Recording Analysis


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Recording Analysis
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In addition to the video recording, students will report in verbatim form (actual words), the content of the entire session, identification of the types of helping skills, and gut-level feeling/response using the format below.

Guidelines for the Process Recording Analysis:

Stm #

Micro Skill

Content- Dialogue

Gut-level Feeling/Response

Open question

Closed question

Reflection of content

Reflection of feeling




Use this space to

record your interaction


Record how you were feeling as the interaction

was taking place – be as open and honest as

you can. Use this to look at your feelings

and not analyze the client’s reactions

Recording Analysis Rubric (15 points)






(5 points)

EPAS 2022 Foundation 6.1

The analysis describes none of the following: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified (0 points)

The paper describes 1 of the following: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified
(3.5 points)

The paper describes 1-2 of the following in a basic way: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified.
(4.25 points)

The paper describes all 2 of the following in an exemplary way: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified.
(5 points)

Response ID

(5 points)

EPAS 2022 Foundation 1.2

The paper describes none of the following: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified. (0 points)

The paper describes 1 of the following: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified

(3.5 point)

The paper describes 1-2 of the following in a basic way: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified (4.25 points)

The paper describes 2 of the following in an exemplary way: (1) The student responses are labeled in the margin of the transcript; (2) 90% of student responses are accurately identified

(5 points)

Gut-Level Response

(5 points)

The paper does not include a gut-level response. (0 points)

The paper describes a gut-level response less than 25-50% of the time. (3.5 points)

The paper describes a gut-level response 50-90% or more of the time. (4.25 points)

The paper describes a gut-level response 90% or more of the time. (5 points)