Reflection question on giotto and climbaue


In chapter 14, we looked at the Late Medieval period which encompasses a move, by artists and thinkers, toward what will become known as the Renaissance. In this interim period, the artists, Giotto and Cimabue, made major contributions in this shift away from the Maniera Greca, or Italio-Byzantine style, as evidenced by their artworks.For this reflection question, please answer the following by writing a response of a minimum 250 words: How did both Giotto and Cimabue challenge the standards of the established Maniera Greca style? What might have inspired these artists to incorporate these new elements?In your response, please include the following to receive full credit: Be sure to include the artists name, title of the painting and date(s), when referencing artworksFor each artist, please discuss in detail at least two ways that they challenged the standards of the Maniera GrecaFor each artist, please reference a specific and don’t forget to discuss specific visual details of these artworks

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