decided to go to school. I did my first master’s.
I was in Virginia. I did a master’s in social work from 2013 to 2015. Like Kimberly, I decided
to run away.
I still use it. Very important. Then I went to Regent.
This fall of 2015 to the fall of 2018, 2017. I did my MD from Regent. Then I took a one week
After Christmas I decided to go back to Regent to do my doctorate. So I did my doctorate in
theology. My concentration is biblical studies.
I graduated two years ago from Regent. Since then I have been teaching at Regent. I do four
classes there.
I also have another university where I like to spend a few hours of my day. Also mostly
biblical studies is my area of emphasis. I will be driving this yellow bus.
But we are all going to learn from one another. I am currently based outside of D.C. Silver
Spring. We have a new church plant.
Back in Virginia and here. I go back and forth here. It is an opportunity and a privilege to
guide us in this class.
I see some familiar faces from last semester. I think Joshua and Ana Maria. Some of you will
get to meet.
Especially if you are just getting into the program. God willing if you get into the Ph.D. I will
also be able to supervise some of your papers. My dissertation was on the shepherd motif in
1 Peter 5 verses 1-4.
I was looking at Peter. The girl was looking at what makes Peter a shepherd. I was trying to
bring a new perspective.
To show that Peter was also a shepherd. Let’s take a moment and look through the goal of
this class. We want to review the syllabus.
To make sure that all of us are on the same page. Share some tips on how we can excel. My
goal in this class is to be your ally.
Hold your right hand. We begin together. The goal is for us to finish together.
In this class we don’t fail. In this class we all excel. We shall all learn from one another.
We shall all learn from one another. Back home we have a saying. Two hands wash each
The Bible says it better. Iron sharpens iron. We are going to sharpen each other.
Learning never stops. I’m never afraid to be a sophomore. I always like to go back again and
learn from one another.
Let’s review the syllabus a little bit. It is very critical so that we are on the same page. You
only have 8 weeks.
It is going to go pretty fast. I think previously this class was 15 weeks. But the region
condensed it into 8 weeks.
What would have taken us 15, we are trying to do it in 8 weeks. That means it is rigorous
and vigorous. It is going to demand a lot of your attention.
Some of us are going to sacrifice a few things for a moment. But at the end of it, it is going
to pay off. Where the syllabus is with us is the Old Testament.
There are basically five assignments in the class. You already did the syllabus. There is a
syllabus quiz.
The first one, there are four questions. The quiz that you did, they asked you four questions
only. It was open book.
Most of you have done that. Then the Zoom meetings. The Zoom meetings, we are going to
meet four times every other week.
I have kept this class the same time from 7.45 to 9. This class is important. One of the
reasons why is the Zoom. If you miss the class, then you have to write a summary.
Of what was discussed in the Zoom meeting. That is part of your grade. That is to me a
wastage of time.
Remember, you only have eight weeks. You want to shoot through and not have anything
take you back. Writing those years, you are going to write 250 words.
That is time you could have spent doing something else. We would rather meet together
and get that out of the way. Other than going back and trying to figure out what was taught.
Otherwise, we just end up spinning the wheel. We don’t move forward. You have eight
You have one big paper that is going to come.
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GMT20240111-230713 Recording
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So I’ve just read to us Luke 1 verses 1 to 4, and where Luke tells us with how much care he
went about to write down the things that happened, how he listened to eyewitnesses. And
dear friends, you know what is unique about the four Gospels that we have in the canon?
We have apocryphal Gospels, like the Gospel of Thomas and etc. But unique about the
Gospels that we have in our New Testament is they were all written within the first
They were all written while the eyewitnesses were still alive. And so those who have seen
Jesus, who have seen the things that happened, they could guarantee the truth and the
reliability of these Gospels. And so let us pray and ask the Lord to be with us.
Lord, I thank you for every one of the precious students that you have brought here at this
session. Lord, I pray that you will open the eyes of our mind, the eyes of our hearts to your
word. Pray for every student that you will bless them and their families.
And now I pray be with us in this hour. Protect us from the evil one in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen, dear friends. Welcome again. And just one moment.
I just want to close the front door here. I’ll be with you in a second. Hello, very good, dear
May I just ask if you are not speaking, if you could just mute your microphone. And because
we have quite a number of people here tonight, 26, that’s lovely. And so just mute your
And then when you speak, you can just unmute it. So, dear friends, I look forward to this
semester. We are going to have a wonderful, wonderful time together.
And I really look forward to this session here together. Now, we have a lovely handbook
that we are using by De Silva, an introduction to the New Testament. And so this week, we
largely we dealt with the environment of early Christianity.
And I want to talk about that. I prepared a lecture for you about that tonight. And very
interesting, very well written.
And the next week we do have the four Gospels and one Jesus. So, that is amazing how we
can see how the four Gospels are four portraits of the same Jesus, of the same person. It’s
like they’re a little bit different from each other, but they don’t contradict each other.
A good example is, and that is so amazing. Say, for example, I go outside, let’s say outside of
the campus of Regent University. And there’s a car accident.
And a number of people I’ve seen what happened and they talked to the police. So, one may
be a professor. Another one may be someone with a medical background.
Another one may be a mechanic. And so, when they talk to the police officer, they will
emphasize different aspects. So, the mechanic may emphasize what happened to the car,
what he saw, maybe the brakes malfunctioned.
A person with medical background may describe the injuries. And so, you can see, you have
different accounts. They are all not exactly the same, but they are not contradictory.
And that is what we find in the Gospels. So, this week and next week, I think it will be just a
wonderful time. So, I think I want to, we are going to have, I believe, four sessions.
That’s lovely. And let me ask you, are there any questions at this stage? I’ll give you a chance
so that you can talk to me every time. So, go ahead if you have any questions.
I have a quick question if that’s okay. So, this is Stephanie. So, on the syllabus, it talks about
the timeline.
And I didn’t know, there is multiple dates that De Silva mentions. I didn’t know if the only
thing you wanted on the timeline is the books of the New Testament, or if you wanted other
events that happen in the New Testament. No, no, the timeline, just the books.
Okay. Just the books, yes. And so, is that clear to you guys how that will work, the timeline?
I have a question.
Please, go ahead, Tanner. I’m still waiting for my textbook to come in the mail. Yes.
I wasn’t able to start the timeline yet. Will that make me fall behind? No, no, no, not at all.
No, you have plenty of time.
No problem at all. So, we have time. I have a question.
Yes, go ahead, please. Okay. Can you please expand a little bit on this timeline? The
Okay, good. Let me, I’m going to share my screen. And then we are going to look at the
website, at Canvas.
So, I’m going to do that right now. Share screen. And here, let me just see what I’m going to
do here.
Let’s do this. There. Now, let me just see here.
I just want to get to Canvas quickly. Okay. Can you see my screen? Yes, sir.
With Canvas? Yeah, we can see. Okay, good. Very good.
So, let us look. So, here is week one. Here’s the overview.
Discuss the New Testament as a pastoral response. Engage the essential landmarks in the
environment in early Christianity. So, the environment of early Christianity.
Understand the cultural and social world of early church. And then these concepts that are
mentioned here. Let me just see what I can do here.
And then. So, our study is the first chapters. And students will create a timeline of the New
Testament during the reading for this course.
This will be submitted during week eight. So, at the end of this session. Although the
timeline will be submitted in week eight, you will need to start on this during week one.
And it will be easiest to keep this updated as you read. The timeline needs to have an entry
for each book of the New Testament, giving its entry point for possible dating as the silver
places it. Scholars identify various thoughts on dating, but for this assignment, place the
books on the timeline where the silver states they would work.
Please use a PowerPoint timeline template. So, there are, and she gives some examples
here. So, in PowerPoint, and here is an example of a template that you can download.
Can you see the difference? PowerPoint timeline one. You can download that and then use
it as a template. And so, you can write in.
So, the first book will be, so, these are different things have been written a year. But that’s
just, you’re just interested in the timeline. And so, the first book of the New Testament,
Mark, well, that’s the first gospel.
Some of Pauline’s letters were written probably earlier than Mark. But you just write in the
year in there, where it says now 20, why, why, but you’re going to just use this as a timeline.
And then just an idea from your readings in the handbook, when they were written.
And you’d use this template, just as a template, just as a sort of a schedule. And then you
can, you can write it down. And as we go through the New Testament, you fill in the books
and submit it in week eight.
So, how does that sound to you, dear friends? Does that make sense? So, I just want to
make sure, have I answered your questions? Yes, sir. Okay, it’s easy. Thank you.
There’s no big, nothing big. Yeah, this is really easy. So, dear friends, I want to talk to you
Let me just ask, are there any other questions? I think everything is good. You have, dear
friends, this is a good, I think. I have a question.
Yeah, go ahead. Um, is everybody been assigned a group? Because I already received mine.
Has anyone, have you, I think does this automatically.
So, you should be assigned to a group. Okay. And I am learning with you.
So, we are all new to Canvas. And I’m not quite sure about how the groups actually work in
Canvas. Can someone inform me? Have you seen whether you’re in the group or not? Yes,
I’ve been assigned a group and already started my assignment for the group.
Okay, good, good. So, what is the group assignment? Because this is the, I didn’t put this
course together. Dr. Carrie Wood did.
And they’ve just asked me to teach you this. So, I’m learning with you guys. So, what is the
first assignment for the group? To write an essay.
To write an essay, we had to be assigned with group, with week two. Next week, we have to
have a, we’re assigned to a group and we write the essay. And then we put it, post it.
And we should have at least two persons we, um, I don’t, I forgot the name. Oh, that is the
discussion board. The discussion board.
I’m sorry. Here I see the discussion board in week two. Very good.
Yes, here we can see, and I’m clicking on the discussion boards here. And there are the
groups also. Yes, that’s great.
And you all should be part of a group. That’s automatically done by Canvas. So, we’ll do that
next week.
Don’t see me assigned to a group? I beg your pardon? Ralph, go ahead. Ralph, you should be
part of one of these groups. And you should see in which group you are.
Should be able to see in which group you are. I think I might be able to clear up that
question. The issue is there’s only 10, there’s only 10 verses or sections of Bible verses.
There’s only 10 to choose from. Everyone is supposed to choose a topic. One of those, um,
one of those verses.
And then you, you claim that topic and you can’t duplicate it. No two people can do the
same. And there’s only 10 topics.
So, each, there’s more than 10 people in the class, obviously. So, I’m assuming that I would
not be able to see this if I weren’t in this group. Is that, is that the idea here? Well, let me
read this.
The students will be required to participate in a discussion board and that is separate the
400 to 500 word essay. Claim your topic. Choose one of the 10 passages.
Find the claim your topic thread in your group discussion board and claim your topic by
making a reply in that thread. Do not claim your topic by creating a new thread. It is the first
come first served for claiming topics and you must not repeat.
You’re responsible for identifying which topics have been taken. So, you go into your group.
Well, that’s not showing in ours. I see what you’re seeing. Um, all the different groups, but
ours just like mine just shows the assignment.
It doesn’t show that I’m in a particular group. Okay. Then probably you are automatically in
a group.
Yeah, me too. Me too. I don’t see that I’m in any group.
Yeah, I don’t see that. You just go ahead. You just go ahead and do the assignment.
And I think you are automatically in a group. So, okay. So, then my other question about
that is that when you pick the, it says don’t create a new thread, but basically in order to
claim your topic, you’re having to reply to the assignment, which creates a thread.
So, I mean, I’m claiming the topic, but I haven’t done the work yet. So, do I just reply to
myself once I get the discussion post done or do I do it? No. You see what I’m saying? I see
what you are saying.
Dear friends, I, here is the thing. I am not exactly sure how the discussion board works in
Canvas because this is the first time I do it, but you can do it anyway you want to. You can
claim a new thread.
The important thing is just that you choose one of these passages. If all of them have
already been taken, it doesn’t matter. You can, you can repeat.
So, I’m not teaching the course, so I’m making the rules. So, you can repeat. And then you
write your 400 to 500 essay.
And then it says here how identify the keywords, identify the author’s message, and so on.
Now the passage can be applied, etc. You should consult.
So, I would love you, dear friends, to consult commentaries. We have great commentaries
on the books of the Bible. I am going to post a list of commentaries for just to help you.
I have a list that I will post for you. And you can go online in the ATLA database. That’s one
of the databases in the library, the ATLA religion database.
And you can find journal articles or whatever may be any resources that you can find. And
so, and then post your essay by creating a new thread. Excuse me, I just want to get open
for my wife, the door.
I’ll be with you in a second. Just going to open the door for her. Is it going to save me now?
Yeah, I think what I want to say something about the submission of the essays.
I’ve been with Regan for some quite, the most important thing is for us to submit our essays
or our thread. And then we need to comment on our peers or say something like, yes, if we
have questions, we ask them and then they can come back and answer our professor. Our
professor can ask us questions about what you submitted.
Maybe they want you to clarify something. Then you go ahead and clarify it. So, I think that
is the general idea.
I think as time goes on. That’s the idea. And it’s no big thing.
It’s just 400 to 500 words. So, but you will enjoy doing this. And it says here that you post
your essay by creating a new thread under your group discussion board.
So, and you cut and paste your text. So, you basically wrote your essay in Word and then
you cut and paste, you create a new thread in your discussion board and you cut and paste
your text. And then it’s easier.
So, the topic, you say the passage and then read and respond to two of your classmates’
essays and so on. The goal is to provide a robust discussion for everyone. So, I think this will
be and then step three, classmate responses, provide one to two per response.
So, dear friends, it’s just going to be a load of fun. So, let me make it very simple for you.
You chose your passage.
You try to find one that has not been taken yet. But if it has been taken, you can take it
again. You write a short essay, 400 to 500 words.
You post it and then you respond to two other people. I will also take part in the discussion
and I think it will be perfect. Does that make sense to you? Yes.
Yes. Yeah, that is no big thing. This will be lovely.
It’ll be fun. Mm-hmm. So, in a way, we’re doing what the disciples did because each one,
like you said, had a different experience and had seen it from a different viewpoint.
Exactly. Okay. Now, you know, there are good commentaries and let me just give you a
simple hint.
If an hour, especially the newer commentaries, our library actually has eBooks,
eCommentaries, eBooks, we make it easy. You go to the website, to the internet, you
Google best commentaries on Matthew, best commentaries on Mark, and it will give you a
whole list of commentaries, just a hint. Now, I know this is just one paper.
You don’t have to go in very great depth here, but you can find a hint there of commentaries
that are available and you can use any commentaries or journal articles or whatever you
have, but that’s a good hint. Just Google. I can show you how to do it.
Let me quickly do that and you’ll see it’s very helpful. So, I am now doing this. I’m saying
here, best commentaries.
Where can I now get in there? Let me just, in any case, it’s sort of difficult for me to go in
there, but you just put in best commentaries on Matthew and it will give you a list of
commentaries and then you go to the library and see what you can find and et cetera. And
they can also, the library will also, if you tell them you want the commentary on Matthew 7,
verse 1 to 5, they will copy those pages and then email them to you from the commentary.
So, are we all ready to write? That’s only week two.
This is week one. Are we all ready to do that? Yes. Yes.
Yes. Yes. I think it’s very good.
We’re all ready. Now, dear friends, if there’s not any other, if there aren’t any other
questions, I’m glad you mentioned this, that we could look into this. I want to talk to you a
little bit about ancient, how was life in the world in which Paul lived? And I’m taking as an
example, the ancient city of Corinth.
So, let me, let me do this. I’m going to just change something here. So, can you see my
screen, the ancient city of Corinth? Yeah.
Great. What are we now goi