Reconstruction discussion


The discussion questions listed below are directly related to Module Learning Objectives (MLOs) for this Module and to Course Learning Objectives (CLOs). Discussion Question Response posts must develop an argument that answers the questions posed, relate it to the course material [lecture materials, primary sources and textbook readings] as evidence, engage with your peers’ answer and reasoning, and meet the expectations for spelling, grammar, length, and citations. All citations in history use Turabian Manual of Style, the Chicago citation quick guide for student research papers. The Author-Date citations are sufficient for discussion questions. Please be sure to use the Discussion Board Rubric as you craft your responses to the questions and to your two (2) classmates. This rubric will be used to grade your responses.Instructions:Please choose a discussion question and post your response to that question. Then respond to two (2) of your peers’ responses. Your response to the question is due on Friday, January 19 at 11:59 PM; your responses to your TWO (2) classmates’ posts are due by Monday, January 22 at 11:59 AM (NOTE: This is MORNING, BEFORE class). Please use the rubric provided as you answer the question and respond to your classmates; it will be used to grade your responses. Be sure to include proper citations to the materials, especially your textbook readings and the lecture PowerPoints, and other resources posted here that you may use. Your posts should meet minimal word counts (250-300 words to answer your question and 150-200 words to respond to your classmates). VIDEO: Historian Eric Foner on Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution (2018) [37:11]VIDEO: Eric Foner on Reconstruction, House Divided Studio (2016) [2:42]In what ways do the Reconstruction Amendments redefine citizenship and equality in the U.S.? List each Amendment in your discussion. Also, what is birthright citizenship and why is it important?The women’s movement in America began in earnest during the fight over the right to vote which pit Northern white women against African American men. Explain the issues that were present during the debates over this issue. Also, explain why the women’s movement split into two separate national organizations in part because of this fight. By what methods did southern whites seek to limit African American civil rights and liberties during Reconstruction? How did the federal government respond? How did the failure of land and labor reform lead to new forms of servitude for Black southerners during and after Reconstruction? How did Black families, churches, schools, and other institutions contribute to the development of African American culture and political activism during Reconstruction?

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